My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1497: justifiable defense

A few hours ago.

Sally the Black Goat successfully escaped in a private hotel and completed the first killer test.

Obtain ladybug points [4 (the number of ladybugs) × 2 (the base of the scene) = 8]

Like Han Dong's idea, due to the scattered team, some abilities and equipment were sealed, Sally, after learning the relevant rules, also targeted the "Ladybug Store", hoping to get information about teammates from the store.

Of course, it's not just Han Dong who got the windfall.

When Sally was going through the fourth cycle in the hotel, she accidentally found the basement used by the innkeeper to vent her pervert...In addition to some toys such as iron chains, handcuffs, and wooden horses, there was also a black leather jacket hidden in the depths.

Every victim brought here by the boss will be forcibly required to wear this black leather jacket, and some organization or resentment will remain in this leather jacket before death.

Sally, who is a collection of **** and desire, also noticed this distinctive black tight leather for the first time.

When you reach out to touch, there is a message back to your mind:

"Obtained Destiny Equipment-"Black Desire Leather Jacket", World Limited"

[Type]: Breastplate

[Quality]: High quality

This piece of equipment will provide an appropriate defense value, as well as healing and hemostatic effects on physical incisions, and increase the overall attributes of up to 25% according to the individual's desire value.

Sally naturally did not dislike how many people passed through before.

At present, when there is nothing, it is too important to have such a piece of equipment for blessing.

When Sally's level is compressed to be slightly equal to that of an ordinary person, the only abilities she retains are "Sheep's Hoof" and "Tentacles (minimum. Among them, the tentacles can't hurt people at all, but can only play a self-increasing and interference effect.

When clearing the hotel.

Sally went to the bathroom to wash away the stains and blood, faintly feeling that this black leather suit had a fusion with the skin.

This complete fit can bring higher adaptability and is more suitable for combat. The disadvantage is also obvious. If you want to take off the leather jacket, you may tear it off along with the skin.

Of course, Sally also realized that her dress might arouse some human desires and cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, before leaving the hotel, he also added the black raincoat that the boss often used for murder to cover his anthropomorphic figure that symbolizes evil.

As it took a lot of time to find the "ladybug shop," Sally spent six hours searching in the deserted city.

Sally, who was desperate to find teammates but lacked experience, tried to sneak into the factory from the side when she found that the factory was shining brightly with ladybugs.

Even though Sally's actions are very secretive, the effect of the sheep's hoof makes the footsteps almost zero, but the [two] killers ambush here, one of them has night vision ability, and Sally's whereabouts are clearly seen by her. Chu.


An arrow shot.

Sally, who smelled danger, immediately avoided.

But the speed of the arrow is so fast that even if Sally, whose level is suppressed, reacts, her body can barely keep up.


The arrow penetrated the raincoat and scratched the waist.

Sally immediately looked in the direction from which the arrow came.

I saw a killer wearing an owl mask leaning over and squatting on the beam on the second floor of the factory, holding a steel longbow and carrying a quiver...There was also a short sword and a potion bottle at his waist.

At first glance, it belongs to the killer who has been in [Ladybug Day] for a long time.

At the same moment.


A huge assassin wearing an iron mask fell directly in front of Sally.

The shirtless upper body is actually embedded with a "reinforced steel structure", and steel bars are drilled in and out of the flesh, seeming to be strengthened in the game.

At the moment of landing, he swung out the weird wrench with all his strength.


In the ground that was smashed out of the hole, steel bars were drilled out of it.

Sally's movements are quite agile, while avoiding sideways, she takes advantage of the situation with a side kick.


A loud metal crashing sound came from inside the factory.

The assassin who weighed more than 500 pounds was kicked back by a full three meters, and even a touch of blood was choked from the mask, and the eyes and pupils also showed a surprised look.

However, just when Sally wanted to take a kick.


A crisp heartbeat spread through the body, blood blockage spread throughout the body, and the overall movement immediately slowed down...At the same time, he felt a numbness in the waist and abdomen area passed by the arrow.


At this moment, three arrows were shot from the front.

Sally avoided as much as possible, but her body was even more unable to keep up due to the paralysis.

When barely avoiding two of them...Huh! The third arrow hit and penetrated the entire right thigh...A series of blood shining purple light spilled on the ground.

At the same moment, the wrench knocked from the front.

Click! Bone cracking sounded

Sally's right arm used to parry was completely cracked.

The whole person flew backwards heavily, and steel bars grew out of the arm that was hit, which was basically scrapped.

Also because of this knock, part of the raincoat was torn.

Several buttons are also scattered on the ground, the front is completely open, revealing Sally in black leather.

The woman who came into the eyes of the two directly stared at them completely.

You know, those who are selected into the [Ladybug Day] are all killers. There are naturally fewer women. Coupled with ladybug points and various pressures, it is rare to have the opportunity to meet such a beautiful person.

Tick ​​tick tick~

The strong assassin with steel bars throughout his body trembled slightly because of the excessive wind, and even saliva leaked out from between the masks.

He even had plans for the future, grabbing the woman back to the basement, and using some of his points to keep alive...such a superb product, even if he played it for a year, he wouldn't get tired of it.

"Bakins! Don't destroy such a beautiful body anymore. I'll take care of it next... You hurry up and take a look outside the factory, don't let another killer come in."

Just when the steel bar killer finished saying this sentence.


Another arrow shot out, but its target was not at Sally...

The arrows with paralyzing special effects shot straight into the back of the steel killer... Then three more shots were shot in succession, and all hits were made by UU Reading

"Bakins! You are..."

When the steel bar killer turned around, he noticed something strange.

Behind the teammate wearing an owl mask is a mysterious person who is putting his arm on the back of Baggins's head and manipulating his brain through some means.

Huh huh!

Another series of arrows shot out.

But this time, the defensive steel bar killer activated the physical defense mechanism, the steel coverage rate increased greatly, and all the flying arrows were blocked.

Since archery is useless.


The mysterious man broke Baggins' head directly, and put an owl mask on his face at the same time...In this way, the corpse named Baggins fell and died on the spot.

The visitor was Han Dong who accidentally caught a glimpse of this scene.

At the moment when Sally showed her true face and attracted all the opponent's attention to the past, Han Dong seized the opportunity, lurked up, and quietly put his palm on the back of Baggins... the tentacles were connected to the brain.

Get rid of one of the opponents directly.

Han Dong, wearing an owl mask, leaped down, holding a weird human arm as a weapon, and asked softly: "Sally, how are you doing?"

"It's just a small injury... I'm going to kill this guy."

The tentacles of black goats fluttered in the body, matched with the effect of the black leather coat, suppressing the paralysis and pain.

Sally stood up again, exuding a faint purple scent.

Compared to the mysterious man who killed his companion.

The steel bar killer smelled a more terrifying breath from the woman who shouldn't have the ability to move.

When her eyes met Sally, it seemed as if she saw a sea of ​​corpses and blood, the number of killers between the two was not at the same level.

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