My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1488: Decide

The lucky dice, which was exchanged for two thousand points, was put into Han Dong's pocket in the form of cards.

This is somewhat similar to the early "destiny card", you can get some innate privileges when making destiny choices... However, the effect of this lucky dice will be better.

It is equivalent to increasing the lucky value according to the number of points thrown.

Han Dong stared at the dice card in his hand, guessing in his heart:

"Lucky dice has a very obvious meaning of "cheating". The lucky value provided allows me to randomize to a more suitable world. The opening conditions will also be more probable in favor of "good", which greatly improves the survival rate.

Considering that the dice themselves are expensive, they are limited to employees who work for the black tower.

It is a kind of talent protection measure that belongs to the black tower, and it can greatly recover the points of employees, allowing them to work harder to accept high-point reward tasks or actively implement related events.

Although it is similar to the capitalist's squeeze method, it is also a good thing for me. I just need this method to reduce the difficulty.

There are a few hours left. Go directly to the Black Tower Office and ask questions about the "Treasure Map". 』

As a full-time employee, Han Dong applied for an exclusive reception space and talked with a staff member in a separate room.

"Mr. Han Dong, we have found that you are in an abnormal state. There are 4 hours and 21 minutes left. The event for your destiny will be forced to start... Is there anything that can help you before this?"

Han Dong directly took out the treasure map and pressed it on the desktop.

"Excuse me, if I use this treasure map, what specific impact will it have on [Unknown Destiny]?"

The staff wearing the whirlpool mask seemed to have the authority to connect the brain to the database, and immediately gave the answer Han Dong wanted:

"Once the "Treasure Map of Destiny" in your hand is used.

You and the team members will be limited to match the [Unknown Destiny] that contains treasures, and the difficulty is at least ★★★★.

When you are performing related activities in the world, you can learn the relevant treasure clues from the bright side or the dark side, please dig by yourself.

However, the treasure is not too much related to the main line events. Please pursue the treasure rationally while ensuring your own safety. "

"Excuse me, will the treasure map in my hand indicate the location of the treasure? Or give clues about the relevance?"

"Not really.

"Treasure Map of Destiny" is just a privilege, allowing you to travel to the world of Destiny where treasures are stored, and will not play any guiding role. "

Han Dong continued to ask: "Is there any other Destiny Squad in the world reached with the "Treasure Map of Destiny"? "

"There will be.

Since the [True Destiny] was opened, we have joined the confrontation system.

The confrontation between the participants of the destiny is a very important part for the growth of the individual and the overall balance and maintenance of the black tower.

If there are other teams using the treasure map during this time, or using other privileges, you will be arranged in the same world if the match value is not much different. "

Han Dong raised the third question:

"There is only one treasure here, or are there multiple copies? What is the quality of the reward items?"

"The treasure maps of destiny correspond to the only "ultimate treasure", and there may also be some ordinary treasures.

Ultimate Treasure will inevitably produce a "legendary" finished equipment based on your current level. "

"Okay, last question... Can I still use "Lucky Dice" at the same time when using treasure maps? "


Han Dong, who got the answer, fell into deep thought, analyzing the situation he was about to face:

"1. The treasure map will increase the difficulty of the fate event, but the treasure itself is a non-mainline, and extra time needs to be spared.

2. Since there are other teams, conflicts will inevitably occur during the treasure hunt... Since you can obtain valuable treasure maps and are willing to consume them to enter the treasure world, the opponent team is definitely strong.

3. This is the first time I have not enough experience in [Unknown Destiny], and I still need to be the guide of the suicide team. Fortunately, the team is very strong.

Should I use the treasure map here? Or wait until next year? 』

When Han Dong fell into a state of hesitation, several pictures flashed in his head.

One is a thrilling picture of himself and Green cooperating to deal with the emperor's execution. In the case of absolute crisis, the "peers" that Han Dong came into contact with were no more reliable than Green.

One is that not long ago, Han Dong led the team to the gate of destiny. Before stepping into the gate of destiny, Kit responded with a serious expression on his face.

All of a sudden, the mad laugh was emotional, causing Han Dong to print a scarlet smile on the periphery of his lips.

"Haha~haha! What am I worrying about... Wasn't the purpose of forming this team in the first place to win the ultimate treasure with the help of the strong power of the original quality and the strange traits that cannot be evaluated by the destiny space?

Instability will decrease with increasing time risk, and I have worked with them many times.

Now I am in urgent need of a piece of legendary equipment to keep up with the rhythm... The gears of the world are already speeding up, and I can't stop for a moment.

That's it! 』

Thought of this.

Han Dong immediately told the staff of his decision.

Bringing two props, "Treasure Map of Destiny" and "Lucky Dice", UU Reading www. uukā followed the staff to the [entrance].

"When you enter it, the system will prompt you whether to use the relevant props! Good luck, Han Dong staff!"

"it is good."

As Han Dong stepped into it, a bunch of special messages reached the top of the black tower through the built-in network.

High-rise meeting room.

Mr. M and more than a dozen executives with letter codes all gathered here through perfect projection.

The commissioner reports on the information just intercepted.

"Just now, several mythical entities with extremely high [potential value] entered two different entrances of the S-01 world using human disguise and interventions on the portal.

Both teams have a door-opener human responsible for leading the team.

One of the humans belonged to a black tower employee. After a short stay in the black tower, he chose to consume the "treasure map of destiny" to change the unknown destiny he was about to face. 』

At the end of the report, one of the executives responded:

"Is it really here? It seems that there is no problem with the exchange of information we obtained from the virtual space, and the alien demon sent a group of talented juniors to personally show it to us.

This intuitive performance through fate events has more reference value than previous invasion plans.

That being the case, arrange the two teams to the same world.

Anyway, they are all from the S-01 world, and the "Treasure Map of Destiny" covering two teams is also allowed.

By the way...Ms. B (Balance), has the team for destiny been arranged? 』

"Don't worry, they are all high-scoring teams from the Super World. Although the balance of the world is slightly tilted, it will not affect the overall event, and it can provide us with more intuitive reference data. 』

"Then let the event officially begin. 』

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