My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1495: Discharged

Han Dong, who entered the state, grabbed the limit of the opponent's offensive distance, retreated + counterattacked.

The whole process was smooth and flowing, and it looked like a "flash."

Such a scene made the Lester nurse who hung directly around his waist looked dumbfounded. He didn't expect this patient who happened to pass by the stairwell to be so strong.

"Lester Careman's Right Arm" has acquired the characteristics of a ghoul arm due to the effect of attribute compatibility. At the same time, it is also intensified by the gene of G virus, and the whole looks like a huge, irregularly swollen meat hammer.

When it hits heavily, a crisp sound of skull cracking can be heard.

Han Dong's full blow was to smash a small pit into the floor of the operating room. The criminal's head was completely plunged into it, and strands of light pink brain mucus leaked out from the bone layer.

A perfect counterattack like this can often cause 200% damage.

Just when Han Dong thought the battle was over.


The criminal who was crushed on the ground flipped his arm in the opposite direction and forcibly swung the butcher knife upward.

A burst of blade light flashed.

The "Lester Care Worker's Right Arm" was cut into more than ten openings, large and small... However, because the weapon itself had reached "high quality" and the internal bones were extremely hard, the butcher knife could not cut through the bones.

Fortunately, Han Dong got this weapon. If he replaced it with his own arm to suppress it, he would most likely be at risk of breaking his arm.

"Not dead is also a good thing.

Mr. Lester, please help me suppress this guy. Before killing him, I want to ask something. "

After all, Han Dong took off the head from his waist.

Directly insert the neck into the end of the arm bone, Lester, the subject personally controls his arm, and continues to suppress the murderer.

Since the butcher knife was just slashing, Han Dong found the right time and stretched out his left hand to touch his joints...desert!

In a short while, as the yellow sand slowly dispersed, all the limbs of the culprit were wiped out.

To be safe, Han Dong also poked his left index finger into his ear hole. As long as he perceives any risk, he will carry out intracranial desertification and immediately obliterate it.

"Can you still speak?"

Han Dong observed that the other party only had a broken skull, and the internal brain still maintained a certain degree of integrity.

"Hurry up and kill me..."

The murderer whose limbs have been abolished and can no longer enjoy the killing is like losing all the meaning of life, and his fierce eyes are completely transformed into endless begging, only hoping that Han Dong can quickly kill him.

"I need an information, if you can give it, I will fulfill your wish...Excuse me, where is the exit of this hospital."

When hearing this question, the murderer showed a perverted smile:

"Sure enough, are you also the poor guy trapped in it? No wonder it's so powerful! [Exit] Different trapped people exist in different locations, and the conditions for wanting to leave are different.

My condition is to kill 40% of the pigs in the hospital and be able to leave along the ventilation duct.

As for you, the [condition] should be to find and kill me. As for where the exit is, you still need to find it yourself... Hurry up, kill me! This is all the information I know. "


About two minutes passed.

The fully armed SWAT came to the location of the operating room.

What was displayed in front of them was a ‘artwork’. The murderer and the personnel in the operating room were stitched together in an extremely bizarre way.

Taking the criminal as the main body, stitched into a bright red butterfly reborn from its cocoon.

At the same time, he left four characters in the operating room with the handwriting of the murderer-"I have soared".

Through the investigation of the scene, the special police identified him as the culprit, and realized a kind of pathological artistic creation before his death.

When the police officers dealt with the remains of the murderer, Han Dong put on a doctor's white coat and left the operating room through the exclusive passage of medical staff.

Take the elevator back to the thirteenth floor and return to his ward.


Lock it and change the casual clothes in the closet.

At the same time, he was washing the blood stains on his body and the arm and head of the Lester nurse at the side of the sink.

"Thank you, Mr. Nicholas! I know some of the more hidden back doors in the hospital, maybe they correspond to the exits you want."

Because Han Dong helped avenge, the Leicester carer also wanted to retaliate.

"You talk about the location of these "back doors" first, right? The optimal route must be planned... After all, it is still quite dangerous to wander in the hospital. "

After all, Han Dong placed the cleaned head on the edge of the pool, and he brought a stool to have a conversation between the two.

"If you remove the main entrance of the hospital, ventilation ducts and all kinds of windows.

There are three other exits to the outside world.

1. The emergency passage located on the south side of the first floor.

2. The underground warehouse of the hospital also has an exit connecting to the backyard of the hospital.

3. Since the morgue often undergoes corpse transformation, a corpse transportation channel is specially set up in order not to affect the operation of the hospital, which is connected to the road outside the hospital, so that it can be directly sent to the crematorium. "

"Go! Go to the morgue first... If it's not right, we will go to the basement, and finally choose the emergency channel."

Perhaps it was because of a good impression of the morgue, or perhaps Han Dong's instinctive answer was given in an instant.

"Okay, let me send you one last ride.

Due to special reasons, I cannot leave this hospital and can only take you to the exit. As for more information concerning me and the hospital, I am not allowed to share it with others."

"Thank you, Mr. Lester."

Han Dong has probably guessed some of the things behind it, and he can figure it out completely as long as he leaves the hospital.

Don't ask any more, the top priority is to leave this hospital.

After taking the elevator to the first floor, under the guidance of the Lester nurse, follow a gloomy passage to the back of the hospital.

Before reaching the morgue, he could hear the howls similar to zombies.

"Mr. Nicholas, the caretaker of the morgue is a pretty stubborn old guy... I'll take care of him later, you don't have to talk."


When approaching the dark and dark morgue front hall, Han Dong stopped to smell the danger.

In front of him, a fat old man was piled up in front of the door of the morgue.

To be precise, the old man's abdominal cavity has been integrated with the gate, and he must pass through his abdominal cavity to enter the morgue.

When feeling an outsider approaching, the old man slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes also noticed the head hanging from Han Dong's waist.

"Lester, why do you have only one head left?"

"Didn't our hospital get into a murderer? I didn't have much luck today, but I happened to meet him... However, he is now dead.

Hello~ Mr. Nell! Do you have any useful corpses here? I desperately need a body now. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In return, you will get half of your bonus next month. "

"Who is this guy?"

"He is a nurse who just came to our hospital for an internship. Looking at this strong arm, I know that the future must be my successor... Don't worry, he is very honest."

"It just so happens that there was a fresh corpse that suits you yesterday, take advantage of this no one here, hurry in."

"Thank you, Mr. Nell."

In every morgue, there was corpse transformation, or knocking and roaring, or rotten arms protruding from the cracks in the door, trying to catch the youth in the corridor.

In the seemingly scary scene, Han Dong didn't change his face.

For Han Dong, who had lived in the morgue with a female corpse for a long time, it was nothing at all.

Soon after being guided by the Lester nurse to the corpse transport channel, the word "Exit" appeared at the end, which explained everything.

"It seems we have found the right... Good luck, Mr. Nicholas.

I hope you can survive forever. If you are seriously injured in the future, you are welcome to stay in our hospital again.

My right arm is used as a thank you gift, go! It may be more dangerous outside than here, but I also know that you don't belong here. "

"Thank you."

Lester, with only his head left, fell to the ground on his own, and went to the morgue to find a suitable body through the peristalsis of his neck tissue.

Han Dong took a deep breath and passed through the exit.

"The first test is over, complete the difficulty [Ladybug: 3].

The difficulty is up to the standard, and you ensure that the number of survivors in the hospital is greater than 80% on this difficulty, the scene [Annani Hospital Scene] has been unlocked, and you can consume ladybug points to go to the hospital for rapid treatment.

[Annani Hospital Incident] Base: 3, you have obtained "Ladybug Points": 3×3=9"

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