My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1527: Wooden keys and conjectures

Outside the trunk

The earl, who was stripped out alone, looked like a "blood dog", was limp on the ground, a wailing sound was faintly revealed between the dog's mouth, the body surface was full of cursed wounds that were penetrated, and tree roots like fingers remained in the body.

The earl can only reduce pain as much as possible by licking the wound.

There is even a tendency to peel off from the nurse's arm as a whole.

It is necessary to change a better carrier for the earl.

Relative to the earl.

Sally's condition is even worse...During Han Dong's cutting of the tree trunk, she tried her best to cover, even if she blocked her with her body, she would never let Han Dong be harmed.

Sally, half a man and half a sheep, was covered with puncture wounds of various sizes, and her whole body was braving a corrosive curse.

The worst injury is the position of the lamb's belly.

The entire abdomen was cut open, and it was barely sutured through the tentacles. There were even a few broken small intestines that had passed through the gap and hung out of the body.

Purple-glowing blood flowed all over the ground, and there was no sign of stopping the bleeding.

Due to the suppression of levels, the black goat's self-healing speed cannot repair such serious injuries, let alone the corrosive curse that continues to erode the flesh.

A long-lost and intuitive sense of death is approaching Sally.

Just when the vision gradually became blurred.

The familiar figure stepped out of the tree trunk and came in front of her...It seemed to hold something in his hand.

Even though Sally has fallen into this state, even piercing her throat and choking blood, she still squeezes out a sentence:

"I...I couldn't completely block it. Six of them missed the past...Miss Helen will definitely do better than me for opponents of this kind of plant attributes."

"You do better than anyone else, hurry up and eat this thing."

In the extremely blurred vision, only a black mass that was beating slightly was barely seen.

Although the smell is disgusting, it has an aura that makes Sally more friendly-"curse". As a black goat, she was born with a curse, but she was restricted in this game.

Since Han Dong handed it over, Sally didn't doubt it, and immediately ate it.

As the black masses were gradually eaten away, the crooked neck trees rooted in the courtyard also withered and withered and scattered with the wind at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Sally also received a related system prompt:

"I have taken the event consumable-"Cursed Tree Heart", the effect is as follows:

Normal effect: Clear current curse effect, restore health and increase maximum health by 20%.

Special effect: curse affinity increase. 』

Sally's health is being supplemented little by little.

With a clearer vision, Han Dongzheng was squatting on one side and slowly withdrew the **** earl back into his body.

For a period of time, the earl needed to stay in his body to heal his injuries and was unable to participate in the war.

Sally licked the remnants of the heart that stuck to the corners of her mouth, as if she was still a little bit interested, "Nicholas, what are you giving me?"

"The heart of this strange tree... I read the relevant information about the heart in advance. It is most suitable for you to take it."

"It's really interesting! When I go back, I must save this experience separately through "Memory Engraving"~

Moreover, I have not experienced such a sense of death intuitively for a long time.

If you were a little slower just now, I might really die here... In fact, I am not afraid of death at all, I am just afraid of not being able to stay with you and not being able to meet the expectations of [Mom]. "

"Don't worry, as long as I'm still alive, everyone will be fine."

Han Dong gently stroked Sally's horns, then turned and walked towards the root of the crooked neck tree.

The bottom of the big tree that has completely dissipated, leaving behind the big pit that once took root.

"this is!"

After some exploration, a delicately carved wooden key was taken out from the deepest point, the hardness of which was no less than that of metal.

"You have obtained the key item-[Wooden Key], which is one step closer to the ultimate goal of the special event.

Please note that because you destroy the "Crooked Neck Tree", at a special time, you may be focused on by danger.

Hope you can successfully pass the customs. 』

The more friendly reminder comes from the organizer, which is the "Ladybug Organization."

If you can win the event, Han Dong's attention will increase again.

"Sally, first try to find the corresponding keyhole in the murder house... However, I estimate that there is a high probability that it will not continue to correspond to the current murder house. The purpose of the wooden key should be a mysterious area that we have not yet touched. Check it out."

"That's the same as before, I'm in charge of the second floor, and you're in charge of the first floor."


After half an hour of fast searching, the corresponding keyhole was not found.

Han Dong and Sally meet in front of the window sill on the second floor, overlooking the street area shaded by the black miasma.

"It's really not that simple... This key is likely to be closely related to the [mysterious neighbor] we saw during the log recall period.

Through his collection of resentment gas, it can be basically confirmed that he is the craftsman who made the "resentment box".

The wooden key may be able to open the door of his house, or even the secret door that contains the "box of resentment." "

Sally nodded, " should be the case, this key is an item that can only be obtained by killing a powerful enemy in difficulty [4].

However, will the houses of the mysterious neighbors really be mixed in the villas? What happens if a team chooses his house from the beginning? "

"Sally, you are right. UU reading

If I were the organizer of the event, I would never let the participants come into contact with the "ultimate puzzle" at the very beginning... only by taking steps in order to reflect the fun of the event.

However, the house of the mysterious neighbor should also be in the street.

Because he needs to go to each house to collect resentment, he also has to make a unified aggregation and box manufacturing, and he definitely needs a fixed and secret work and rest area.

How to prevent everyone from being inaccessible to his house during the beginning of the game, but also to explore later? "

"The basement? Or in the street drain?"

"It is possible, but if you encounter a participant with a strong perception, you may also find it at the beginning.

I have a more likely hypothetical conjecture..."


"The previous difficulty [5], didn't we hear the footsteps of our mysterious neighbors while hiding in the safe room?

In other words, the body of the mysterious neighbor will only appear on the highest difficulty... Then, is it possible that his house is the same, when the highest difficulty comes, a unique building will appear on the street?

Moreover, the previous difficulty [5] was separated by a full two hours.

Probably it is the exploration time given to us by the creator of the event. "

"What's the use of the safe house?"

"The safe house is only used for the exploratory stage of the early stage of the event. When we fail to figure out the situation, it provides effective that more participants can survive and increase the success rate and interest of the event.

Otherwise, most of them will die at the beginning, and the event will not be much fun.

During the "pre-admission" period, I have kept the thumbnails of the streets in my mind. I only need to wait until the highest difficulty comes to verify my guess. "

"it is good…"

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