My Cell Can Infinitely Evolve

Chapter 323: This is the real ancient life

Liu Ziyu's status has risen because of Luo Fan.

In the whole world, where there is still online communication, everyone knows the character Liu Ziyu.

Those are the "human beings" who follow the Yang God. Although they have a strange appearance, they are also regarded as the spokesperson of the Yang God.

In a short time, all countries that could come, all came.

Regarding the future of Blue Star, they wanted to exchange opinions with the Sun God.

There is also the atmosphere wrapped around the blue star, which is the barrier that prevents humans from continuing to escape to the universe.


At this time, Luo Fan has gone deep into the ground.

"So it is!"

At a depth of five thousand meters underground, he sensed a rhythm of life, beating like a heart.

Luo Fan was surprised, and then continued down.

As he continued to descend, the beating of that life became stronger.

"It's a gathering place of red spores, is that where the main consciousness is?"

Luo Fan sensed that in this underground world, there is a powerful being living there.

However, the life seemed to be sleeping, and Luo Fan's arrival didn't attract much attention, or perhaps the life was just a mass of consciousness without much wisdom.

Soon, as Luo Fan dived, that life became more and more apparent in his consciousness.

When he descended to a distance of only 1,000 meters from the life, Yue Yan completely observed the appearance of the life.

It seems to be a huge red heart, dormant in the ground, hundreds of meters in size.

And its surface is covered with fungi, which should be fungi.

It was full of red spores, the same thing as the red spores on Liu Ziyu's body.

"What kind of creature is this?"

Luo Fan was a little shocked, the creature in front of him gave him a very special feeling.

Very weak feeling, but so unfathomable.

Just as he was observing, the creature on the ground suddenly woke up.

Because Luo Fan was too close to him, the consciousness in the ground gradually woke up and observed Luo Fan.

This life in the ground, when Luo Fan was only one kilometer close to it, noticed the existence of Luo Fan and the entry of life from the outside world.

"A life actually broke into here?"

The consciousness of that life gradually woke up, and then he observed Luo Fan.

"It's actually a spiritual life! The extraordinary energy in the body is very abundant."

In an instant, this life checked Luo Fan's physical condition clearly, and was very surprised.

"Isn't this era just started? Why is such a powerful life born?"

The red spore consciousness was a little shocked, and the strength of Luo Fan in front of him was beyond his expectations.

"Are you also an awakened ancient life?"

Red Spore asked, and he sent a message.

This information was received by Luo Fan, and he was a little surprised for a while.

He originally thought that there was no wisdom in this life, and there was no response when he was so close, but at this time it seemed that there was a powerful wisdom in it.

"It seems that the life in front of me has wisdom."

And because the question it asked was "Are you also an ancient life?" Luo Fan guessed that the red spore life in front of him was probably a sleeping, ancient life.

The information of the ancient life was obtained from the underground life, so Luo Fan did not know much about the ancient life until now.

I just know that it is the life of the last era, the life that has survived since the last extraordinary melting era.

After a moment of silence, Luo Fan returned the message.

"You are from ancient times, why did you wake up in this era?"

Red Spore also received the message, but instead of answering Luo Fan's inquiry, he was a little angry, "You're too close, it's rude."

"Courtesy is for friends."

"It seems that you are not the life of my era."

In just a short moment of information exchange, the red life got this result.

"I don't understand why a life like you is born in this world, but I have woken up, so let you be my first meal after waking up."

The red life suddenly began to squirm, and the red under the ground began to vibrate regularly.

The life of the last era and the life of this era are destined to be natural enemies. Originally, the resources in the era of extraordinary energy melting are limited, and the life of this era is not enough to divide, and the life of the last era is fighting for it again.

There is a state of immortality between the two, and obviously the red life knows it.

After getting Luo Fan's life in an era that was not theirs, he immediately launched an attack.

The earth began to tremble, and countless red life gushed out from the heart of the ground, and red mycelium began to spread throughout the earth.

Luo Fan quickly and thoroughly, and at the same time the energy in the body began to spread.

With a loud explosion, the place was enveloped in dust.

Although Luo Fan didn't know why this life suddenly attacked, he was always ready to attack.

At the moment when this life launched an attack, there was a response.


"Report, there was a violent explosion in the northwest desert, and there was a vision of heaven and earth over there."

After the sound of the explosion, the Northwest Desert Military Region observed the anomaly there for the first time.

In the center of the desert, not far from the Red Dragon Rebellion, a new situation emerged at this time.

The sky was covered with red spores, and countless tall and red plants appeared in the whole world.

That space became a jungle of heaven and earth, and red vines connected the earth and sky, dividing that area.

In that area, the red color continued to spread, connecting the entire space like a spider web.

And at the very center of that space, there seemed to be a red heart beating.

This scene was observed by people in the Northwest Desert Military Region.

"I'm darling! Is there such a scary thing?"

That scene, in the eyes of everyone, is like the eighteen layers of hell.

A **** that really exists in this world.

"what should we do?"

"What can we do?"

In the face of this terrifying scene, human beings are very powerless.

"Apply for the release of nuclear weapons. This fixed space should be able to be bombed."

Humanity's last resort is the use of nuclear weapons.

In the terrifying space in front of us, it is reasonable to say that nuclear weapons can definitely be bombed.


At this time, Luo Fan had already felt the horror of life in front of him.

As expected of a life from the previous era, even if there was not much energy in his body, the moment he woke up, it brought a great sense of oppression to Luo Fan.

This is the heritage of the previous era.

In fact, what Luo Fan didn't know was that if this creature wasn't strong enough, he wouldn't be able to survive the final era catastrophe at all.

All ancient beings that can live to the present are extremely powerful.

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