My Cell Prison

Chapter 211: Deeper lair

The catacombs are supported by a large number of round columns.

The number of corpses stacked underneath here is far more than Han Dong imagined, far more than the black hair breeding room under Ishii.

The tomb stone wall is designed as a layered precision bookshelf structure with dense skulls on it.

Skull wall like this is a sign of the catacombs, which extends almost unlimitedly, and there are so many that Han Dong cannot explain.

"No matter how much you encourage fertility.

How can I start with tourists visiting the manor.

I ca n’t possibly make so many skulls?

If you can't figure out where such a large number of corpses came from, the exploration of the manor may fall into an unexpected danger when it is advanced to the end ... Try to find out the results from this vigil work.

The source of a large number of corpses may be directly related to this cemetery "

Needless to say, the intensity of pollution in the graves is natural.

In addition to the white mist scattered between the ground, the skull skulls inlaid between the walls sometimes drill a dark green and tentacles with suction cups from their eye holes.

This kind of picture will cause pollution damage to vision.

Abel immediately put on a unique white fur coat.

The night watchman Jon deliberately looked back.

白 This white fur coat looks ordinary.

In fact, it is made of the skin of a strange monster, which is a high-quality material obtained by the church after many purifications.

Followed by the cooperation of senior tailors and seamstresses in the holy city, this fur coat can be made to resist pollution and to stimulate Aber's bestiality.

The value naturally goes without saying.

He was obviously given by the head of Kaimon.

Alas, Jon was even more shocked by another person ... it was the crow boy who inspired the mission.

Whether it is stepping into the cemetery or deep into the grave.

The young man was just wearing a crow mask and was not affected at all.

这 At this moment, under the crow's mask, an inquiry sounded: "Jon Knight, the catacombs should be an important part of the underground system of the manor?"

"You know the underground system?"

Jon is a little surprised, this is the key to this training.

It is necessary to carry out in-depth exploration to be able to speculate that there is a place underground in the manor, and the underground system constructed by the great lord Stuart spent huge manpower and materials.

Plutonium is also an important place for brewing bad results.

Han Dong nodded and replied, "Well ... a basic task we performed today is designed for underground areas.

Moreover, we have been in direct contact with a family cadre, and we can probably speculate that the entire estate corresponds to a responsible and large underground system. "

"It's true ... I just can't talk more about specific information. You need to explore it yourself."


Keep going.

The structure of the catacombs is quite complicated, even comparable to a maze. There are multiple forks in the interior that can lead to different areas.

However, the overall structure is the same. No matter where you go, you can't avoid the wall studded with skulls ... However, Han Dong's detailed insight has made him find an abnormality.

That's the **** problem.

Starting from entering the catacomb, he and his team were descending.

The tomb burial ground has a **** of about 3 ° 5 °.

It is also strange that Han Dong did not find any signs of ghoul activity in the catacombs.

"Where is the vigil?" Han Dong asked.

"A deeper place ... Ten hours ago, when a squad went deep into the tomb to perform the task of finding a skull, it accidentally opened a secret passage deeper into the tomb.

They thought that the skull needed for the mission would be deeper. .

In a rushed process, a certain "dead spot" was triggered, causing a large amount of pollution spillover. "

"Still down?"

Under the guidance of Jon Knight, he came to a closed stone room in the cemetery.

When moving a special skull.


方 A square coffin placed in the center opened by itself, exposing a staircase covered with plaque, and the odor constantly overflowed.

"Next, we will officially enter the vigil phase. Let me explain the basic requirements for you.

At present, more than one "dead spot" with high-concentration pollution eruption has been detected. At present, eight night watchmen have searched below for any missing points.

We will also be involved.

During the sting, it may disturb a large number of ghoul groups that inhabit it, and may even encounter some higher distortion species and leaders.

的 The requirements for "night watch" are:

1 assists in killing 30 ghouls, one leader, or mutant ghouls.

②. Propose strong suggestions for the search for "dead spots" of leakage pollution.

The matter of slaughtering ghouls must be counted if you cause fatal injuries to the ghouls ... but any ghouls killed directly by me will not be counted in your kills. "

自然 How difficult it is naturally not to say more.

According to strength, it is almost impossible for a freshman entering the school to deal with an adult ghoul.

It was like when Han Dong first met Kas, it took a lot of effort to kill an adult ghoul. Starting

Here is to assist Jon Knight though.

But the ghouls are mainly a group of numbers. Once in a siege, Jon can't take care of the safety of the two.

That's why, when Jon Knight finds out that it's Abel who started the mission, he looks so distressed.ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

Deep into such a large-scale ghoul's lair, plus an unusually large amount of pollution leaked ~ ~ will be killed if you are not careful.

"Do you have any questions?"


"Follow me without any problems ... Remember! Keep up with me. Once you are separated from me due to some irresistible factor, you will die below.

Put away the kerosene lamp, activate your night vision ability or wear "night vision goggles", the ghoul is very sensitive to the fire. "

Alas, Jon Knight also showed some skills.


As a punch of the Knights of Beamon, Jon, the major in control, has some origins with the cheetah ...

豹 Some leopard prints and sharp claws appeared, and an invisible killing intention was released.

"I remind you that the ghoul's lair below, after investigation by our knights, the development of more than two hundred years and the peculiarities of the cemetery have already shown signs of developing into a" ghoul kingdom ". "

"Ghoul Kingdom?" Abel was startled, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead

At this moment, Han Dong proposed: "Abel, you must follow Jon Knight, I will be in charge of the sacred house. Whether it is a plague or pollution, I can just adapt."


With Han Dong left at the end of the team.

The cricket stepped down the plague-filled steps, just as they entered this lair.


东 Han Dong's right arm trembled with resonance.

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