My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1275: Open the door

【Fate Card Game】

Han Dong guessed the significance of this hand from the beginning.

Victory is not the key.

First of all, the mysterious creatures guarding the door never mentioned the phrase ‘the door can only be opened by winning the game’.

more importantly.

The other party claims to be truth and destiny.

It can link thousands of worlds together through silk threads to generate a deck of cards from different worlds... It can be seen that the other party has basically not lied, maybe it is the creator of the destiny system, or a consciousness clone of the creator.

Such a high-end existence integrates the essence of all the worlds, a card game designed in six cosmic years.

Han Dong is given only one hour to learn. Is it possible to defeat the founder in the game? The answer is impossible, even the probability of one in a billion does not exist.

Han Dong's speculation about the meaning of the game is:

Satisfying the founder's spiritual entertainment, if he can get a sense of pleasure in the game, then the next door opening will become very smooth.


Han Dong formed a plan in his brain.

Put your maximum brain power into the game, as long as you notice that the opponent reveals an appointment in the game, the goal will be achieved.

At that time, once you feel uncomfortable at the level of consciousness, you will slow down and lose the game normally following the format of the entire game.

Han Dong must ensure that his mental state is suitable for the next door opening, and must not spend too much energy on the game.

Who knows, the accident still happened.

Han Dong was unconsciously immersed in this fateful game.

This kind of epic chess and card battle, which requires the brain to operate at super-high speed and involves his own experience, aroused a deep interest in Han Dong's heart, an [interest] that can overwhelm reason and desire.

With the complexity of the game, the expansion of the battlefield one after another, the interaction between various cards, summon powerful units to suppress the situation or guide the trend of the game by burying the remaining event cards.

Makes interest grows with it, until completely immersed in it.

Even if Han Dong knew in his heart that it was impossible to win, he still wanted to go all out, even at the cost of his life to get the best ending-[tie].


Successfully pass the loopholes in the card game to achieve a tie, and cause the first damage to the opponent's body.

Han Dong, who has done all this, no longer has any thinking ability, even if it is to carry out ‘1+1=? The calculation of ’will also lead to the collapse of consciousness.

crucial moment.

A strand of silk descended from the air.

At the moment when Han Dong's consciousness was about to collapse, he ‘secured it firmly’.


I don't know how long it has been.

When Han Dong opened his eyes again, the chessboard in front of him had all been removed, and all the cards that symbolized Han Dong's experience had also been recovered.

He was sitting in a cross-legged posture, sitting face-to-face with the mysterious creature, keeping a distance of a tile.

The mysterious man's finger lightly twitched.

The silk thread running through Han Dong's body was pulled back into his hand, a mouth appeared on his pure white face, and two rows of white teeth corresponded to a favored smile.

"Your consciousness has been completely repaired, thank you for bringing such a wonderful game, especially the last step is really wonderful."

"I use the loopholes in the rules to force a draw. This is the maximum I can achieve... Of course, if I can give me more time to study the rules of the game, maybe I can play better."

"Oh? Could it be better?

Forget it... you have to perform an important door opening ceremony, and you have just patched your mind with fate. It would not be good to leave you here to continue playing cards.

Next time, when you come here in the future with your overall consciousness, play with you again... I have a good impression of you, don't let me down.

This is a gift from me personally, which represents my satisfaction with the whole game. I hope you can make good use of it.

Go ahead, humans! "

The white life with black outline disappeared, leaving a "flesh capsule" on the floor tiles.

The effect is unknown.

Since it is the reward material left on the current occasion, it must be related to opening the door.

If Han Dong reports this to executives or other destiny openers, everyone will be surprised...because no individual living in the black tower has ever received such a ‘gift’.

"It seems that I am really the founder of the destiny system, and I can fix it in time when my consciousness is about to collapse, and even make me fully recovered.

My current state is not much different from when I first came here, and even the ‘breadth’ of consciousness, ‘thinking ability’ and ‘sentiment’ have been greatly expanded due to the game.

However, I am also a bit reckless...I don't know whether it is the side effects of crazy that caused me to get stuck in the game, or the traction of the game itself, which made me want to put everything into this game.

That's it! Ready to open the door! "

Thinking out of the game just now, his vision returns to the door of truth before him.

Pick up the "meat capsule" and temporarily hold it in your pocket.

Both hands fell on the surface of the huge and heavy door at the same time.

When Han Dong was thinking about what method should be used to open the door, the door actually opened inward on its own.

"Could it be that the card game just now also corresponds to the ‘key’ used to open the door? As long as you play a card carefully with the founder, will the door open?"

Han Dong hasn't waited for careful consideration.

A burst of cheerful music came from inside the door.

Corresponding to the [Gate of Truth], behind it is a large playground.

To be precise, it should be a ‘death entertainment’ amusement park filled with lifelessness and dedicated to the dead.

As soon as he set foot here, Han Dong saw two death facilities that could not appear in human society.

"Body Collider"-Tourists with smiling faces are **** on both sides of the collider. Through the accelerating collision, the tourists' bodies collide head-on, until all of them die.

The tourists with broken bodies can still move, and the broken bodies are assembled in a short time and continue to participate in the next activity.

Moreover, the assembly of tourists doesn’t care whether the limbs belong to them, as long as they can be installed.

"Screaming Haunted House"-Through the monitoring screen in front of the haunted house, we can see that the staff who play ghosts and demons inside, UU Reading are carrying out extremely cruel massacres of tourists.

After experiencing the death of the haunted house, tourists can apply to stay as a temporary employee and get the opportunity to slaughter other tourists.

At the same time, it needs to be noted.

The tourists who are enjoying death here are all ‘faceless people’. They paint the facial features on their faces with watercolor brushes, and most of them express their love for the playground with exaggerated smiles.

Han Dong who came here also returned to his original state.

Marinated head, mummy left arm, deformed right arm and black vortex torso.

At this time, the speakers hung on different amusement facilities broadcast an extremely important broadcast:

"The abyss roller coaster is checking in. It is only for this trip. Those who have not checked in must seize the opportunity. 』

After passing a bright red smiling face with his right index finger, Han Dong ran straight to the roller coaster ticket gate deep in the playground.

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