Looking at the two people with disgust, Izumi Masamune changed hands and picked up Ebina Himina and walked forward.

He was a little dazed, but this time Ebina didn't say anything.

With a smile of expectation, I followed silently forward.


Huhu, it's really an excellent location.

Sitting in the couple's seat with Izumi Masamune, Ebina exclaimed and looked at the screen in front of him.

It seems that he has completely surrendered to the influence.

Is this your first time here?

Izumi Masamune, who was following him, looked at Ebina strangely.

After receiving the lenses at the door and choosing a position, although she looked very calm, the girl's slight nervousness could not be hidden from Izumi Masamune.

Not really, but this is the first time I've come with someone else.

Although it was a bit unbelievable, this was the first time Ebina Hina accompanied someone to watch a movie.

Touching the back of her head, the woman smiled and said.

As a fujoshi, it seems like I have a very happy life just going my own way.

But it was only after becoming good friends with Miura Yuko and others that I was relieved.

It is also because of this that Ebina Hina cherishes their relationship so much.

I'm afraid that everyone's relationship will change because of Sho Tobe's confession.

So since you know that this is not good, why don't you try to correct it? You should also know that such things will bring a lot of trouble to people. He obviously seems to have a high emotional intelligence, like Tobe Sho wants to confess. You discover things early and hope they are solved.”

The movie is still in commercial time at the beginning, so Izumi Masamune can have a good chat with Ebina for a while.

This guy should learn a lesson.

These are different, and~~

Ebina Hina's face suddenly became lively.

How do you know these things? Tobe Sho wants to confess to me. How do you know about it?

The smile on Ebina Himina's face made Izumi Masamune unable to hold back his eyebrows.

I have a special intelligence connection.

Miura told him, but naturally I won't explain it here, it's always not good.

Oh, I understand. There is a unique intelligence relationship between boys. You don't need to explain it.

With a look like I understand, I understand, you don’t need to say anything anymore.


He hit this guy directly on the head and asked her to calm down.

This guy's attempt to convince his twisted character with words was indeed a naive idea.

There was a lot of movement between the two of them, but fortunately, the seating arrangements here were mainly made up of double sofa seats between couples.

The sides and back have very high designs.

So basically no problems will be seen, which is a very good point.

On the screen, the movie has gradually begun to show.

The first one to appear was naturally the heroine Okino Yoko.

The host of Japanese TV station, also appeared in movies and TV series, and published a personal music album.

It can be said that he is a three-selenium artist.

This guy's popularity is developing towards the national level in District 11.

Even Mai-chan is actually quite different from the other person.

In one of the movies the other party made, Yihua appeared as a supporting character, Ming Cha.

At that time, when Ichika and Izumi Masamune talked about their dream of becoming an actor, they were developing in the direction of Okino Yoko.

Because Izumi Masamune had such a deep impression on me, I even thought about whether I should vent my anger on Ichika, and then let him come over and act with Ichika?

But there were other things behind him, and there were so many girls around him that he needed to care about, so Izumi Masamune didn't care about a little star anymore.

Looking at each other on such a screen now is quite enjoyable.

As I continued watching the movie, I gained some understanding of the general plot.

It seems to be about a youth romantic comedy.

Although the national conditions here are different, and the issue of love among high school students in District 11 is not regarded as a wild beast by parents, there are still many bloody plots.

For example, she accidentally got pregnant, or she was rejected by her parents because of her academic problems.

Or is this the so-called art without borders?

Are these the things everyone likes?

Because the girls in the family don't watch dramas very much, Masamune Izumi doesn't know if the Korean kimchi drama will appear here.

I have to say that although it is a bit boring, it is better than good looks.

In this world where there are no ugly girls, the ones on the screen show what it means to be good-looking.

Among them, Okino Yoko's performance is even more remarkable.

Obviously, as a female teacher, she used her amazing aura to win over the scenes of the male and female protagonists.

Unexpectedly, none of the people watching the movie seemed to be dissatisfied.

Izumi Masamune, who has filmed some movies before, has to admit that the other party is indeed good.

Except that some of the plots in it are really eye-catching.

Your last lesson was still like an advertisement, saying that everyone must wear safety measures.

The next moment, he was holding his belly and saying I have it. Are you sure you are not joking?

Although it passed by in a flash.

But it was obvious that a female stand-in was used in the kissing scene, right?

Don’t think that others can’t see clearly if you only have one or two frames of the picture.

It was obvious that the unknown heroine was still the same when he got close to her one moment, and it was a new woman the next moment. This was really too distracting.

Masamune Izumi, who had never taken fake photos before, expressed his utmost contempt for this.

What’s the point of making a movie like this?

Kissing directly like he did with Mai Morikawa, that is dedication to art.


From now on, he has lowered his head, fearing that a certain owner has many rumors. It seems that even shaking hands with Masamune Izumi, who is rumored to be able to make you pregnant, actually did nothing and watched the show seriously. Let Ebina Himina, at this moment He couldn't help but look at the man next to him.

Ebina also has a deeper understanding of Izumi Masamune's situation because of Miura.

There are a lot of girls from the other party and Sobu High School, and it is even suspected that Teacher Hiratsuka Shizuka is involved.

Just after sitting down, especially after the other party helped her, it was inevitable that Ebina Hina could not help but have other thoughts. The other party could not have some old thoughts about her.

There was even a hint of secret joy that he didn't realize.

However, these things have all disappeared as the man concentrated on the movie.

Ebina Hina couldn't describe how she felt if she hadn't been attacked by the other party's random palm.

But my mood at the moment is still a bit complicated.

Especially since the other party was able to watch the show so seriously, he treated her as if he were a real friend.

Even though she is a fujoshi, it is still extremely uncomfortable to have her charm ignored.

Especially as the plot progressed, there were some sounds in the theater, which made Ebina Hina feel a little restless.

I've heard that, Izumi-san, didn't you take half a month off? Just to film a movie.

Ebina coughed dryly, feeling that his charm was being ignored for some reason, and suddenly said to Izumi Masamune.

Ah? Shooting, yes, I also shot a movie. It will probably be released soon. The post-processing and the release time are scheduled, probably at the end of the year or during the holidays.

After coming back to his senses, Izumi Masamune explained.

Love metronome.

Among them, through that drama, he successfully obtained many girls.

For this reason, Aiwujiwu also paid attention to it.

It's just that some things can't be rushed.

How's it going? Does it look good? Can you tell me the plot?

With his eyes shining brightly, Masamune Izumi couldn't help but make another move.

Besides me, there are mostly beautiful girls inside. The only exception is the forty-year-old head teacher.

Izumi Masamune naturally understood what Ebina Himina had in mind, and at this moment he ruthlessly shattered her opponent's illusions.

Hey, the handsome boy and the middle-aged uncle are also pretty good...

Seeing that the man was about to strike again, Ebina Hina quickly dodged to the side and finally dodged the knife pointed at her forehead.

But it was also because of this that the original movement followed the knife downwards and hit the girl's chest.

It can be seen that there is obvious deformation, and the palm of his hand is directly bounced up in an instant.

The elastic strength and traces of deformation make it full of impact.

He took it back without leaving any trace, Izumi Masamune's expression remained unchanged. He put his palms on his clothes and rubbed them.

You only have these thoughts in your mind, but you won't be able to get married in the future.

It's just that those boring love affairs don't stimulate me at all. What can you say to a carefree guy like you? Those things are in your mind all day long. It's just a brain made of white.

I saw that the man's palms were still wiping on his clothes, as if he had gotten something on them.

Ebina Himina couldn't help but puff up her cheeks at this moment.

Raising an eyebrow, Izumi Masamune looked at Ebina Himina: Is that what you think? Do you think things between men and women are boring?

You can say anything else, but to reject this kind of natural human ethics, Ebina Hina's thoughts are very dangerous.

Then do you want to try it?

Looking at Ebina Himina with evil intentions, Izumi Masamune raised his hand.

After all, it is a seat designed for couples and is very convenient for hands-on use.

Just try it.

Looking at the hand that came over, with a hand that was almost 1.5 times the size of her own hand, Ebina Hina took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to speak. Looking at the handsome face close at hand, he then kissed Izumi Masamune in his surprised eyes.

However, Izumi Masamune did not retreat in disgust as Ebina had imagined. Instead, as if he had been awakened by something, the next moment he pried open her lips arbitrarily, inserted his tongue directly, and stirred it up and down. got up.

Ebina felt like he was hugged tightly by Izumi Masamune, and he suddenly shrank into the ring.

The hands that subconsciously blocked the invasion were forcefully pulled away, and Izumi Masamune's merciless movements began to rub the white and tender breasts of this big fujoshi.

It’s really a waste of natural resources.


It's really boring.

Yui yawned and looked at the movie in front of her.

As an ordinary female high school student, Yui's relationship is very smooth.

Because of an inexplicable relationship, I started to pay attention to the new boy in the same class, and in a short time, the two of them got close quickly. Although there were many rivals behind them, they had their mother, Mrs. Yuigahama, and their best friend, Yukinoshita Yukino. to help out, so there weren’t any tangled and stomach-ache-inducing plots.

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