My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1471: Gushan Apartment

"My Cell Prison (!

Han Dong, who was promoted directly to "instructor" through special channels, also gained many privileges.

For example, better equipped single dormitory, free use of school bus line.

Standing in front of the administrative building, he didn't wait long, and his face was quickly approached by a special-line school bus transformed into a worm. There was more space and more tables inside.

Due to the current class time, very few teachers returned to the apartment. Only Han Dong and a teacher wearing a bull's head mask and walking on crutches had no communication during the whole process.

According to the campus map, the teacher's apartment is located in [Gushan] of the University of Michigan.

As the name suggests, it is an ancient mountain from ancient times that has cultivated many generations of civilization. During the construction of the secret courtyard, it was valued by the principal. The mountain was separated and added to the campus.

[Gushan] It can be regarded as an independent area of ​​the University of Minnesota. If there is no special line school bus to pick you up, there is a high probability that you will get lost in Gushan on foot, or even encounter some kind of monster attack.

Of course, people with advanced perception skills like Han Dong can walk on foot.

As the school bus drove into the deepest part of the ancient mountain.

In Han Dong's eyes, it reflects a relatively normal teacher's apartment, which is similar to the high-end apartment buildings of the 21st century.

"Look at the original appearance of this apartment building."

"Magic Eye"

Ignoring the refraction of the prism effect and seeing the original appearance of the apartment, the sight in front of him makes Han Dong even more excited.

"this is!"

What you see is a giant pustule,

The "meat particles" protruding from the surface of the pustule or inside the pustule correspond to the single rooms of different teachers.

of course.

What interests Han Dong is not this fleshy form, but the nature of the pustule.

The pustules grow in the central area of ​​[Ancient Mountain], and the magic eye can even see traces of energy flowing in the ancient mountains continuously converging toward the pustules.

"The treatment in the teacher's apartment is really good... Constantly absorbing the energy of the entire mountainous area, lying in such an apartment to rest, the body and spirit will be nourished."

I didn't care about the nature of the sarcoma at all, and did not reject it at all, and strode towards the apartment.

However, the moment Han Dong stepped into the apartment building, he was stunned.


The crow on the shoulder let out a dry cry.

A drop of cold sweat slipped against the right temple.

The view casts towards the front of the dormitory hall.

A young teacher with a translucent head, a galaxy structure inside, and a straight suit walked out of the elevator... Since Han Dong happened to be in the hall, the star-like eyes of the other party fell on Han Dong the whole time.

Such gaze gave Han Dong a feeling of being seen through.

"Professor Pope, hello!"

Han Dong chooses to greet him actively, and he is more likely to be suspicious if he deliberately avoids it.

"A new teacher? I have never seen you."

Obviously, Pope couldn't see through the disguise for the time being, but felt that the crow and death breath exuded by Han Dong was a bit strange.

After all, Pope never thought that Han Dong, a human being, would suddenly come here to teach after the game in London.

"Just call me George. I just passed the lecturer's title assessment. I am currently teaching in the College of Biotechnology and Engineering...just about to move here." (The first-level assistant church is arranged in the student apartment, and only lecturers are eligible to live in Gushan .)


Pope was very polite without recognizing Han Dong, and he did not show any superiority due to his status as a professor.

It was not until Pope completely left that Han Dong let out a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I made a special trip to hide the void attribute. Such contact is too dangerous.

Unexpectedly, celebrities like Pope actually live here. I thought he had a special villa on campus.

However, Pope is indeed a very good person, and his personality is even higher than that of most humans... It's a pity that he has already embarked on a different path, so let's forget it. 』

Ding Dong!

When riding the metal elevator, Han Dong also peeped curiously with his magic eyes.

I found myself wrapped in a live fetus.

The live fetus can quickly crawl between the meat wall channels through contraction and expansion,

The floor button that Han Dong pressed was actually a nerve bulge inside the live fetus.

Once the corresponding raised part is pressed, the live tire will appear excited and accelerate to shrink, quickly crawling to the corresponding floor area.

This kind of bulge even made Han Dong's hands itchy. He wanted to touch it a few more times, but he finally resisted it.

"[1313]...It's really an unlucky number."

The entire passage on the thirteenth floor seemed cold and silent, without any vitality.

The door here has neither a keyhole nor a card sensing device, only a round hole corresponding to the thickness of the conventional tentacles.


Stick it on the palm, insert a tentacles into it, and the door with biometric features opens by itself.

The interior corresponds to a simple and modern duplex room.

On the first floor there is a study room, a balcony and a spacious living room area, and on the second floor there is a bedroom and a separate bathroom.

As for the real appearance of this room, Han Dong also took a peek. Although the taste was a bit heavy, he could see an energy thread from Gushan connected to the bottom of the bed.

As Han Dong guessed, you can enjoy energy supplements when you sleep in bed.

"really not bad……"

at this time.

The bathroom door on the second floor opened suddenly.

A moist black sheep's hoof stepped out first, followed by a body of white jade wrapped in a bath towel, and a beautiful girl's face.

"Sally? How did you... know that I would live here?

I got the qualification to live in this apartment only on behalf of others. "

Sally walked down the stairs slowly on the wet sheep's hoof, looking down at Han Dong with an arrogant look.

"Too underestimate the ability of others?

After all, I am also the fourth element... Our black goat family has overwhelmed most of the strange demons in terms of talent alone, and there are several sisters who are serving as teachers or executives in the school.

I asked my sisters to help me look up the keyword ‘Nicholas’, and it turned out that a lecturer named [George Nicholas] suddenly appeared in the archives, and guessed it was you!

Looks like you got special treatment too?

Replacement status, direct lecturer...Who has such a powerful right? "

"It happens to be valued by the vice principal, it's pretty good."

"... No wonder you deliberately showed your strength during the test. It turned out to be like this.

You won’t officially teach until tomorrow. UU reading has a lot of time left today. I’ll take you to the school and walk around later. "

"I don't want to go out anymore, and we may be recognized by Pope when we stay together... I haven't rested on the road these days, so just go to sleep?"



In a blink of an eye, a group of dark shadows flashed across the second floor.

The bath towel has been placed on the chair.

Sally had wrapped her body in the bedding room, and quickly patted the bed with one hand to signal Han Dong to come in quickly.

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