Izumi Masamune was a little surprised?

Can we only say that companions also influence each other? Miura Yuko also persuaded him in this way before.

Didn't you expect that Ebina Hina would be like this?

And he still has this strange smile.

etc? Could it be that the last movie theater incident awakened this guy to some strange hobbies?

To be honest, there are really not many glasses girls around him.

Ebina, do you know what this means? Do you want me to use my face to help you?

Although the decision has been made in his mind, it does not prevent Masamune Izumi from having a good talk with the guy in front of him.

I'm quite famous in school, and I have quite a few girlfriends around me. If I have to risk an explosion in the Shura Field to confess to you because of you, I will definitely fail in the end.

Izumi Masamune said seriously that he only wanted to deal with Ebina because of Miura.

But there are still differences between the two sides.

Miura didn't care, after all, he was sorry for Miura in the beginning, and the girl also became the breeding ground for the future Izumi family bloodline, so there was no such thing as giving in.

But when it's just a mere Ebina Hina, and the relationship between the two parties is not much better, such an opinion would be very annoying.

Anyway, don't the girls around you all know each other now? Confessing to me one more time won't have much impact on them.

But it has an impact on me. The topic that I like a fujoshi will spread throughout the school within a day, and then there will be more eyes staring at me.


Ebina Himina had nothing to say.

I looked at Izumi Masamune with some annoyance, couldn't I just let her do it?

Isn’t she a beautiful girl?

Wasn't it quite fun to touch people in the cinema at that time?

I said, can we talk about your problem? Why are you so resistant to this kind of thing? In fact, you are not bad. As long as you are gentle and quiet, many people will come to you. In the future You have to get married, right? Tobe Sho aside, you are calm like me. If it wasn't about the movie theater, I would recommend you to see a doctor.

Just like a high-quality player like him, sometimes when facing Ebina, he really wonders if his ability has failed.

Ah, it's super troublesome.

A very cold tone and an understatement, as if Izumi Masamune wouldn't even be able to talk to him if he spoke again.

Just hearing about the movie theater, I couldn't help but tremble.

In the movie theater, just being touched a few times by a man is enough to make you look ugly.

The voice at that time, Ebina Hina was not sure whether it was recognized by others now.

I like the current environment, or in other words, I'm still not sure. If we directly reject the household department, we will already be a disintegrated team, and we will never be able to gather together again.

Ebina Himina looked a little sad.

Even a fujoshi has things she values.

Why should we be afraid of the breakdown of the relationship? Whether it's Miura, Yui, Natsukawa, or Yukinoshita, all...

These are all members of your harem, I guess. It feels a little weird.

Before Izumi Masamune could finish speaking, Ebina Himina raised her hand to stop Izumi Masamune from talking.

It seems as if he can't avoid it.

This woman!

Okay, I get it. I will help you this time, but I also need some rewards. Faced with a confession that is bound to fail, there is nothing wrong with charging some interest.

Masamune Izumi raised his arms and signaled.

Ebina Himina hesitated.

But as if he thought of something, he still took the initiative to stand up and gently hugged Izumi Masamune.

A girl with glasses and a good figure.


On the quiet bamboo forest path.

Ebina Hina suddenly hugged Izumi Masamune as compensation for the next plan.

Because of the gap between them, they could only stick to the man's heart and listen to the steady heartbeat.

The powerful pulsating heartbeat seemed to make Ebina Hina's body throb in an instant.

But within a few seconds, he quickly let go.

There is still a touching red glow on her face.

Recalling the scene when Izumi Masamune was teased and played with in a dark environment, even a girl who had never experienced human affairs felt a little trembling.

Excluding the factor of being a fujoshi, Ebina Hina is indeed a rare beautiful girl.

A rare attribute of a girl with glasses, she stood there with her hands slightly backwards, showing tranquility and indifference.

If she didn't speak, she would stand like a real literary girl.

There is also a trace of pitiful pity.

Although it seems indifferent, in fact, he wants to work hard to maintain the friendship around him.

After all, it is indeed not easy for a fujoshi to survive.

It's really good.

Masamune Izumi also had to sigh in his heart.

This should be considered the first time the two parties have had such close contact.

It was so dark in the previous movie theater that you couldn't actually see anything, just to get your hands on it.

But that's right, otherwise Tobe Sho wouldn't be so moved.

Even Tobe Sho, who is at the bottom of the current group, will not be able to find a girlfriend in school.

Only a more attractive girl like Ebina Hina could make the other party behave like this.

It is not without reason that Miura would cherish this good friend.

After eliminating many of the initial prejudices, you must recognize the other party's advantages.

Both hands were placed on Ebina Hina's shoulders.

The woman's body trembled slightly.

Izumi Masamune smiled secretly in his heart.

Although she is a fujoshi, it was clear from what happened last time that this guy does not have the feeling of a normal girl.

The distance suddenly closes.

The sound of bamboo leaves rustling in the wind.

It is not without reason that this place can be chosen as the place for advertisement.

Suddenly, Ebina Hina felt her heart beat faster, as if she was being driven by the heartbeat of this man.

Jumping quickly and without stopping.


Before Ebina Himina could talk about it, Izumi Masamune had already decisively gone up.

Maybe it's because I really feel guilty.

Asking Izumi Masamune to help regardless of his reputation, Ebina Himina hesitated for a moment.

Just like Kirisu Mafuyu's previous situation, when he got the opportunity, he didn't hesitate at all, but this time, he still had a lot of time.

Taking the girl backward, both of them fell into the bamboo forest next to them. Their figures were gradually covered, leaving only the figures of the two people getting closer and closer.

The environment of the Bamboo Forest Road is very good, and even better is that both sides have been cleared and no one will come in.

Under such circumstances, Izumi Masamune can go further with peace of mind and satisfy himself.

Thinking about it, Masamune Izumi feels very grateful.

Ebina Hina is never alone.

Even if she rejects Sho Tobe, she will still have a better friend Yuko Miura to support her.

Izumi Masamune's various emotions were mixed, and he understood all the concerns Tobe Sho and Miura Yuko had for Ebina Himina, and then conveyed them to Ebina Himina properly.

Little did he know that his thoughts had been discovered a long time ago. The girl he liked was Sho Tobe, who had come over early, and still continued to lick his face and persuade passers-by.

Miura Yumeko flipped through her phone from time to time, wanting to send a message, but she didn't know if it would disturb Izumi Masamune's plan.

Gave Izumi Masamune plenty of time.

Suddenly, the bamboos on the Bamboo Forest Road seemed to become more green.


Therefore, Izumi Masamune feels that the solutions to many things in this world are actually very easy.

However, the person involved always thinks of the matter as too complicated.

It seems that Ebina Hina has a repulsive attitude towards things like falling in love because of being a fujoshi.

Her friends were also worried and asked Izumi Masamune to solve it.

In fact, it's just because of my own worries. I'm worried that because of falling in love or being rejected, I will break the few interpersonal relationships and circle of friends I have now.

In order not to worry Ebina Hina too much.

After Izumi Masamune tasted the beauty of women, he also very eagerly pulled Ebina Himina into his harem.

The girls in my team are all very good.

I believe Ebina Hina doesn't need to worry about any problems, because there are plenty of people to let her know.

As for male friends?

With him as a boyfriend who can serve countless purposes, what else do you need from others? A waste of resources?

Walking with Izumi Masamune, Ebina Hina's steps were a little weird and walked very slowly. Izumi Masamune shouldered the trust of the other two people, and then conveyed the love to Ebina Hina. It was too much and too heavy, and Ebina Hina I couldn't help but slow down the pace of the dishes, for fear of accidentally falling something out.

Silently walking forward with Ebina Hina.

You can see that at the door of the Bamboo Forest Road, Tobe Sho is waiting silently, very nervous.

This confession was made up early, and a huge price was paid for it.

I asked my friends early to come and help.

It took a lot of effort to clear such a famous scenic spot.

In addition to Tobe Xiang who is staying here, there are also many people hiding around.

There is his friend Hayama Hayato, Hikigaya Hachiman who originally planned to come here with his good friend Totsuka Ayaka, and Miura Yuko who is pulling Yui to observe.

It can be said that many people are paying attention to this confession.

However, Hikigaya Hachiman wanted to help, and was asked by Hayama Hayato.

It's just that the original plan has not been implemented yet. After seeing Izumi Masamune, he hesitated.

With the addition of Izumi Masamune, Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly lost control of the development of things.


Tobe Xiang called out the other party's name loudly.

Ebina Hina, who was supposed to arrive early as expected, was a long time late, which made him very worried. Now he was relieved.

Ebina, who was silent and didn't know how to face the sudden situation, raised his head, looked at Tobe Sho in front of him, and couldn't help but frown.

She had just finished having sex with Izumi Masamune. Too much love made her body heavy, and there were still traces left behind.

Even in autumn, the heat could not be quelled, making her body very uncomfortable.

Now Ebina Hina just wants to go back to the hotel to have a good rest and take a shower.

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