This is a coffee shop.

If it is in the house.

He could already take this opportunity to capture Kato and Kasumigaoka.

Experience the feeling of matching black and white.

Izumi Masamune expressed his utmost disdain for A Yirunya who said that there must be progress this time.

Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.

Just when Izumi Masamune was talking about An Yilun's poor meeting position, An Yilun also came to the coffee shop.

Still working year-round.

In the fall, the sweat on his body indicated his condition.

Although this guy is worth complaining about in many ways.

But there is really nothing to say about the popularity of the house.

A lot of energy can be spent on various peripherals.

It is already possible to replace Nanami Aoyama and become a new generation of working warriors.

Of course, there are differences in gender and appearance.

It's not as cute or unique as Nanami's.

At this moment, An Yilun was also sweating and walked in hurriedly.

Come along the direction, this is the position he set early.

Then he saw Kasumigaoka Shiu sitting behind Izumi Masamune's waist.

Megumi Kato is wiping sweat.

And on the other side, Michiru Hyido, whose expression didn't seem to change much, but was clearly envious.

An Yilun also suddenly felt that something was wrong.

In other words, it was the mentality of the past.

I feel like my recent hard work has been in vain.

Something that had always been wrong was now finally noticed.

That is, only by calling Izumi Masamune can the others be brought together.

And all things are played by Izumi Masamune.

Everyone, I'm coming!

With a voice of grief and anger, An Yilun also shouted.

Interrupting the interaction between the three people.

It seems that only a loud voice can indicate his status in the club meeting.

After re-arranging it, it was just that there were two rows of private seats. Even if An Yilun came over at this moment, he could only ask for a new chair and sit in the middle.

This kind of special seat for leaders made An Yilun look a little better.

Although in fact, Izumi Masamune and Hyōdo Michiru on the left and right quietly moved a considerable distance away from him.

First of all, Kato-san, you are the heroine, how could you, how could you do this!

An Yilun also said to Megumi Kato sadly.

This is his passerby heroine, but the way she acted like a little girl who was half-in-love and took the initiative to wipe someone else's sweat just didn't fit in with that so-called image at all.

How can a heroine fall in love with another man first?

Izumi-kun is very tired and has a lot of things to do. But you invited me here. I think it's okay to wipe off the sweat, right?

Even Megumi Kato, who was suspiciously almost never angry, became a little angry when faced with An Yirunya's dare.

I don't think it's wrong. You just mess around like this. After all, Izumi-kun is my boyfriend, so it will make me angry.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said aloud.

An Yilun was also a little happy. His senior sister would indeed support him, but when he heard what happened later, his expression froze.

Especially when Hyoudou Michiru on the other side was nodding in agreement.

When did your club suddenly become like this?


Faced with Kasumigaoka Shiu and Kato Megumi's preference for Izumi Masamune, including his cousin Hyoudo Michiru, who were all silent, An Yirun was also confused, but now he could only calm down first.

There may indeed be something wrong with my tone, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

An Yilun finally managed to calm down after making excuses for himself.

He took a deep breath and began to make his own arrangements.

Winter Comic Expo will start in a while. I hope to have results at the next Comic Expo. In the next month, I will assign a task every week. I hope everyone can complete it well. .”

After several consecutive failures, An Yilun also learned from the experience and realized that it might be because he was too talkative, so he now began to choose the form of assigning tasks.

I am very satisfied with the script and other things, thanks to Izumi-kun and my senior. Now I just need to work hard on the background music and game programming. In fact, the goal can be achieved.

Wait a minute, I remember, there should still be illustrations? Aren't these unfinished?

Kato Megumi raised his hand and said with some confusion.

Because the character’s illustrations have to be drawn according to her.

Kato Megumi, who had not had the opportunity to meet Eiriri several times, raised objections.

Don't worry, this problem will be solved. It's just a matter of a few pictures. It will definitely be solved.

An Yilun could only shake his head.

Originally, Ying Lili was invited this time, but she didn't come because she had something to do.

But he believed that relying on his relationship with Yinglili, as long as he earnestly begged, it would be achieved.

Now we just need to quickly write the main program of the game, as well as some clearance animations, which must be added to the production process. The tasks seem to be many, but if we do it once a week, it will definitely be completed.

An Yilun also shook his head, trying to sound like he had a promising future.

But he didn't notice the speechless gazes of the other people looking at him.

It seems to be very good, and there is a weekly report, but in fact there is nothing about the division of tasks.

What An Yilun also did was more like simply raising the so-called problem.

I can't commit to anything I want to do.

It was said before that this society is responsible for its funds.

But after spending money on it the last few times, I obediently stopped mentioning it.

Even if you are a white wolf with empty gloves, at least you have to do real things on the surface. An Yilun is like this, which is really speechless.

Hyōdo Michiru shook his head and said: Runya, I have something to do with the orchestra recently, so...

Among the few people, Michiru Hyōdo is probably the only one who knows the background music of the game.

Orchestra? Anyway, don't you just do things out of interest? Just stop for now.

Hyōdo Michiru is actually a prodigy who can immediately excel in this field as long as he devotes himself to it.

In An Yilunye's memory, the other party's interest was always changing and never fixed.

From his perspective, what Michiru Hyido said was just because he wanted to be lazy.


Hyōdo Michiru frowned and spoke very seriously.

This time, she really put her passion into the band.

Okay, don't worry about these things. I happen to know a lot of people who are good at composing music. Ask them for help. I will also prepare the relevant recording studios. It won't take much time for Meichi to keep you.

Izumi Masamune said with concern.

The girl who was originally distressed felt warm in her heart.

It was like the warmth coming from his body when he was leaning against Izumi Masamune at this moment.

Very comfortable.

Okay, that's it, our meeting is over and everyone can disperse.

After discovering that Michiru Hyido, the only guy in the club who was even remotely one of his own, was all close to Izumi Masamune, An Yirun, who had become somewhat awakened recently, also hurriedly spoke.

I plan to end this meeting.

Zhengzong, do you have any plans for the evening? How about we go have a meal together.

It had been a while since I had replenished my authentic energy, so Kasumigaoka Shiyu invited me directly.

I know a hotel with a good location. You can go there. Think about it.

Megumi Kato seemed to take the initiative to ask for help.

Well, actually we are...

Have a meal together, and then review the popular Dongjing question bank.

How could a perfect plan be disrupted? Kasumigaoka Shiyu wanted to let someone understand.

It's rare to meet each other, so it would be more lively if we all eat together, right? Hyoudou-san.

Pulling Hinou Michiru, the girl spoke naturally, making it impossible to find any fault.

As for classmate An Yilun, if you come here in such a hurry, you must be in a hurry, so I won’t bother you.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Izumi Masamune, as if he was saying that on one side was a dark combination that could definitely be played, and on the other side was a promising foursome.

The options are nice, but Izumi Masamune doesn’t need any.

I'm sorry. I have something to do today. Megumi, please stay with Shiyu and Michi.


Although both sides have good bargaining chips.

It's a pity that Masamune Izumi has already been invited by Eri Riri in advance.

Black stockings plus hot Tokyo question bank and foursome.

At this moment, we all lost to the rice bowl.


Look at the eyes that are also staring at him at this moment.

Izumi Masamune was also helpless.

Even Kato Megumi, who was calm and incomprehensible, had some doubts in his eyes at this moment.

Obviously, even if it is just a possibility, I would not refuse it.

Kato Megumi, who was originally just trying to break the plan of Kasumigaoka Shiu and Izumi Masamune to be alone, became strange at this moment.

And Kasumigaoka Shiyu lowered her head and looked at some of her black silk stockings to see if she had not chosen well. This guy actually stopped falling into the trap.

Obviously every time she just had to lift her legs a little, the guy would grumble and want to rush over and do something to her.

Yinglili has something to do with me here, so.

Somewhat helplessly, Izumi Masamune took out his mobile phone, and there was a message from Eiriri on it.

Big crisis! Come quickly! Otherwise I'm doomed!

The pitiful tone makes people think that it is something very important.

Although none of the female ghouls currently protecting the Sawamura family responded.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu almost crushed the table.

It turns out that a certain loser should not be underestimated.

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