My Cell Prison

Vol 6 Chapter 1214: Polar ice field

When dealing with such a powerful enemy with ‘characteristic’.

Especially with the help of his companions, Han Dong has become accustomed to acting as the ‘audience’ for a period of time.

Collect relevant information with little magic eyes.

"Chen Xinying is very strong.

As an "alchemist" with a special status, he can be said to be a professional exorcist... The peach wood sword with special copper coins can have a ‘suppressing evil’ effect comparable to my holy sword, and can cause special damage to the dead.

At the same time, with a kind of body covering her body, it can also cause a powerful physical blow to the target.

Such a double blow is basically fatal to evil things.

It is no wonder that he was chosen as the "Longjing Alchemist" directly under the imperial court.

It's just that... this kind of attack was perfectly guarded, especially the peach wood sword that can block the evil spirits.

[Frozen Bone]'s defense method is very special, as if borrowing an item hidden in the body to match its own ice attributes to create an indestructible diamond ice crystal. "

When he realized the target's special ability, Han Dong not only didn't have any ugly expression, but he was excited.

This head.

"Frozen Bone" Luo Gaocheng has completely drunk the last decoction in the cauldron, and the two arms growing on the back are completely perfected, and he begins to move with a very hard movement.

"There are still masters?"

Although the expression of the frozen bones did not change much, the zombie teeth like ice crystals appeared in the corners of the mouth, which was an expression of vigilance.

Just now it seemed to him that he could clearly succeed in an attack, but the target was taken away in an instant. There was no process at all... He had never seen such a spatial ability.

Chen Xinying was equally surprised.

As an intern employee of the original Heita, she naturally also had contact with many space experts.

But the spatial force acting on her just now was different from the conventional spatial transmission... it was a higher and more profound spatial transfer.

If you compare ordinary transfers (walking, running, jumping, flying) to swimming in the ocean, and regular space transfers to swimming at a hundred meters under the sea...The transfer just now is 500 meters or more deep under the sea.

"Miss Chen, can it work?"

Han Dong's question brought her thinking back to reality.

"Reluctantly, this guy has completely evolved in the process of absconding... If I'm not mistaken, he should still be holding a copy of The Corpse Collection.

It belongs to the relatively rare auxiliary corpse collection. Cultivation does not affect the main corpse collection. It is often controlled by six parts, and very few are in the world.

It is estimated that he obtained this book from the murdered Black History.

Otherwise, it would never be possible to cultivate such a perfect appendage. "

Frozen Bone also heard the whisper between the two and responded with a smile:

"Yes, I didn't expect the guy who chased me, and there is such a good thing, the court's special offer-"Stiff Limbs"...There is a kind of cultivation method that cooperates with monsters.

Now I should be able to increase my ranking on the court's wanted order. "

Talk about it.

The pale arms pressed to the ground instantly.

An extremely ice field like ocean tide spread immediately.

Han Dong and Chen Xinying also adopted a floating method to avoid contact with the spreading polar ice.

However, it is not that simple.

When the polar ice domain was covered to the lower end, ice crystal arms formed immediately and grabbed the two people floating in the air.

Chen Xinying was already a step slower when she wanted to throw the talisman.

The moment the ice crystal arm touched her calf, a large number of ice clusters immediately grew on the surface of the skin, fixing it firmly.

As for the frozen bones have been forced

The seemingly withered body has extraordinary speed, and it will also receive a speed bonus in the cave covered with ice crystals.

Insert a sentence, the book-chasing app I am using recently, [\MIC\MIC\READ\READ\A\P\P\w\w\w\.\m\i\m\i\r\e\a\ d\.\c\o\m] Cache reading, offline reading!

bass! bass!

An ice cone grows from the palm of each of the four arms.

In addition to the strong penetrating power of the ice cone? It also comes with an "extremely cold corpse energy"-* invades and causes frostbite at the cellular level, while increasing the subsequent freezing damage to the individual? It can be continuously stacked.

It will hit the target at a glance.

Chen Xinying's eyes changed.

His ordinary eye pupils suddenly changed into a black vortex pattern, a strange force acting on the frozen bones.


Obviously Chen Xinying was fixed? Obviously the attack locked the target.

But the melee attacks given by the four arms were all empty? None of the ice cones hit, not even scratches.

"what happened?"

The frozen bones have not had time to stop.

The mahogany sword stabbed from the front.

This time the attack position is very tricky-[Mouth].


To bite the copper coin on the surface of the sword body with teeth? Make it impossible to penetrate deep.

However, the sword end has pierced the mouth cavity? The purpose is achieved.

Chen Xinying backhanded out a bunch of "Melting Talismans" made for frozen bones.

Pieces of red talisman paper are pasted on the end of the sword,

Press with two fingers,

Push forward?

Strange things happened? These talismans were sent like this...The talisman turned into a burst of red energy into the sword body, and quickly sent to the sword end.

The extremely hot energy is accompanied by the energy of the talisman that suppresses evil things? It detonates in the mouth of the frozen bone.


Even Chen Xinying herself was affected by the explosion? She was blown out... But, fortunately, she was protected by her body? She didn't suffer much damage.


Because of the use of pupil surgery just now, one eye was slightly congested, and his vision became a bit blurred. UU reading www.uukANAshu. com

"Even if you don't die, your head should be gone."

When the dust disperses.

The exaggerated scene in front of her caused Chen Xinying to take a breath.

The frozen bone that suffered from the ‘lava mouth burst’ stood in place? The head was tilted up to an absolute 90°... the head was blown out with 17 holes in various sizes? There were even cooked brains constantly flowing out.

However, these holes are being repaired by extremely ice, filling in a smooth ice crystal structure.

"It's not bad, as a running dog in the are very powerful.

Your eyes seem to be very special, I don't know if you can dig them out and put them on for me! "


The 90° vertical head instantly folded back.

"Slide"-Need to play in the extreme ice field to achieve the maximum effect.

The frozen bones are instantly close to the body in an almost teleporting manner,

Index finger and middle finger, with thumb,

I plan to take off Chen Xinying's eyeballs directly...

The moment the finger is about to touch the eyeball.


A palm lightly landed on the shoulder of the frozen bone.

"Hey... I think we can talk."


The frozen bone was taken aback, interrupted the attack and pulled a distance with a "sliding step".

He looked at the young zombie slapping his shoulder with a very alert look.

"how is this possible? I have constructed the "Extreme Ice Domain" and their activities should be within my grasp. When did this guy appear behind me?

Moreover, the feeling just now didn't feel like tapping the shoulder.

It's like raindrops falling on your shoulders...a strange and familiar feeling. 』

Due to its own characteristics, frozen bones freeze into ice when they come into contact with water.

Just getting a moist touch, reminded him of his childhood, an unpleasant time... the killing intent grew.

"Kill you guy first."

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