My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1533: Heterogeneous

The "Mysterious Treasure Box" will not move for now.

When Han Dong just came back from the dark tunnel...ding~ding~ding, a series of subtle copper coins hit his ears.

"Count, get back into my body quickly!"

The blood dog, more than two meters long, immediately turned into a crystal clear hanging blood cell, and quickly returned to the right arm in the form of blood transfusion with multiple blood vessels.

Han Dong could clearly feel a surge of vitality returning to his body.

Both the "Life Recovery Speed" and the "Maximum HP Limit" have been improved...The entire right arm has obvious scarlet blood vessels, which vaguely has a familiar feeling of "Heavenly Blood Dog Arm".

This is what he wants to achieve, the maximum use of [Blood Demon Spar].

The earl returned to the body, still forming a nostril structure on the surface of his arm.

Although the sense of smell is weaker than that of the blood dog model, it can also distinguish the strong body odor of the opponent.

"Hey! Nicholas... the opponent seems to have only one person! Do you want to kill him directly below?

Ben Earl has just achieved a perfect transformation, and with you and Miss Sally, assassination of a person should be done quickly. "

"There is a problem here.

There is no open free duel in this game. Killing others will accumulate killing value, which greatly reduces the efficiency of our subsequent collection of ladybug points.

At the same time, it will attract a large number of killers, and the progress will slow down. "

"Do you still consider what kill value is at this time? We have seen this group of people in advance. They are all dangerous guys... If you count this count as one, we will be one less person.

Now there is a chance to solve one but a great opportunity!

If you wait until the three of them meet before going head-on, it will be really troublesome. "

"Well... I will try to create a condition of ‘legitimate defense’.

Naturally, I won't let this opportunity pass. "

The area of ​​the dilapidated old house is 3 to 4 times that of the street villa, and the whole area is three centimeters.

The Onmyoji team, who came here first, spent a long time searching the upper area in a carpet-like search...I heard the sound of leather shoes on the way, and hid in the secret room for a long time.


They are conducting a full search of the first layer.

Unfortunately, Dongye, with his body covered with coins, accidentally opened the wooden door leading to the basement while passing through a hallway.

Dongye belongs to a ‘different’, not just a squad’s stranger, even if it is placed in the world they belong to, it’s also a stranger, to be precise, it’s a "dangerous forbidden item."

Considering the difficulty and importance of the treasure map of Destiny.

After the approval of the Yin and Yang courtyard, the relevant plan was drawn up to release the [Forbidden Demon-Higashino], which has been confined at the bottom of the shrine for many years, as a member of the team.

Dongye, originally known as Forbidden Demons, is not as obedient as it is now.

Responsible for guarding his shrine, more than ten onmyojis die every year.

In order to ensure its stability and controllability, the Great Elder of the Yin Yang Courtyard will personally take action.

Using secret techniques, with a sufficient number of bronze coins, he sews a "bronze coin purse" by himself, and then draws the souls of thousands of virtuous people into it through the form of lead wires.

Through the fusion of the skin for seven days and nights, the current mad and innocent Dongye was formed, barely balancing the evil thoughts in his body, and achieving a stable effect through the coin skin and the curse printed on the surface.


When the stairs leading to the basement appeared in front of Higashino, a frenzied interest quickly spread between his pupils.

"Secret passages! This is the secret passage leading to the basement!

If I can find the "box" below, the boss will definitely praise me... I am the biggest contribution value, and I will also occupy the bulk of the event rewards, and I can go to the store to unlock more restrictions. 』

Thinking of this, Dong Ye sneaked into the basement and even closed the wooden door.

"Hehe! Let me see what good things are under here... eh? Why is there a smell of blood here?"

As soon as Higashino arrived, he found the dressing table that the earl had used.

Although the battle traces and dog hair have been cleaned up, the blood that has penetrated into the tabletop is difficult to remove.

However, Dongye didn't think much about it at all.

After all, this ancient house itself hides many weird things, such as the bathtub filled with blood on the third floor, and the weird pen that still uses blood and ink in the study on the second floor to automatically record things, all related to blood.


Dongye lifted the cover with a silly look.

The mirror immediately reflected himself and the woman with a red headscarf, and several saliva-stained tongues had been attached to the temples, which was extremely dangerous.

However, Higashino did not evade.

Huh huh!

Its head is pierced by the tongue one after another, and the white smoke produced by the corrosion of saliva constantly spills out of the wound...presumably the brain embedded in it is basically unprotected.

Strange things happened.

Not only did Dongye not die, but he didn't even feel any pain... He just showed a helpless expression, and even reached out and scratched the back of his head.

"The reality doesn't exist... Is it [Mirror Charm]?"

The voice just fell.

Dongye gently flicked a copper coin connected to the back of his right hand, and the sound made the woman in the mirror aware of the danger, and quickly withdrew her tongue, trying to avoid it.


The right arm covered with copper coins suddenly penetrated. UU Reading immediately formed ripples when it touched the mirror surface, successfully pierced the lens surface, and pinched it tightly on the woman's neck.

The arm holding the neck is still ‘sucking’.

Strands of "yin attribute" energy are continuously sucked into Dongye's body through blood vessels...until the woman turns into a corpse and annihilates with the mirror.

The tongue with the copper coin slowly stretched out and licked a full circle along his lips.

"It's quite delicious... Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the box. Keep looking."

He has a rickety figure and his arms hang down in front of him.

Searching in the basement in this posture, the copper coins on his body will also sway, and all the evil spirits and monsters hidden in the utensils retreat.

In this way, Higashino slowly came to the deepest compartment in the basement.

There are various wardrobes stacked here, all in a closed state.

The drive of curiosity and the eagerness to make a contribution urged Higashino to open all the wardrobes one after another... Looking forward to the existence of a secret room in a certain wardrobe.

Just when Dongye opened his third wardrobe with excitement.

A huge eye hidden in the clothes room met him face-to-face.

Not only did Dongye not be frightened, but instead showed a crazy and excited expression.

"What a big eye! Is there a secret tunnel behind this? Even if it doesn't... the smell of the eyeball must be good."

Ding Ding Ding~ The right hand loaded with coins directly grabbed the giant eye.

Just when the claws just pierced the epidermis of the eyes.

A palm scattered with sand suddenly stretched out from the darkness in the shape of a hand knife, and inserted it horizontally into Higashino's right elbow... While piercing and cutting, it "sanded".


The elbow is amputated.

At the same time, from the depths of the closet, there was another man's voice mixed with madness:

"Sally, close the door... I'm going to let the dog go!"

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