My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1240: Royal palace

Because Shi Lang Yan did not give much time.

Han Dong first said goodbye to Governor Wang Shiheng.

The other party also made it clear that Yueshui's favor would be repaid in the future.

At the same time, Luo Gaocheng, who contributed to this incident, will be assigned a normal identity.

"Miss Chen, your identity should be restored soon, and we shall see you in the court at that time...I have something to discuss with Chief Huang, so I won't talk about it."


Staring at the figure of Han Dong going away.

A strange look flashed between Chen Xinying's eyes, it might be because she was shocked by Han Dong's performance just now, or she had some other thoughts.

"Congratulations, Mr. Han, for being selected by the Secret Ministry... Mr.'s prospects are bound to be limitless. If you need help in the future, Mr. will give your orders."

Feng Kui, who was full of black flesh and covered in iron rings, always looked very simple in front of Han Dong.

"Feng Kui, come here."

This kind of commanding words directly acted on Feng Kui's brain, and an irresistible force pulled him closer to Han Dong.


The palm of his hand pressed to the back of his head, and the essence of crazy laughter was absorbed.

If you don't get rid of the mad laugh virus from Feng Kui's head, you will encounter trouble when reassembling the corpse gu.

The relationship between master and servant was lifted, but the experience of this period of time was still preserved in Feng Kui's mind... When he realized what was wrong and wanted to ask, Han Dong was nowhere to be seen.


Inside the compartment.

The doctor stood in front of him respectfully, carefully taking down a series of instructions given by Han Dong.

"In short, this incident should end early.

The progress of the event is up to me.

Doctor, you will concentrate on the huge project that the Ministry of Industry is preparing, and help the corpse kingdom to help them achieve the results they want to achieve as much as possible.

Then in private, fully analyze the mechanical planting technology, and strive to bring it back to the manor and apply it to the ghoul.

If you need to pay points to bring back this technology, I will handle it. "

"it is good!"

When he heard that he had the opportunity to bring back the technology here, the doctor was also very happy. Nothing could excite him more than doing research.


Settle down the little things around you.

Han Dong immediately followed Yan Bowen, the secret servant servant, up from the chain in the center of the military department.

I have had the experience of climbing Moon God Mountain, and climbing the chain seemed so easy, relying solely on the physical body to crawl up quickly, without using any abilities related to the "Floating Corpse Nei Jing".

This Yan Bowen, the secretary of the Secret Service, uses a very wonderful method of ‘fighting in the air’. Every zombie jump can land on an invisible air step and jump easily.

During the climb, Han Dong tried to ask: "Master Yan, if every new secret officer is added to the secret department, the emperor will personally review it...the number of secret officers should be very small."

"Well, the total number of secret officers is currently thirteen.

The lowest secret officer is also from the third-rank official position. This manuscript of yours is full of gold. If there is a useful method of ‘fixing defects’ on it, then you have done a great job.

How much time did you spend making this manuscript? "

Han Dong naturally couldn't reply honestly for ten minutes.

"I met Fangshi Chen a long time ago, and when I learned about the corpse gu, I was very interested... It took me more than half a year."

"Half a year, is it so short?

As long as you can pass the review of the emperor and formally become a secret officer, I will take you to the secret department and quickly take over things related to the corpse gu.

Corpse Gu is the foundation of the nation's fortune.

We must ensure the normal operation of the national transport? So that the great plan can be realized. "


Under the leadership of Shi Lang Yan.

Han Dong set foot in the Imperial City for the first time.

The degree of prosperity here is not comparable to other surrounding areas.

The zombies coming and going on the streets are all court officials wearing black hats and official uniforms. They are all located in the imperial city.

of course.

As Han Dong guessed.

The imperial city has a clear distinction between inside and outside.

These officials who live outside are always just outsiders. Most of them can't even get a chance to face the saint? It is very likely that they will not have a chance to set foot in the palace even if they have contributed their lives to the court.

"This is the outer wall of the palace?"

The towering red lacquered walls? Have a height similar to that of the holy city wall? There is a golden ring pillar as a connection 100 meters apart.

"The imperial palace is the forbidden zone dreamed of by the stalemate all over the country? As long as you can step into it? It means that the individual has been recognized by the emperor... The construction of the kingdom will be closely related to it.

Are you the secret officer I personally recommend? Treat this review as the most important battle in your life. "

"it is good."

The ‘most important’ is not for Han Dong.

After bypassing the streets of the imperial city, finally came to the front gate of the imperial palace? It was guarded by a number of military personnel.

This group of city gate guards who usually show fierce light? When they saw the arrival of Yan Shilang? They immediately showed a timid and fearful look, and immediately opened the city gate for them.

"Come in, there may be a period of discomfort."


The moment Han Dong stepped into the palace.

The strong corpse aura rushed toward his face like a tide, and he wanted to push Han Dong out of the city gate like a tide of corpses.

At the same time, the sun on the ceiling was also covered by the corpse energy, and the dark color enveloped the entire palace, which would not dissipate all day long.

"this is!"

Han Dong looked into the depths of the palace.

A strong, almost black corpse energy is constantly rising to the sky... However, most of it will remain in the palace, and only a small part will flow to the outside world.

This is the source of out of control? How did this corpse energy that can change the nature of the world come from?

When Yan Shilang saw Han Dong enter the palace for the first time, he didn't take a step back. UU Read www.uukānshu. com didn't have any expressions of fear, and showed an expression of appreciation.

"Let's go, follow me to see the seem to be in good condition."

The deeper you go into the palace, the greater the concentration of corpse energy, and there is even a sense of depression of squeezing forward in the mountains of corpses.

Tai Chi Gate

Shilang Yan led Han Dong just one step at a time.

Immediately there were two dead men who exuded a strong murderous aura, at least a thousand lives with their hands and blades, suddenly descended from the air...a sharp eyes that could see through the mind looked at the coming.

Wearing a dark gold lustrous skull mask, wearing a unique black flying fish costume.

These two are the imperial guards-Jin Yiwei, who are also directly under the emperor's command. Each of them is the real strong one among the dead.

"Why did Shi Lang Yan go to the Taiji Hall?"

"Report the investigation results of the'corpse gu incident' not long ago and promote a brand new secret officer."


Due to the face of Han Dong, two Jinyiwei accompanied him throughout the journey.

Stepping on the one thousand and eight steps in front of the Tai Chi Hall, Han Dong could clearly feel the corpse energy flowing between the steps, ‘touching’ and ‘recognizing’ his body.

Shi Lang Yan, as well as the two Jin Yiwei, were very surprised that Han Dong had to perform when he climbed the ranks.

The first time they climbed the stage, it seemed that everything was normal... When they first came here, they had stopped for many times, and there was a feeling of powerlessness that their whole body was drained, and they almost failed to complete the stage.

Han Dong's abnormality also made Jin Yiwei pay more attention to him.


Just when I stepped onto the last step.

He didn't wait for Shi Lang Yan to report information to the hall, nor did he wait for the two Jin Yiwei to further inspect Han Dong.

A strong and heavy voice came out:

"Longming and Luo, you can withdraw.

Shilang Yan, bring this reserve secret officer in to see me. "

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