Is that so?

Izumi Masamune smiled, and then repeated what he said just now.

Used in Chinese.

Sitting love? Have sex?

It was changed to Mandarin from the previous life, but this time it had that unique rhyme.

Yukinoshita subconsciously thought about what the man could emphasize.

Muttering to himself.

Then, the next moment, that white and lovely face was like the carpet of autumn leaves.

With a red face, he looked at the man, very angry.

But they are all ashamed.

I think I can collect payment now.

The way Yukinoshita-san opens her mouth in surprise is very cute, and you can't help but help her expand it, and then watch her lose her mind as she exhales hot air and drools for mischief.

After all, she is Yukinoshita, the most adorable person in Sobu High School.

Among all the female high school girls of the same age, she is also the first to be the cutest.

But this is not the reason why Yukinoshita can avoid punishment for his disappointed expression just now.

Hey, what happened?

Yuigahama Yui, a low school girl, waved her arms.

Dangling between the two of them.

The girl felt a little sad, feeling that because she was a bad student, she was excluded from the communication between the two people.

Let Yui-san secretly clench his fists and decide that he must study hard in the future.

Ask Mr. Izumi to make up some lessons.

Yui-chan, you don't need to know. All you need to know is Yukino-san, but you need to listen to me carefully.

Izumi Masamune said with a smile, looking around.

It’s off the beaten track and the autumn scenery is in full bloom, which is great.

There are other people in the class, so don't go too far.

Yukino shuddered. They were obviously an old couple, but the man's aggressive gaze still made the girl feel uncomfortable.

Izumi Masamune smiled and stopped the two girls with both hands.

Before they could react, he hugged them tightly and jumped up.

There are already four-meter-high trees, but at this moment, Izumi Masamune is walking on flat ground.

Amidst the exclamations of the two people, they had already reached the tree.

With enough cover, Izumi Masamune looked at Yukinoshita. Yui had already hugged Izumi Masamune obediently to prevent him from falling.

Looking at Yukino who lowered his head and said nothing, Izumi Masamune smiled, gently touched Yukino's white shirt for a while, stretched out his hand, and took off his shirt. Yukino also kept his word and never struggled.

Maybe it's also because of fear?

He would just hold Izumi Masamune's hand and let him do whatever he wanted.

Izumi Masamune gently lifted up and took off the girl's pink lace bra,

His big rough hands firmly pressed against the soft top.

Unable to grasp it with the palm of his hand, he could only use two fingers to grasp the girl's top, and quickly twirled the red cherry with his thumb.

How did Yukino, who already knew the taste, put up a strong resistance?

With his small mouth slurping softly, Izumi Masamune lost no time in sucking the girl. Only the Yuki-onna's unbearable ecstasy sound echoed in their mouths.

The mountains and forests of Kyoto are indeed a very nice sight.

Especially with the change of climate, it is now full of thick autumn leaves.

Quite beautiful.

The choice of school trip was on the spur of the moment, which was actually the right thing to do.

Whether it is the heat of summer or the coldness of spring, it is not suitable for travel. The most suitable seasons for traveling are autumn and winter. Finally, to sum up, the only choice is autumn.


The trees in autumn are already covered with autumn leaves.

Under the dazzling light of the Golden Pavilion Temple, there is the youthful atmosphere behind the three young boys and girls who are in deep love at this moment.

The leaves that were originally able to support the slowly falling leaves were now rustling uncontrollably.

Yui-san, who had previously thought of studying Chinese well so that she could keep up with her friends and boyfriend, finally understood what it meant to stop and sit in love with Fenglinwan.

Unfortunately, the girl knew it was too late.

When the matter was over, Yukinoshita finally paid a sufficient price for his impulsiveness. When the three of them came out together, it was already very late.

Although I have been with Izumi Masamune many times, this time under the autumn sky, I listened to the rustling of fallen leaves and felt the slightly cold wind. There was nothing to draw strength from around him, so he could only hold on to his boyfriend.

This kind of thing is still a little too uncomfortable for Yui.

Izumi Masamune's body continues to develop in a terrifying direction, but Yui is still an ordinary girl now.

As for Yukinoshita-san, as the one who was punished just now, Yukino stayed with the man almost the whole time, which made her safer.

But at the same time, Yukinoshita, who suffered 99% of the attacks, almost exhausted all his energy.

The three of them walked outside together.

Because of what happened just now, it was originally because of the three people's unpretentious leading journey, but now they have been quietly surpassed.

He walked forward with two frightened girls with weak legs.

This ended our trip to Kinkakuji Temple.

Hey, you three are too slow.

At the designated meeting point, surprisingly, there were several guys from the class.

Miura Yuko, who was chatting with Ebina Himina, saw the three people walking out slowly and stood up with some dissatisfaction.

Even after what happened last night, Miura Yuko still didn't give up her idea.

Accompanying Ichiroha, he launched a challenge to Yukinoshita and Yuigahama's Izumi Masamune monopoly alliance.

This is what Miura, who considers himself no weaker than others, likes to do most.

Seeing that Izumi Masamune only brought two girls, Yui and Yukinoshita, to enjoy it together.

The girl was in a very unhappy mood.

I plan to disturb and destroy it properly, so if I want to take it with me, I have to take her with me.

Unexpectedly, the three of them were walking so fast the whole way that she couldn't catch up.

At this moment, they finally found three people at this exit, and Miura couldn't help but come up to them.

With those friends around me, I believe that if this is the case, the three of them will definitely be more restrained.

That evil Yukinoshita, no matter how angry he was in his heart, he could only greet him with a smile.

Yesterday, as the one who offended Miura the most among the five, when Miura Yuiko was dealt with by Izumi Masamune, except for Yui, the other three girls all attacked Miura's other places with ill intentions.

Among them, Yukinoshita, who was facing her and doing violence to her Oppai because he was very small, was the one who impressed Yuko Miura the most.

Be sure to interrupt Yukinoshita's date.

Yukinoshita frowned. Even if he had practiced Aikido, he was still unable to withstand the sudden advance of a certain monster.

It's still a little uncomfortable to walk at this moment.

The voice was also a little hoarse because of Xi Tianmu's shouting just now.

Looking at Miura Yuko who was looking for trouble in front of her, she also tried to cheer up.

I was still a little careless, thinking that a certain man was not very good at Chinese, but I didn't expect that the other person was in this situation.

Miura. Before Yukinoshita could say anything, Yui, who had mainly been holding Izumi Masamune to help push her waist, had already taken the initiative to greet him. I just took photos of a lot of beautiful scenery. Let's go take a look.

Yuigahama Yui said to Miura.

Although she is not as popular as Miura, Yui has a good social circle and can easily deal with Miura's generals.

You should help Xiaoxue to take a rest first. Xiaoxue is very tired.

The little angel Yui whispered to Izumi Masamune, and then took the initiative to greet Miura and others.


Yukinoshita's expression was also very exciting at this moment. She didn't expect that Yui would help solve the problem at this time, and she was even more embarrassed. The way she was holding on just now, it turned out that Yui had discovered it a long time ago?

Okay, Yukino, let's continue walking.

After taking over the task of the little angel Yui, Izumi Masamune supported Yukinoshita and walked forward.

Pervert, scumbag.

Supported by Izumi Masamune, his originally strong body finally couldn't help but collapse. Facing the defeated Miura Yuko, who was once easily defeated, he actually needed Yui's help to get out.

It's simply a shame and a shame.

The Yukinoshita family lost all face.

As a result, I dislike someone even more.

An annoyed Yukinoshita did not accept someone's offer to take a break, but stubbornly worked up the energy to continue the visit.

However, Izumi Masamune was not angry about this. Instead, he held the girl's belly very carefully.

This is the fetal bed that can give birth to the Izumi family's future, but it must be cherished.

One stop away from Kyoto Station is Fushimi Inari, which has many torii gates and natural scenery.

Neither of them was short of money, so they took a taxi and quickly reached their destination.

As you can see, there are many rare things at the entrance of the store.

For example, there are souvenirs that look like foxes.

However, Miss Yukinoshita is not unfamiliar with this.

Yukino is an incorrigible cat-controller, Mr. Pan-controller, and everything else is scum in front of him.

Compared to my own cat, it’s nothing.

They all look like Miura vixens.

Continuing forward, after passing the torii gate outside, you can see a very tall door with stone lion-like fox statues on both sides.

This is the exorcist statue. It is said to have the ability to drive away demons and ghosts.

Looking at the stone statues in front of him, Izumi Masamune said to Yukino.

What greeted him was just a cold snort from the girl.

If you could really get rid of demons and monsters, you, a big monster who only attacks girls, would have been expelled long ago. Thinking like this, the girl continued to walk forward stubbornly.

It looked like he was still persevering even though he was very tired from being played just now.

Yukinoshita is really cute.

This kind of hard work.

But what's even cuter is the way he tries to hold his legs so that the stuff doesn't flow down.

With a snicker, Izumi Masamune followed.

It's just inexplicable, I always feel like there's something following me?

Weird feeling.


Izumi Masamune was a little confused, but he didn't care.

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