My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1444: New direction

As the [biggest winner] of the London game, Han Dong won a total of four awards.

Even if the last one uses the ‘pre-order’ method, it will be distributed after the myth stage, which has also attracted the common attention of all the strange demons on the scene, including Pop.

It can also be seen from the distribution of rewards.

Han Dong tried to carry out the experiment of "Ghoul Army" in the London game room, and got the above affirmation.

In the so-called "manor reconstruction," there may be some high-ranking people who will conduct an in-depth investigation of the ghouls in the manor, and then there may be other things that come to Han Dong.

In addition.

In addition to the "Book of Necromancers", the most valuable reward is the direct invitation from the Old Gray King to go to [Forbidden Land-Heart of Madness and Chaos] to personally give the "faceless head" the upgrade guide.

The origin of the head is closely related to the old gray king. Maybe it can really understand the nature of the head and achieve the maximum upgrade.

"Senior, the question about head upgrade is to wait until the awards are over and go directly with you? Or when?"

"It's up to you.

I have left a mark between your eyeballs, you can establish contact with me when needed.

My suggestion is to contact me when you are fully prepared... This time the head upgrade will involve an experience you have never had before, and you need to be in excellent condition. "


That's it.

The "Award Ceremony" of the London Games is all over.

I thought that the upper class would summarize the London game, or explain their attitude towards the space of destiny.

Unexpectedly, with the rotation of the square disk and the rising of starlights, all personnel were transmitted back to the earth area... It seems that the upper ranks did not care about the invasion of fate.


The end of the award ceremony means that the London game has come to an end.

The Human Expeditionary Force is temporarily stationed in a valley in south London to ensure that it is not affected by the stench of Roshan, and it is also necessary to wait for the master of the big demon to complete the adjustment to the throne.

At that time, with the official throne in the world of alien demons and the sovereignty acquired, the human expeditionary force can use the transmission network built by alien demons around the world to return to the holy city in a safe and fast manner.

The strange demons (primitive forces) that arrived from different regions also left the Roshan region one after another, preparing to embark on their return journey.

Before leaving, the ten original mates gathered together in a stone room.

The cooperation between the London games has eased the gap a lot...Of course, Pope is still reluctant to talk to Green.

"……So be it.

When we meet next time, everyone should also reach the mythological stage. "

Pope made a brief summary and didn't mean to stay here.

Nowadays, Pop has put most of his mind on the magic book, and he wants to go back and read the relevant content of the "Revelation of Gracchi", and make the final perfection of the ‘mythical puzzle’ he constructed.

Just when everyone was about to leave.

A burst of madness condensed into the form of the palm, pulling everyone back, and everyone's eyes were focused on Green:

"Oh~ It's rare for everyone to get together and talk for a while~

I believe there are still many people who have not played enough in the London game. I have a special action here. I want to see what everyone thinks. Before the Dun game, I have discussed the'Space of Destiny' with Nicholas. Related things.

As a human being promoted by fate, he is very familiar with the space of fate.

Now, he is willing to act as a guide, leading me, Sally, and Hope to Destiny Space together to execute a secret event that is extremely difficult, even no less than the London game.

Do you have any ideas to participate? should be very interested, right? "

Green was actually spotting Pope's special ability and wanted to pull him into the water together.


Popper responded with a cold face:

"I reject.

Nicholas is "similar" to me in some respects, and he and I are not suitable to form a team to act together.

In addition, our exploration of the space of destiny does not necessarily rely on the assistance of outsiders. Some of us have already completed the journey of fate alone, haven't they? "

Pope turned his gaze to Eugenes.

Green hurriedly approached the glass container, "Oh? Eugenes, you fellow, have you been to Destiny Space alone? No wonder you have the confidence to hold the Mythical Body on the battlefield."

"...Well, I have used the ancient technology to modify and control [The Gate of Destiny], relying on the human skin from a high copy, and I have already entered once."

"How difficult is it?"

"The difficulty is extremely high. If we are not prepared, without some kind of consciousness, even we may die in it.

Of course, the harvest is also quite rich, and it is a new type of area that is worth visiting. "

"Wow~ this is really great!... Then I will ask again, does anyone want to join us? Our team can still add one more person at the moment."

Since Pope did not participate, Hyde Darius would naturally not.

Aslan, squinting his eyes, can smell the benefits. For example, Eukins's brilliant performance in the London game is inseparable from his going to the space of destiny.

However, fate events that are inherently dangerous and have never been experienced will become more difficult because of Green's existence.

After thinking about it, Aslan didn't make any response.

Miss Helen is not particularly concerned about'becoming stronger', she now cares more about a young man with a human identity.

Eugenes will naturally not cooperate with Han Dong.

As for King Star Vader, all his actions must be approved because he must return to the galaxy area he is in, and he cannot make a decision now.

At this moment, a ghoul's arm full of stitch marks slowly raised.

"The difficulty is very high... In other words, there is a high probability of death, right? Boss Green, can I go?"

Among the crowd.

"Kit... okay~ come with me."

Seeing that no one else wanted to join, Green was too lazy to ask, leading Kit, Sally, and Hope directly out of the stone room and heading outside Roshan to meet Han Dong.

【Stone Room】

Inglein's proposal made him fall into contemplation.

"Fate Space" belongs to the mysterious realm that the alien demons have never set foot in...

Whether it is human performance or Eugenes performance, it is enough to show that the space of fate is of great help to the improvement of ability, and it is also a brand-new experience route.

And the peculiar adventure in the space of destiny, UU reading www. also allows them to be exposed to all kinds of life and various rules in other worlds, and have a higher adaptability in the possible future wars.

Thinking of this, Pope said suddenly:

"Eukins...I suggest that we also form a team and try to travel to the space of destiny together.

I will ask the teacher for the relevant details to minimize unknown risks.

And you have relevant experience, should you be a guide? "

Eugenes replied with a grimace:

"Actually, I only entered once, with very little experience.

It might be better if you can find a more skilled guide. "


Following Eugenes's proposal, Pop suddenly wanted someone, a human who had just met but was recognized by Popper.


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