Masamune Izumi said casually, if he was hit by such a guy, Raphael would laugh to death.

good very good.

The irritated deputy director was no longer ready to give Izumi Masamune a chance.

Just walk towards the center of the field with Izumi Masamune.

The number of people watching originally had quadrupled again at this time.

The practice of kendo itself involves the participation of various young people.

Youth and passion are indispensable topics.

Everyone here already knows the strength of the deputy director.

Although I have never seen Izumi Masamune, he is so calm and unhurried that he doesn't even wear a head protector.

It also makes these guys full of curiosity.

Anyone who dares to do this must not only be naive, but also have a lot of strength.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to appear here, because he had been beaten to death long ago.

Holding his bamboo sword, Izumi Masamune raised it upright.

As soon as he made such an action, a lot of sneers could not help but come from below.

For these guys who practice kendo, Izumi Masamune's movements are simply the most standard layman posture.

Only Mahiru Ipo and Chiwa Harusaki remained calm.

No matter what, I never believed that Izumi Masamune could be defeated by this man.

Be careful.

The bamboo sword in his hand represents a standard layman's imitation action.

No threat can be seen.

But the next moment, he struck at the opponent at a strange angle that no one could imagine.

Incredible speed, lightning.

Facing the incredibly fast sword that could not be avoided, the relaxed boy's expression also changed.

I awkwardly raised my bamboo sword, hoping to be able to participate in this season.

But Izumi Masamune's bamboo sword had already reached his forehead.

There is still a distance of three centimeters.

But the strong wind blowing down had already turned his forehead red.

Mahiru Ipo looked a little unnatural.

She thought about the situation where she had been injured by the other party just now when the distance between the two parties was still twenty centimeters.

He was embarrassed, but it was because of the battle on the field that no one noticed this fact. 824

Your speed is pretty good. For a newcomer, a completely unruly and unexpected attack is barely enough.

The man's expression changed several times.

To this day, my forehead still hurts.

When things got to this point, no matter how idiotic the guy was, he could tell that something was not right.

After glancing at the scrutinizing and suspicious expressions of the guys around him, the deputy head coughed and looked serious.

It's no longer simply jealous of Mahiru Ipami, but such behavior has completely shaken his position.

Poker face.

He once went deep into the dragon's lair and fought bloody battles. He once faced that holy angel and still bravely pounced on him without fear, causing his Ah Hei Yan to fall to the ground.

Facing the terrifying ghoul, the subordinate still rides on him and explains it in a simple way.

Let's see who Masamune Izumi has always been dealing with.

Facing an ordinary man, Izumi Masamune felt that it was a waste of time.

Without any hesitation, facing the silent Izumi Masamune, he felt that he might have met the legendary deputy director who pretended to be a pig and eat the tiger, so he resolutely launched an attack.

The ferocious slashing was full of momentum with a bang.

The loud sound of breaking through the air made no one doubt the momentum it represented.

Izumi Masamune smiled and directly raised the long sword in his palm. The second attack came first, but 4 was already facing the opponent's bamboo sword.


A harsh crackling sound.

The bamboo sword originally in the palm of his hand exploded like this, as if it was split from the middle.

And gradually, it hit the opponent's left shoulder directly.

He groaned, even if there was armor, even if the long sword between him was already cracked, the two sounds of drawing it down still made him take several steps back.

Holding on to his shoulders, he couldn't even move.

The members of the kendo gym next to them were all nervous at this moment. I can't understand anything, but looking at the action of even opening the bamboo sword, I can imagine the problem.

Are you OK.

Deputy Head.

They exclaimed and surrounded the guy. Others looked at Izumi Masamune warily. One guy saw that the situation was not going well and ran out, seemingly looking for someone.

The xenophobia of District 11 was fully demonstrated at this moment, but he had not been angry for a long time. When Izumi Masamune glared back, he immediately lowered his head obediently. The xenophobia was also accompanied by awe for the strong. .

Less than half a minute.

A member of the kendo gym came out and pushed away the onlookers. Behind him, there was another woman.

The woman has short dark blue hair and is wearing ordinary kendo gym training clothes.

She looks like an ordinary girl, but her mature temperament makes people think she is probably in her thirties.

Exquisite appearance, charming figure, and orange eyes.

He seemed to be at odds with the surrounding Kendo club members.

She is more like a noble lady than a member of the Kendo Club.

It can be clearly seen that the expressions of the guys around him have changed as the woman approaches.

Everyone looked excited, as if they had seen something they admired.

This is a rare situation among this middle school boy who practices kendo.

Izumi Masamune also discovered it, and even Harusaki Chiwa, who was holding his arm at the moment, looked excited.

He didn't look like this even when I saw him just now.

The owner.

Even the man who had been sitting on the ground enduring the pain just now started to break out in cold sweat after seeing the woman coming over.

Where's the injury?

Shattered shoulder.

Recuperate well and you won't need to come here for the next year.

He said it calmly, but with the feeling of being true to his words.

Then he came directly to Izumi Masamune.

Izumi Masamune had a headache.

It’s not that I feel like I can’t beat anything.

But it was Harusaki Chiwa next to him who could hardly hold himself down now.

With that kind of joy, if the other party hadn't been a woman, Masamune Izumi would have considered buying a murderer now.

As for Mahiru Ipo, the girl has now lost the ability to speak.

So there is no response now.

Sonoda-senpai, hello, I am Harusaki Chiwa, this is my friend, today we...

Harusaki Chiwa, who had always been carefree, was now as elegant as a lady.

I know everything. Izumi-kun, why don't you come and sit down?

When the other party called out his name, Izumi Masamune was thoughtful.

Sonoda Fukora? Umi's mother?

Looking at the woman who nodded, she signaled the other two girls to be quiet, and Masamune Izumi walked forward with him.

Be careful, the other party is very powerful.

Hearing Iwa Mahiru's voice suddenly reached his ears, Izumi Masamune gave a comforting smile in return.

It's like a student who made a mistake and was taken out for private education by the teacher.

But it remains to be seen how it will unfold in the future.

After leaving the dojo, we walked all the way to the back and soon came to a Japanese-style courtyard. To the front was a small one-story bungalow.

Take off your shoes and step on the wooden corridor.

Inside is a standard tatami style room.

It can be seen that Umi Sonoda, whom she has not seen for a long time, is also sitting there on her knees, pouring tea.

Just like Yamato Nadeshiko, she is the quietest girl among the muses.

There is a reason why among many girls with different characteristics, there is such a title. Even Tojo Nozomi, who has the figure of a big sister and is sought after by countless people, cannot cover up Sonoda Umi's figure.

Sonoda Umi, who was born in a traditional dojo and followed the most orthodox education, seems to be uncomfortable even at home.


Sonoda Umi, who was practicing tea ceremony, looked at Izumi Masamune in surprise. He never expected to see Izumi Masamune here.

What's happening here?

Why did Izumi-kun come to his home?

Could it be?

Sonoda Umi's natural thinking began.

The ever-changing facial expressions are always a beautiful part of the muse.

Hai Wei.

Sonoda Fukora softly called Umi's name.

The girl stood up in fright.

Mother, and Izumi-kun.

Calling the person's name respectfully and acting in a well-behaved manner finally let people know how the other person behaves in daily life.

I'll prepare tea right now.

Although I was extremely curious as to what happened.

But obviously my mother is more intimidating.

He quickly came to the door and looked at Masamune Izumi in front of him. His big bright eyes seemed to be able to speak, questioning Masamune Izumi about what happened.

Don't mess around!

With a funny wink, Sonoda Umi warned Izumi Masamune.

Someone messing around in Muse is really worrying.

Do not worry.

Giving a gentle response, looking at the girl passing by, Izumi Masamune quietly grasped the small buttocks under the navy blue lace kimono.


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