My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1467: Teacher assessment

The fleshy crystals are completely broken.

It means that Han Dong's attack has reached the level of mythology.

Such a scene made the descendant of the mountain who had an elephant trunk and kept "special attention" to Han Dong decisively abandoning all unclean thoughts, looked away completely, and turned to the lounge.

Even the most primitive and oldest emotion-fear occurred in his heart.

According to Han Dong's demonstrated strength, it is entirely possible to recognize his unclean thoughts... If the opponent's mind is small, his life will be in danger.

The only one who was not surprised was Sally during the whole process.

She had already taken offense, and was even a little unhappy.

"Did Nicholas deliberately... you want to attract attention as soon as you enter school, right? That's right, his real purpose is not to teach here for a long time, but to get the qualifications to go to the great library and borrow advanced books.

In doing so, it can indeed speed up the acquisition of professional titles.

Really, it makes such a big movement as soon as I enter the school, so it is easy to attract the attention of other females~It's really annoying. 』


Winnicks touched the white scum on his face, recalling what had just happened.

Flesh crystals are also part of his body. The attack performed by Han Dong just now has very intuitive feedback... It seems to be broken in an instant, and it also contains "see through", "non-process casting" and "can touch the mythological level." Disintegrate the magic".

There was still a ray of death magic in Wynnick's body that he had never seen before.

"It contains the death smell of a crow, but only a part of it... This should not belong to our ability system.

Yellow sand control, death magic.

No wonder the vice-principal would let me focus on this person, the current performance alone is enough to take him to see the vice-principal.

However, since there is such a performance, I must be able to have a very amazing performance in the teacher assessment... It is worthy of the talent recommended by Hugo.

Waiting for the end of the test here, I have to check the origin of this person. 』

"Yes, go to the lounge and wait for the teacher's assessment notice."


Since there were not many people left behind, Han Dong first made a temporary goodbye to Sally.

"See you in our school, you can go to the visiting scholar's affairs as soon as possible."

"You have to pay attention to the teacher's assessment~ That thing has nothing to do with your ability, so don't be brushed off."

"Don't worry, my earliest career was a teacher."

Just as Han Dong had a laid-back look, he just stepped into the lounge, and immediately surrounded him by a group of different demons.

One of them was a ‘brain sticker’, and the alien demon with a tube all over his body recognized his identity.

"You are the biggest winner in the London game! The Bishop of the Night from London...yes, it must be you! It's even more true that Sally the Black Goat maintains a close relationship with you.

Your Excellency, you have also come to participate in the teacher assessment of the Secret Academy.

I am a cobalt brain Weisman from the Migo family. I am glad to meet you here. "

With the recognition of his identity, almost all the strange monsters in the rest area surrounded him, wanting to see this young man who performed more than the original in the London game room.

"After everyone becomes a teacher of the secret college, we have time to communicate privately. For now, let's face the upcoming assessment seriously."

"The bishop's words are extremely true."

The strange demons who were originally in a competitive relationship are as clever and obedient as a little fan... Immediately make way for Han Dong, and there is even a female who thinks that she is good-looking secretly talks to Han Dong.

The way to strike up a conversation is also quite novel,

Delivered her large intestine dragged to the ground beside Han Dong, quack quack~ Some kind of substance even squeezed between the intestines, saying that there is the most essential thing to give to Han Dong.

Although the entire large intestine exudes a blurry fragrance, such a scene makes it difficult for Han Dong as a human to accept.

After refusing, Han Dong spied on what would come out of the end of the large intestine.

In the end, the substance extruded from the port did not disappoint Han Dong, except for the different color and taste, everything else was the same.

As the last few applicants entered the lounge, the person in charge also followed in, and then the most important "teacher assessment" will be entered.

"Teacher assessment will be conducted independently in a confined single area. As long as your performance meets the teacher's standards, you will be processed on the spot for the exclusive teacher qualification certificate of the secret college."

After all, a dark passage appeared directly in front of the lounge.

The passage is separated by a sufficient number of separate rooms, the interiors may be exactly the same, or they may correspond to different teacher assessments.

Han Dong didn't care, he chose a room at random.

As soon as the back foot entered the room, the built-in barrier was immediately activated.

Only a set of old tables and chairs and a page of white paper made of fleshy skin were placed in front of Han Dong.

After a while, the voice of the person in charge came from between the four walls:

"This teacher assessment will take "Knowledge Transmission" as the theme. Please condense a piece of knowledge you have mastered on this white paper within half an hour.

Content quality is not up to standard,

The subject is meaningless and does not meet the standards,

Failed to complete within the specified time,

Or failing to express your knowledge system in the limited area on white paper will be counted as a failure in the assessment.

let's start. "

Such an assessment made Han Dong's eyes bright.

This form of assessment is acceptable even in human universities. Under the condition of limited time and space, express your own knowledge system as much as possible. This is indeed an intuitive way to assess whether a person has the talent of a teacher.

"But... it is certainly not easy to put this method in this top university in the universe.

If the real dry goods are not on the hour, they will be wiped out.

The pass rate of various early tests, time travel, climbing giants, or strength tests is very high.

The assessment that is currently being carried out is the most difficult one.

I estimate that at least half of the people will be eliminated here. Through this simple method, the school can see at a glance what kind of teachers can promote the development of the school.

In that case, give them some "dry goods" that they have never seen before. "


Four tentacles that can precisely distribute ink at the tips are drilled out and used as ‘pens’.

Han Dong directly condensed the'Ghoul Transformation Copy' written by himself and Dr. Tuan on the front of the white paper. UU Reading wrote in his brain in advance to ensure that the last word just filled the entire blank paper. .

At the same time, an extremely exquisite ghoul anatomy is drawn on the back of the white paper, which contains detailed analysis and preset transformations of skin, bones, flesh, and eyeballs.

It was successfully completed in fifteen minutes.

The paper is passed along a special channel to the staff responsible for copywriting review.

This group of clerks whose brains are all over the body, or the body grows on the brains, are connected to a special nerve that directly connects to the secret courtyard database.

While reading the document, they can quickly determine whether the relevant content has an important role in the construction and promotion of the school's knowledge.

Because the school's knowledge system is already very large.

For external teachers, as long as the ‘repetition rate’ does not exceed 90%, even if they pass... the repetition rate can reach 50% or less is considered an excellent talent.


After a long period of comparison, the repetition rate of what Han Dong wrote was only 7.3%.

Just when the clerk was about to pass the news that was enough to cause a sensation.

Winnicks, who was in charge of the assessment, put his palm on the clerk's brain for amnestics, and took away the relevant documents in his hand.

Staring at the 7.4% repetition rate report in his hand, Winnicks' slightly solemn face also hides surprises.

Immediately conduct a comprehensive review of the documents submitted by Han Dong, and judge the value of the documents from his perspective.

"Where did this talent come from?! He must first meet with the vice principal... I hope he didn't come to deliberately do things.

The value of this manuscript allows him to pass the lecturer assessment directly. If it can be more detailed and in-depth, there is nothing to say even if it is an associate professor.

I hope we found the treasure. "

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