My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1451: Big change

   The fourth day before the end of the London game.

   The area where the expeditionary force base is located, unexpectedly rained a weird white rain.

  The raindrops are white and translucent, showing a regular dodecahedron.

   When such rain water comes into contact with the knight, it will be immediately absorbed by the armor or flesh.

  A kind of pure magic power will spread out among the armor structures, repairing the armor and increasing the armor level at the same time.

When    is absorbed by the body, not only will it replenish the energy in the body, but the energy purity will also be improved.

   Just when the weird white rain is about to stop.

   A group of white giant eggs wrapped in crystal clusters fell from the sky and smashed heavily on the central clearing of the camp.

   With the gradual cracking of the eggshell.

The big demon leader wearing a pure white crown stepped out from it. Although there was not much change in appearance, the overall feeling was completely different...The absolutely pure demon body exudes circles in the true sense. The breath of the king.

"Back to the city!"

   Due to the fall of the City of London, the expeditionary force’s mobile buildings were also swallowed by the explosion.

   The whole army will go to the nearby Alien Manor.

   With the help of the teleportation array established by the alien monsters on the surface of the earth, head to the area closest to the holy city... This is somewhat similar to the "station system" of the planet Pandora.

   The expeditionary army blessed by the eternal night also received the warm reception of the local aliens.

  In addition to various sashimi foods,

  Some strange demons took the initiative to show their love, hoping to breed offspring with humans,

  Although very few knights are a little tempted, the holy city is still waiting for them to return. In the future, there is an opportunity to consider this kind of marriage that is beneficial to enhancing the friendship between humans and alien monsters.

  【Gain Forest】

   The expeditionary army sent here could hardly conceal their excitement, and even vaguely expanded the outline of the holy city through the dense foliage.

   The frequency of the horseshoe sound has been accelerating over time.

During the    there were still a large number of arakkoa escorting over the woods.

   Of course, the actions of the arakkoa were related to a certain young knight.

   [Two and a half years]

   Although it was shorter than the expected expedition time, it was also the first time human beings left the holy city for so long.

   Just stepping in the woodland of the Gain Forest made many knights cry of joy.

   Han Dong, who was riding in the horse workshop, couldn't help but stick his head out of the window. The memories of the past scenes were quickly playing in his brain.

   The moment when I walked out of the forest.

   Han Dong's expression immediately changed, from anticipation and excitement to an unexpected expression of surprise.

   The previous reminder from Demps came to mind that the Holy City is undergoing a [Great Change].

   A large number of mechanical workers driven by steam energy are densely climbing on the surface of the city wall, and the copper alloy city wall that was originally used to resist the monsters no longer exists.

   All materials related to [Copper] are discarded.

   The original city wall was completely demolished to recreate a modern city wall that incorporates the highest steam technology and is filled with a large number of metal pipelines. The loud sound of mechanical work can be heard thousands of meters away.

   The once smooth wall is covered with tubular lines,

  Some hubs have also added a mysterious instrument that Han Dong can’t resolve.

   Except for the expressions of several heads unchanged, the rest of the knights were all shocked by the transformation of the city wall...Moreover, this was only the city wall, and there seemed to be even greater changes within the holy city.

   is accompanied by the rotation of giant gears.

  The gate opens

   Just when the army entered the city at full speed, there was no expected triumphant grandeur.

   There was no civilian on both sides of the street who came to welcome the return of the Knights. Instead, there were mechanical knights neatly arranged on the roadside... Yes, a pure mechanical entity without any fleshy structure.

   "What is that...Steam City?"

   Not long after entering the city, the eyes of all the expeditionary forces looked at the [Top] of the holy city.

   You must know that the basic structure of the holy city is divided into four parts by the "Three Gods Staircase".

   The civilian area at the bottom of the outer periphery,

   The inner ring middle area (200 meters above sea level) corresponding to the first **** level and above, including the knight academy, the noble residential area, and the area where the family members of the knight group live, etc.,

   The second order above corresponds to the core area (500 meters above sea level), including the headquarters of the knights, the headquarters of the associations, the Holy See, and the royal family.

   The third rank and above is the apex of the holy city (1000 meters above sea level)-a holy city managed by a parliamentary monarchy, and the apex area corresponds to the highest legislative and power organ of the holy city-the parliament.

   However... the scene in front of me directly announced the end of the parliamentary monarchy.

   was once wrapped in the inner layer, known as the "steam city" of the heart of the holy city, unexpectedly ‘emerged from the ground’.

   The special building that provides the root power for the entire holy city, "The-Column-of-steam", breaks through the top floor of the council.

   fully surpassed the height of the parliament, the highest point of the column is 1,500 meters above sea level.

in the meantime.

  【Holy Ring】, the core sanctuary of the Mechanic Cult, also appears around the column, replacing the council as a brand new apex area.

  The holy ring is also an important area in charge of Mr. Newton.

   "What the **** is this!?"

   Han Dong recalled that on the eve of the Great Expedition, Mr. Newton used himself as an intermediary to contact [Mr. Black and White] and privately met in the holy ring area of ​​Steam City.

   If you rely on the field of vision from the apex, you will find it by observing the surroundings.

   The civilian area has been completely changed. Various advanced steam facilities have appeared in every house. The civilians living here can only look at the triumphant expeditionary army through the windows.

   They seem to be restricted by some kind of compulsory decree and are not allowed to step out of the house for the time being.

   Such a huge change, as well as the weird atmosphere permeating the air, quickly wiped away the joy in the hearts of the expeditionary army.

   The joy of going home has evolved into a more radical thought. UU reading believes that the [Steam Knights] carried out large-scale reform actions through the gap of the Great Expedition.

   Some knights faced the scene in front of them, and even showed a fighting posture.

at this time.

   The voice of the Great Demon Leader rang in everyone's ears.

  "No need to panic.

   The scene you are seeing is exactly the brand new blueprint conceived by our head before the big expedition. The new era naturally also needs a brand new holy city.

   The fundamental purpose of the "Great Expedition" is to introduce us into a new era, an era of freedom and common development.

  We, as the selected expeditionary army, will be responsible for proving the value of mankind to the world, regaining the sovereignty that we deserve, and allowing us to stand on the same platform as the strange monster.

   The knights living in the city will be responsible for the overall reform of the holy city, abolishing, abandoning and destroying the parts that were once unnecessary, and building a capital city that is more in line with human development to adapt to the new era.

   This is a decision made by our thirteen knights, so please stay calm... Now, we will go to the parliamentary district to share the victory and open a new chapter of mankind. "



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