My Cell Prison

Vol 7 Chapter 1433: Final choice

【London City】

It was the blacksmith III von B. Kliman from "Holy Order" who brought together London's "wounds" through "craftsmanship" and gave a shocking blow.

The blacksmith and the black tower signed a very normal task agreement, which was different from the parent body and did not add any gambling components.

As long as he can achieve the mission goal, the corresponding holy world will also receive the corresponding mission reward.

Different from the other three worlds.

"Holy Steps", who had dealt with S-01 in advance, knew exactly what they were facing. If it were not bound by the Black Tower Treaty, they would have given up all tasks related to alien monsters... They would never want to deal with this group again. There is no intertwining between monsters that cannot be estimated by regular values ​​and their levels.

Therefore, the dispatched blacksmith III had already made the worst plan.

What he didn't expect was that he would fall into an extremely passive situation at the beginning of the war... and he didn't know exactly what he was facing.

Alien? Humanity? Or a monster from an unknown dimension?

Located in the steel space, one-to-one without any external interference.

Blacksmith III actually competed with a human knight who claimed to be the [Great Demon] at first, but as the fighting time prolonged, the state of the Great Demon became more and more wrong.

The white muscles that grew wildly from the beginning gradually evolved into exaggerated and bizarre hyperplastic tissues.

Two proliferative tissues that resemble the palm of the hand and are at the same time a giant wing structure are hung on the back,

A white tail that needs to be weighed by "tons" fell heavily on the ground,

All parts of the body can undergo various changes spontaneously,

At most one time, even thirteen arms were grown, suppressing the blacksmith without losing strength.

However, physical proliferation is only one of the characteristics.

What really worries blacksmiths is the "destructiveness" contained in the physique of the demon.

The attack from the Great Demon carries a destructive attribute that can reverse the normal state of matter. Even the blacksmith's [Titan Body] will be directly injured by this attack.

This is also true.

Facing the crazy attack of the big devil, the blacksmith hardly had any chance to breathe.

When the mother's body was attacking the whole army, the blacksmith couldn't make any move... A little bit of distraction, he would be completely suppressed by the big demon, and he must ensure that the king-level balance did not become unbalanced.


The blacksmith exhausted his best efforts to persist in the field, suddenly knowing that the balance of the outside world has tilted.


A familiar but unfamiliar slash struck from the outside world.

"Steel Space" was directly cut through by such an extremely astonishing force.

The blacksmith stared at another king-level human who came to support him, and the "Lumen Authentic" held in his hands. The situation of the battle was clear at a glance... the worst happened.


Early in the blacksmith's head, a plan to deal with it was drawn up.

"Craftsmanship Perception"

As a Titan craftsman, he can quickly perceive and integrate inorganic materials, especially stone and metal.

Get the current foundation status of London in an instant.

at the same time.

The reason why he restricted the Great Demon Commander to fight in a fixed area was to accumulate damage at a ‘certain point’ in the city and use it as the central point to break through the city of London.

Regardless of the big demon in front of him, and Ma Long who had just cut the steel space.

The blacksmith raised his hand, and the companion artifact symbolizing the holy order of the Titans-"Adenom. Genesis Hammer", hammered heavily on the cracked ground.

The hammer containing the craftsmanship of the Titans directly touched the foundations of London, and combined with the skills mastered by the blacksmiths, it caused all the injuries accumulated in London.

With this as the center, the huge scars of the cracked ground began to spread around the city.

Crustal breakdown

The city of London, which was divided into four, fell directly into a mine pit with a depth of tens of thousands of meters, and the wars that took place between the streets were also forcibly interrupted...At the same time, the black dragon fighting with his mother in the underground palace was also revealed.

It's just that Black Dragon Teplo's condition is even worse.

Tentacles that touched the origin ran through his body, and the priceless dragon scales had been torn apart on a large scale... The intense pain and pollution eroded, leaving the black dragon old man between the dragon and the human form.

Halfway through the falling distance.

Blacksmith III passed by with a calm, even proud tone.

"Old Black Dragon, our defeat is set!

I can no longer feel the existence of the matrix here, and there is no possibility of a comeback...Due to the restrictions of the land deed and the inequality of the king, it is impossible for the two of us to escape.

Even if we can really escape back with one last breath, even if the mission fails, our world will be affected or even degraded. We will become sinners of the world and will never be able to atone for our sins.

Now that you have reached this point, just drag the group of strange demons to destroy it together, right?

At that time, our world should build a magnificent monument for us, and the heroic deeds about us will be known forever. What do you think? 』

"Haha! The old man happened to have this idea too... it is worthy of the S-01 world, which made the old man have a better life in his lifetime.

It just so happens that the destructive energy accumulated in the old man's body cannot be vented. It depends on which of us does better. 』

The countless volcanoes swallowed by the black dragon erupted at the same time, and the body surface temperature soared by thousands of degrees Celsius, showing an extremely unstable state.

at the same time.

The Blacksmith III also wrapped himself in an absolutely airtight iron coffin, and some inestimable energy was gathering.

Whether it's the Malong or the Great Demon on the human side.

As the mother of the dark night of a strange demon, she understood something at this moment... Because the tilt of the balance was too large, the war turned into an unpredictable situation.

Malone shouted: "Oops! Big devil, we must find a way to take all the knights out of here!"

At the same moment, the voice of the mother-in-law spread through the land lease to the city of London that was falling.

"All personnel must post to the dark area closest to you within ten seconds!"


Just when everyone tried to stick to the dark area.

During the fall, the enemy army seemed to be crazy, not doing any defense, and pounced like a mad dog, and even began to burn the core and essence and burst out for a short time. Even if the soul is scattered, it is bound to hold the strange monster.

Ten seconds later.

The friendly forces approaching the dark shadow area are all wrapped in a layer of darkness, and the mother uses the power of the land deed to teleport them to the surface of the mythical celestial body.

The celestial body is flying towards the ground at full speed.

No matter how many remaining friendly forces have not been able to transmit over, something extremely terrifying is about to happen.

"This group of guys have such an awareness... At the expense of the throne, UU reading blew themselves up at the rule level."


Under the control of the mother, the land lease reopened to fully envelop the mythical celestial body.

The next explosion that will happen, even the mother has never seen... But what is certain is that such a self-detonation can absolutely completely disintegrate the entire planet.


A ray of light came from the depths of the mine.

In an instant, it symbolizes the highest steam technology in the holy city. The "endless energy" used to stabilize the land lease is directly overclocked at this instant, and it blows up in an instant.

The energy shock erupted from the depths of the mine collided with the dark barrier.

The mother who was forcibly controlling the land deeds burned a lot of white smoke all over her body at this moment, and even uttered painful screams that exceeded the acceptable frequency of the sound wave.

The title deed in his hand is slowly disappearing, and the enchantment surrounding the celestial body is gradually torn apart...


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