My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1226: set

The feeling when he reentered the demon cave was a little different from before, and the cold air overflowing from the depths was even more biting.

"Could it be that what happened? The guy that freezes the bone will not..."

Han Dong hurriedly speeded up and came to the deepest compartment.

However, the scene in front of me was a bit unexpected.

A white-haired frozen bone Luo Gaocheng was lying on the ice coffin he created, and his back was covered with various silver needles, some of which were almost completely black.

At the key points, a large silver needle is used in combination with a drug to introduce a viscous drug into the body.

As for Chen Xinying, she is opening her coat and mechanical body cavity, grinding a certain kind of medicine powder through a precision device inside.

"Don't come in! I have a thunder talisman at the door."

Following Chen Xinying's warning, Han Dong could only stand at the door quietly observing the scene of such violations.

Taoist priests are actually doing some kind of ‘healing’ for the zombies, not to mention that the two were still hostile a few days ago.

An explanatory voice came from Xinying Chen:

"Part of the injuries Luo Gaocheng suffered during his escape was accumulated in his body, and it has not been eliminated normally so far, forming a kind of precipitate.

During the period of hiding in the demon cave, the important "trachea" in the body was severely blocked, which hindered the transportation of the corpse.

Once you can get through, the strength can be improved. "

"No wonder the temperature in the cave has dropped again."

This is a good thing, and Han Dong waited patiently outside the door, and at the same time briefly told the doctor about his experience during this period...and his plan about the evil.

"What! The lord intends to summon all the evil spirits to directly confront the court.

Although I have not yet faced the saint, I know one thing very well.

Although most of our officials can live in the imperial city, they are regarded as so-called ‘imperial officials’.

In essence, more than 90% of the officials have not faced the saint, have not stepped into the palace for half a step, and even don't even know what the scene inside the palace is like.

Moreover, the strength of the current emperor may not be able to resist the lord with all your strength. "

Han Dong's face was small, and his palm fell on the doctor's skull and tapped gently:

"Why are you so nervous? Who said I was going to revolt? You courtier has the intent to counteract, believe it or not, report you... Doctor, when did your vision become so narrow?"

"...I just think in accordance with the lord's usual style of doing things.

After all, during the expedition, the lord had said he would go to Perugia Palace to see, and he ended up taking other people's homes.

And what he did in Toad Palace was even more excessive, not to mention the integration of land deeds turned the lord into a power bank. "

"It's not the same, it's not the same... There is a myth in the current world. I won't act recklessly until I fully understand the nature of the world."

It didn't last long.

Put the thunder symbol on the door and remove it.

Luo Gaocheng's related treatments for ‘frozen bone’ have been completed, and his whole person has become more refreshed, becoming like a radiant white-haired, thin middle-aged man.

However, out of vigilance.

Luo Gaocheng still looked at the doctor whose whole body was almost mechanically transformed with a jealous look...he had never seen a stiff person with such a high rate of mechanical body coverage, even if the internal injury was removed, he was not very sure that he could deal with it head-on.

"Don't be nervous, this is my old friend."

Han Dong briefly described the matter and sincerely invited the two to join the task given by Governor Wang Shiheng.

Chen Xinying was dangling a cigarette and didn't care at all.

"I am now recognized by the court as a dead person, and I can't go anywhere... Since there is Wang Shiheng this road, it is also very good to be able to go. Even if I can't go back, I can still have a shelter."

Luo Gaocheng gave a request, "Okay, I will go with you.

If things can go smoothly, I hope I can get a perfect disguised identity for me to live in the corpse country. "

"No problem at all, and that's how I thought about it.

However, there is a little trouble...when we came here, we seemed to be followed. "

"Followed! What's going on?" Luo Gaocheng, who had been hunted for a long time, looked extremely nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to catch you... According to some information given by Governor Wang Shiheng, it is likely that they are from the Ministry of War. They want to prevent some private actions taken by Wang Shiheng. It's that simple."

"The Ministry of War?"

As long as it is not the Ministry of Criminal Affairs? Luo Gaocheng is not too nervous.

"Or, I will bring them in? Solve them in the depths of the demon cave?"

"It's very risky. Can someone be sent to target'Wang Shiheng'? It must be something special... There is a high probability that he won't be chased in? It is even possible that you, a repeat offender, may send a signal for help to the barracks.

"What should we do then? The demon cave has only the only entrance and exit? Once we go out, we must encounter them? Isn't the ending the same?"

Han Dong shook his finger.

"It's different because of me.

What I want to do next, when you best turn your head? Otherwise, it will be very uncomfortable. "


The words just fell.

The tip of the shaking finger suddenly burst out a tentacles-translucent, starlight

Luo Gaocheng, who had not had time to look back, caught a glimpse of this tentacles by chance, and a strong sense of dizziness hit his brain There was a feeling of taking his thoughts to the stars.

If you stare for a long time, it may cause your consciousness to separate from the body, move towards the starry sky, and may turn into a bubble...

Han Dong immediately drew the void formation on the ground.

Has long considered that he will be targeted? Therefore, a void guide was left on the surface of the coffin in advance.

"come in."

Zhang Xiliang, who had teleportation experience in advance, seemed very active in the face of such things? The first to enter the circle.

After seeing Han Dong and the doctor enter.

Chen Xinying and Luo Gaocheng slowly stepped into this weird circle that they had never seen before.


In a blink of an eye.

Five people have been in different compartments of the coffin.

The mechanical tentacles on the doctor's shoulder also tap into its control groove.

With the greatest horsepower, he marched toward the demon domain.

The four people lurking in different positions outside the cave? What happened before they could react? The target's carriage had disappeared from sight.

There was no time to think about it, and everyone immediately boarded the car.

"The more weird things are, the more proof that Wang Shiheng, the old guy, is doing a ghost... this time he must be taken down as governor.

Increase the horsepower and be sure to catch up with me. It will be very troublesome to let them run. "

"Yes, my lord!"

The dwarf zombie looked thankful, but fortunately things developed like this, otherwise his head would be gone.


Han Dong reached out and touched the back of Dr.'s head.

"Slow down, don't let them get lost...Since these guys are already watching us, it's better to deal with them. When they reach a certain distance, let's break with them.

I just want to see how good you are, Doctor. "

"Relax, my weapon body is specially equipped with combat equipment, which may not be as good as the lord, but it is definitely not much worse."

"So confident? Looking forward to your performance."

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