My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1460: Real cooperation

"Reject the money owner"

This is a big taboo in the holy city.

According to rumors, what the gold master wants will be obtained no matter what, even the heads of the group can hardly refuse the gold master.


This is now the "second time" Han Dong has rejected the benefactor.

The first time was at the Knights Conference, the gold master who came to the meeting threw an olive branch to Han Dong, but in the end, due to the relationship of Captain Hugo, Han Dong chose to join the Secret Whisper Knights.

The subsequent benefactor did not find any trouble, and Han Dong estimated that it was related to the secret handling of the head of Hugo and the parliament.

Now facing the request made by the master of gold, Han Dong still refuses...

The reason is simple, such seemingly generous conditions are no longer in Han Dong's eyes, and cannot be compared with his own [time] at all.

"Master, forgive me for rejecting."

When giving such an answer, Han Dong's spirit was also fully tense... and even the structure of tentacles was derived from the brain to prepare for "borrowing the gods."

Combined with the warning from the leader of the big demon at the elevator entrance, the gold master and Mr. Newton are really likely to do something unfavorable to Han Dong.

Haha! Haha!

The fat is constantly squeezing out the sound waves of laughter, crashing~ accompanied by a large number of gold coins spilling on the ground.

Facing Han Dong's refusal, the sponsor was not angry, but felt very happy.

"It is indeed a knight who made a great contribution and played a decisive role during the Great Expedition... Wanting to come, such a ‘popular’ condition simply cannot satisfy you.

No need to be nervous.

The conditions for cooperation just mentioned are just a test.

After all, neither I nor Newton participated in the Great Expedition personally. No matter how wonderful the description of you is by others, as long as it is not personally seen by me, we will not easily believe it.

Judging from your decisive refusal just now, 60% of the rumors about you should be true.

Next, I need to continue to verify the remaining 40%. If you can really do it, I will negotiate with you a very cost-effective transaction that will definitely satisfy you. "


"In one minute, how much can you see from my body?

If you don't see anything, today's conversation will end here... I will not interfere with you in any way, and the basic cooperation between you and the Steam Knights will still be maintained.

The timing has started. "

Although Han Dong didn't quite understand the real intention of the sponsor, he could vaguely smell a hint of opportunity.

Since the sponsor took the initiative to let himself see, Han Dong was not welcome.

As the magic eye opened, the surrounding space was slowly distorting.

A strange black vortex quickly formed between the pupils of the eyes.

The gray and turbid visual effects, like tentacles, slowly penetrate into the golden diaphragm of the gold main watch, penetrate into the abdomen, and get a glimpse of the real scene in the body.

"this is!"

Seeing this scene, Han Dong was shocked and turned his head.

He looked at another person in the conference room, Mr. Newton who was standing at the door honestly throughout the whole process.

"Gold Master... is your creation, Mr. Newton!?"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Bursts of crisp applause sounded in the conference room.

Mr. Newton showed a smile that was very different from usual, a smile from the heart:

"Thirteen seconds...It seems that your eyes are quite special, and the entire holy city should not be able to find a second such eye.

Remember, this matter must be kept secret for me, otherwise, according to the law of the holy city, I will lose a lot of precious time.

As you said, the gold master is what I created.

The technology and cost contained therein are derived from my life and death experience in the destiny space.

In the end, based on a [Developable World] node, I consumed all the points I had at that time, and finally completed the creation of the gold master.

Unexpectedly, you can really see that... your'existence' has exceeded the conventional definition, and it is worthy of our deeper cooperation. "

Han Dong was completely stunned.

No one can think of this.

The head of the famous Steam Knights is actually Mr. Newton's creation... that is to say, the entire Steam Knights, the entire Steam City, and the holy ring organization currently above the council are all managed by Newton alone.

"Next, let's talk about real cooperation."

Mr. Newton sat directly opposite Han Dong in an elegant manner.

A real contract for soft metal material is delivered.

"Time is the most precious thing in the world.

The higher a person climbs, the more priceless time becomes... I know Nicholas that your time can no longer be measured by money.

Therefore, the cooperation we are about to reach will not take up your time, but will save you some time.

[Steam Technology] is my lifelong pursuit, and it is the branch of technology with the most potential and value in my opinion.

I put everything into it, even my life. "

Newton's tone has completely changed, no longer pretending, all words from the heart, putting himself and Han Dong on the same plane, having the most sincere conversation.

"It's just that the level I currently reach is far from enough.

It is not enough to push the entire holy city to a higher area and a safe enough area through gears... I need more and more intuitive technical support.

I hope Nicholas can share with me the steam technology you currently master. UU Reading

If there is a chance, I hope you can use Nicholas as the "middleman" and let me meet the scientists involved in the Alien Rubik's Cube and the steam gear... It is best to be someone who has mastered the end of this [Old King].

In return, all the research results I have obtained will be shared with you without reservation.

Even dispatch the top engineers to transfer related technologies and equipment to your manor, saving a lot of time.

Of course, all of the above will not limit Nicholas's freedom, just the same technical exchange as before. "

Han Dong also smiled relievedly when he heard this.

During the conversation, the magic eye has been kept open... Mr. Newton's passionate speech did not contain any lie. What Han Dong can be sure of is that Mr. Newton will always put steam research and the development of the Holy City first.

At the same time, he also understood one thing, why Mr. Black and White would choose to trust Newton unconditionally, and even accept the mechanical transformation provided by the other party.

"Of course... But Mr. Newton. I still have some questions.

In terms of matchmaking, my relationship with Alien Cube is indeed pretty good.

But as a well-known professor at the School of Secrets, Captain Hugo must be able to establish technical cooperation with alien monsters, right? Why do you still need to find me? "

"Do you also know about Hugo?

That's right... Hugo is indeed helping me, and some strange magic experts involved in mechanical gears in the secret courtyard are establishing a cooperative relationship with us.

However, this relationship does not include the old king, and the other party's attitude has always been high, and many things are not willing to be directly taken out.

I even hope to receive your assistance from Nicholas, and I also hope that I can directly contact the existence of [Old King Rank] as soon as possible"


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