And it’s still in a place like Tokyo where land is at a premium.

However, compared to the modern facilities in other places, this place presents a very retro Edogawa period style.

Yes, that’s the Edogawa of Edogawa Conan.

The retro form looks antique.

At the gate, there is a large stone two people high.

There are big characters in red paint on it.

Kashin Akechi-ryu

Sonoda Dojo.

The momentum is very good.

When you walk inside, you will be greeted by a suddenly enlightened environment.

Among them, the number of students coming and going, just at a glance, there are hundreds of them. Everyone is training seriously with each other, and there are specialized instructors watching next to them.

Izumi Masamune was not surprised by this.

District 11 has a lot of things that people criticize, but it does a good job in some aspects.

For example, the inheritance of kendo culture.

Even in this modern society with highly developed thermal weapons, it is still full of vitality with its unique spiritual culture and the exercise of human body and mind.

In addition to the countless kendo clubs in various colleges and universities, there are also various kendo dojos.

The annual national competition is a phenomenal event.

Although as a time traveler, I don’t know much about the local swordsmanship and its status in it.

But Sonoda Dojo, although it quickly apologized and stopped being troublesome, was able to temporarily prevent the Kondo family from taking action against the parents of Koizumi Kayo and Hoshizora Rin, which can prove its strength.

Sonoda Dojo once had the strongest record, but it achieved the women's championship in the national high school kendo competition, and the men's championship was willing to admit defeat in front of him.

And the name of the woman who bullies high school students across the country is Sonoda Fukora, a blue-haired girl as big as Nadeshiko.

It wasn't until the other party graduated and retired that the kendo community in District 11 breathed a sigh of relief.

Izumi Masamune was attracted this time for this reason.

Garden and deep sky.

The other party has a child named Sonoda Umi.

If it weren't for this reason, how could Bai Yang only use three chances to get Izumi Masamune to agree.

With expectation, Masamune Izumi followed Mahiru Ibo and walked in.


It looks like you're enjoying yourself here Mahiru.

As I walked through the dojo with Mahiru, I found that many people were saying hello to Mahiru.

It's no wonder that Mahiru Iwa begged him to help.

After all, it's quite comfortable to stay here. It would be a pity to quit the dojo just because someone doesn't know how to refuse.

Well, because everyone here is very patient...very nice.

You definitely wanted to say that you were very durable just now, and you definitely were.

Seeing Mahiru Iwa who suddenly changed her tune, Masamune Izumi felt helpless to complain.

Anyway, it's good here. Everyone is very kind to me, and I can practice one more skill. It will also be useful for further studies in the future.

Mahiru Ipo explained.

All in all, I just love this place so much that I don't want to leave anyway.

In that case, Mahiru, have you figured out how to solve your problem? I suspect that before you have cultivated your mentality and successfully solved your fear of men, your force value has already been raised to the point where others are unable to fight against you. .”

Masamune Izumi asked with a smile.

The girl's face suddenly fell.

This is a disappointing fact.

Looking at this guy funny, Izumi Masamune continued, Well, do you want to think about it? Taking this opportunity, I will let you get used to the problem of resistance to men directly.

Izumi Masamune looked at the girl in front of him and asked directly.

How to do it?

“Have you ever heard of fighting fire with fire?”

Masamune Izumi looked at Mahiru Iwa, eager to give it a try.


Is this really good?

Iwa Mahiru asked a little uneasily.

The two of them were standing in an ordinary cubicle at the moment.

There was a loud sound of sword swinging and fencing coming from outside.

Even a person who has no training experience will be moved by his enthusiastic look. Mahiru is currently wearing a white loose long-sleeved shirt, navy blue trousers to tie up the hem, and white socks. Wearing clothes and stepping on the wooden board.

The shy red clouds embellish the girl's unique charm, and the simple outfit is full of heroism.

Mahiru Iwa looks like the perfect kendo girl.

The loose clothes completely covered up the girl's pitiful figure at this moment. It's no wonder that Yukinoshita suddenly had a good impression of her at the first sight.

Such a simple and neat figure fully expresses the wealth gap between girls.

Because it is in a closed environment.

Feeling that Izumi Masamune was already so far away from him that he was about to go on alert and go berserk.

Mahiru Ipo's face was very painful, as if something incredible was about to happen.

What's wrong, Mahiru, don't you want to solve your problem of male phobia?

He raised his hands to show his sincerity.

As a qualified hunter, even at the moment when the prey is about to be caught, he can maintain a calm and leisurely attitude.

He will not be moved by possible victory or defeat.

The root of your problem, Mahiru, is that your father's education and distorted fatherly love caused him to accidentally expand your fear of men. Then, you only need to know the beauty of men and be more forceful to change your heart for men. It would be nice to have your fears shattered.”

He handed the wooden sword to Ipami Mahiru.

Mahiru hesitated a little, then took the wooden sword and put it in the cuff of his right hand.

The cold blade of the sword stuck to his arm, and then moved directly horizontally along Izumi Masamune's control, across his back, and directly to the other cuff.

It's like a scarecrow, a cross made of a wooden sword and its own back.

The loose white long sleeves now became like ropes locking Mahiru's arms and wooden sword.

Mahiru tried to move.

As a result, with her arms spread out and the wooden sword pierced through the cuffs, she seemed to be tied to a cross, unable to move.

Okay, this will ensure that Mahiru you won't hit anyone easily.

Izumi Masamune, who had taken the materials nearby, was very satisfied with the scene in front of him.

The root of your problem, Mahiru, is ultimately the fear of men. As long as you get close to you, you will be knocked down with one punch. So, as long as you really get close to men and know the difference, you will no longer have this fear in your heart. .”

Izumi Masamune's serious analysis made Iwa Mahiru nod, except for the arm that could not move at the moment.

But, this isn't quite right.

Although Izumi Masamune said there was nothing wrong, Ipami Mahiru always felt that something was not right.

Is there anything wrong? It's great, don't you think so?

Looking at the girl in front of him with a smile, Izumi Masamune took off the girl's navy blue pants with a wooden sword.

Her toned and attractive thighs, the pink fat edges under her fair skin were lifted up.

Pointing and prodding towards that mysterious location.

Mahiru Iwa looked at the man with a look that was both shy and anxious. She wanted to step back, but she had already reached the corner.

Don't worry, I won't get too close to you.

He tied the girl calmly and made her speechless.

At this moment, the distance between the two sides was only twenty centimeters.

It seems that it is still within the extreme distance of running wild, but some places have been slightly sunken due to the contact between the two parties.

This is the convenience of being long.

Can't! Never!

Mahiru Iwa looked at the distance that was completely equivalent to nothing in front of this man at this moment, and shook his head in panic.

I'm sorry, I'm doing this for your own good.

Izumi Masamune's voice had already quietly changed its tone, leaving only the girl's depressed hum at this moment.


Time is flowing rapidly.

The sleeves that originally locked Mahiru had already quietly disappeared without a trace.

But at this moment, the girl's arms were unable to hook the man.

Ibo Mahiru felt that she had almost become a toy in the hands of that childish child, tossing around as he pleased.

I couldn't help but lament in my heart.

Except for the fact that her father carried her to school when she was young, this was the first time that she had invited a man in like this.

And this man is the boyfriend of Taneshima Baiyang, who works in the same store.

When we meet each other, we are still accompanied by other girls.

This this......

Thinking of such a thing, at this moment, I was still being deceived by the other party to this point.

It's really stupid to believe that the other party has such a way.

I didn't expect Izumi Masamune to be so bad.

It has nothing to do with his handsome appearance.


The subtle pain made Mahiru Iwa wake up a little.

What on earth was I thinking about just now.

The girl's thoughts were instantly replaced by shyness.

With her almost powerless body falling apart, her arms could only rest weakly on the man's erect neck, letting the other man bury himself in her heart, licking and biting the snowy peaks and bright cherries, dissolving her thoughts of making a move on the man in front of her.

Mahiru Iwa didn't know if her original fear of other boys still existed.

But for the man Izumi Masamune, Ibo Mahiru was already extremely afraid.


The sound of bamboo swords hitting the floor.

That was a sign that someone was coming.

Mahiru Ipo felt like she was struck by lightning.

I couldn't help but murmur and plead beside Izumi Masamune.

Masamune-kun, no more, no more.

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