My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1228: concern

The world of "Grave" has a unique growth system (out of control), and the key is to unfold around the corpse.

Whether it is entrenched in the Dantian, it symbolizes the color, concentration and form of the gas that changes in the level.

It is also the breath that spreads outside the body surface, symbolizing the attributes of the dead, such as cold, thick, hot, and sharp.

Corpse Qi can often determine most of the attributes of a zombie

Similarly, when a zombie reaches a certain level, it also forms a domain with corpse energy...

Wolong Mountains

The bottom of the Hengduan cliff that is structured like a world ladder

A strong gloom swept across Han Dong's body, and even his sleeves were swinging wildly.

Field formation.

The original barren loess was dyed black, and the ground had a hard leather feeling when stepped on it, and there were a lot of iron rings running through the ground.

"The domain does not produce direct damage or disruptive effects, so it should be an augmented effect... it's pretty good.

Sure enough, it was much worse than normal black stiffness. "

Exaggerated physique like a comic character, burst out with extremely strong speed... bypassing the doctor, and approaching Han Dong, the ‘most cheap’ zombie.

at this time.

The temperature drops sharply.

There were a lot of ice crystals in the air...a cold air suddenly overflowed from the coffin car on the side, forming a crystal clear ice wall in front of Han Dong, a full two meters thick.

The black shadow on the road blocked by the ice wall did not slow down.

"Collaboration with felons, the crime deserves death!"

Feng Kui.

The second commander of the Demon Region Barracks can be said to be the direct contact sent by the Central Ministry of War to monitor Wang Shiheng... He can gain the trust of the current Shang Shu, and he is naturally capable of taking on such a heavy burden.

The corpse collection he cultivated is not available in the market, it belongs to the special product of the Ministry of War-"Eighteen Classics"

It belongs to the same power training category as the "Non-Destructive Corpse Sutra", but it has a higher degree of precision, and the difficulty of cultivation has doubled.

As the name suggests, eighteen deep forgings are required.

Each time of forging the body will make the meat more refined, corresponding to the compression and black rot phenomenon of the meat...This will make the surface look darker.

When it reaches the eighteenth major achievement, its external appearance is pure swarthy, also known as black meat.

As for the iron ring on Feng Kui's body, it belongs to the "small talisman" tailored for him by the Ministry of War, and it can be perfectly integrated with his ability system in conjunction with the supplementary scriptures of the "Eighteen Sutra".

There was no timidity in the face of the ice wall blocking in front of him.

Clench your fists!

When the muscles were tightened, the iron rings all over the surface of the black meat began to tremble regularly...ding, ding, ding!


Ding~ding~ding! The large iron ring that grew out of the dark flesh field trembles with the same frequency.


The ice wall with extremely cold corpse energy was easily broken by fists, and its power was only weakened by 10%.

This shocked the frozen bone lying in the coffin.

Han Dong commented unchanged:

"You are very strong! The effect of the domain should be similar to breaking defenses and increasing damage?"

However, Han Dong seemed calm, the actual tentacles between his brains had begun to weave, deeply imitating a ‘prisoner’ in his head.


A punch fell on Han Dong's body.

According to common sense, the ‘resonance’ produced by the iron ring will greatly weaken the stiffness of the stiff person, and with the fist strength of the black flesh forged body, it is enough to tear the stiff person’s body into pieces instantly like a balloon.

But when the fist fell on Han Dong, the impact changed.

The iron ring that was originally excellent in breaking defenses? It seemed that they all fell into the pool and disappeared.


Feng Kui was a little puzzled as to why his field and iron ring could not be effective.


A wave of air swept away? Han Dong was blown out by this punch.

Standing still, Feng Kui was even more puzzled. His ability should not knock the enemy into the air.

The reason why I chose to practice the "Eighteen Sutras"? I wanted to kill the enemy efficiently.

The effect of this corpse collection is just like that...The inner strength cooperates with the iron ring? It can directly crush the enemy.

"What's the matter, the shock just now is so strange... how does it feel like hitting the water?"

When Feng Kui realized what? When he looked forward again.

The target that was knocked out was no longer in sight...Even there was no impact mark on the rock wall a few meters away.

At this time, a contemptuous voice came from his side.

"When you encounter something you can't understand? Will your brain short-circuit? This habit is not good.

If it wasn't for me to let Master Huang stop doing it? You should be dead just now with full of loopholes? "

Look for the sound.

The young zombie who was obviously knocked into the air was sitting on the top of the coffin with a laid-back look.

At this time, Han Dong beckoned to the doctor again.

"Master Huang! You pick four? Are there any questions?"

The large robotic arm on the doctor's shoulder shook a bit? A deep voice came from the embedded mask: "...If you want to win, you should be able to win, but it is difficult to kill all? I will definitely let go one or two."

Han Dong put his finger against his chin? He made a serious thinking appearance.

"Indeed, it's troublesome to be run away...I'm in charge of'watching the battle'.

Let the others go together! "

Talk about it.

Three figures flashed out of the coffin car immediately.

Although the verbal provocation made the soldiers of the Ministry of War angry? But when they saw the "other people" they were still quite surprised...especially one of the women.

"Fangshi Chen! Your obituary has been issued by the court? How could you still be alive?"

Feng Kui was shocked? The obituary issued by the court will never be false, and it must have been confirmed.

Alchemists belong to the special personnel of the Ministry of War? And as Longjing alchemist Chen Xinying has a very high status, and has had many intersections with Feng Kui. UUkanshu is almost the same in official position.

"Sure enough! You are thinking about some conspiracy, it must be the old man Wang Shiheng who is doing the trick!"

For a time, a four-on-four situation was immediately formed (except Han Dong)...Han Dong also ordered Zhang Xiliang to deal with the dwarf who was behind.

Ding Ding Ding~ With the tremor of the iron ring on Feng Kui's body, the battle is on the verge.

Doctor vs Black Iron-Feng Kui

"Frozen Bone" Luo Gaocheng vs "Flying Sword Mouse" Chang Lian

"Stone Mountain" Xu Zhiwei vs Chen Xinying Alchemist

At the beginning of the war, the doctor used a certain technique to cooperate with the corpse collection that he cultivated to form a force field, faintly suppressing Feng Kui, the second in command of the barracks.

Feng Kui had never seen all kinds of weird mechanical methods, and it was quite difficult to deal with.

"Doctor, this guy is really good... However, the strength of the teams is not much different, so it may take a long time to fight."

Han Dong did not directly intervene in the battle, but did an unthinkable thing.

Relying on the floating effect given by "Floating Corpse Nei Jing", let it float slowly and fly towards the top of the Hengduan Mountains.

There is one thing that makes Han Dong very concerned.

When the coffin car stopped at the bottom of the cliff, Han Dong suddenly felt uncomfortable. He couldn't say anything about it, and he felt a little bored.

"In the depths of the Demon Territory, it is extremely dangerous... Governor Wang mentioned this sentence many times, and he must have lost his leg in the Demon Territory.

It's better to be safe, and the doctor will definitely be able to hold them back. "

It floated for a full 600 meters before finally reaching the top of the cliff, which corresponds to an unusually dense jungle.

Fall on the edge of the jungle,

Tentacles on the ground,

Demon's eyes,

Full perception,

Hum! Some kind of signal went straight to Han Dong's mind, and the latter was shocked.

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