Ever since the last poor Mr. Koizumi finished filming his part and happily bought a plane ticket overnight to go abroad to pursue his dream of becoming an international star.

Koizumi Dieye, who was already not very concealed, became even more unscrupulous.

By Izumi Masamune's side, he happily joined the battlefield, and even pulled his mother, Koizumi Kayo, who was very disappointed with his mother and wanted to sever the relationship between mother and daughter.

After all, Koizumi Hanayo's character is too weak. She looks like a frustrated girl, but she seems to have a strong heart. In fact, after facing the existence of a pair like Izumi Masamune and Koizumi Choiya, she is a completely defenseless little sheep. Usually, he was persuaded by several reasons such as why he couldn't disappoint his father, how to maintain the existence of the family, etc., and was pulled in by Koizumi Dieye.

Koizumi Toye, who has seen the power of Izumi Masamune, now hopes to be in love for a long time, with the help of Izumi Masamune to solve the problems of mother and daughter.

Others in the crew will naturally make discoveries.

After all, Koizumi Dieye kept coming over after her husband left. Every time she paused for a long time, she looked exhausted.

They all know what is happening, after all, they are well-informed. There are a lot of dirty things in this kind of circle.

Also this time, with Masamune Izumi around, I was afraid of accidentally offending him, so these things wouldn't happen.

Among them, Shiro Kawabata is the main one. It seems that he and Iso Kaizosu have some conflicts, because there seem to be conflicts between the two parties several times.

Seeing his henchman working so hard, Izumi Masamune felt a little pity, because this guy had a lot of death energy on his head. By next year at the latest, one of these two guys would definitely die.

But these have nothing to do with him.

After playing a lot, sometimes crashes are unavoidable.

When Yazawa Sumi was cleaning up, her sister-in-law Toyohama Waka, or to be precise, Toyohama Waka was staring at Sakurajima Mai's face, because Yazawa Sumi thought she was one of her own, but she saw something different again. Less exciting stuff.

Toyohama Kazuka's vision of this was very exciting.

After the incident between Misaki Kamikusa and Fuuka Kamikusa was exposed, Toyohama and Hana frowned slightly, feeling a little wrong.

After the joint battlefield between Koizumi Hanayo and Koizumi Dieye appeared, Toyohama and Hana stepped back, trembling.

Looking at his mother, no matter it is this or that, she is full of fear, fearing that the other party will also get it.

After all kinds of things happened at this moment, naturally the first one thought of asking his sister Sakurajima Mai to discuss it carefully.

We must handle Izumi Masamune's affairs properly.

Deal with it, what's there to do?

Mai Sakurajima raised her head and looked at the girl in front of her curiously.

Some headache.

Although Hehua has worked very hard, there is still a gap between her and her.

He couldn't let go of the matter of maintaining a good relationship with Izumi Masamune.

Several times, if she hadn't come to support him, he would have been exposed.

Mai Sakurajima looked very anxious.

He wished he could step forward to replace his sister, but if this were the case, his sister would end up becoming angry from shame.

He has another woman, why don't you take good care of it?

Feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at by his sister, Toyohama Kazuhana said with some emotion.

Ah, yes.

Mai Sakurajima clapped her hands, looking like she was suddenly enlightened.

Then go ahead. What do you want to do by making me like this?

One sentence made Fengbin and Hua choke to death.

Aiming at his misfortune and angry, he glanced at his sister, and Fengbin and Hua ran away angrily.

Looking at her leaving sister, Sakurajima Mai felt helpless at the moment.

Look at Gu Li who is laughing and watching the show on the other side.

My boss, do you have any idea? If you don't deal with it, don't think you will be able to relax. You have accumulated a lot of work recently.

Finding that Gu Li was still inactive, Mai could only use something to attract her.

In fact, I have always been under your command, because Hehua controls my body now, and if you can't summon the love note to perform the task, you won't be able to go back, etc... .”

Detective Mai discovered the blind spot and looked at the guy in front of her who had brought popcorn from nowhere and was eating it.

Suddenly I felt that this guy was not acting like this just to stay in the world.

Alright, alright, don't worry Mai-chan, nothing will go wrong.

Serious face, how pitiful, for the first time, Gu Li really wanted to explore what is the so-called determinant of love, so she postponed it until now.

As for things like collecting notebooks to play with and relaxing after work, it's normal, right?

Give me another two days. Within two days, I will definitely give you a solution.

Realizing that Mai-chan is about to go berserk, Guli gives a deadline.

Seeing the girl calm down, Gu Li touched the non-existent sweat on her forehead.

I really don’t understand the love affair between Mai and Masamune.

Floating, the dull hair on the top of his head whirled around like a propeller.

And, this feeling.

Gu Li lowered her head, looking incomprehensible.


The evening sun shines into the classroom.

In the small classroom, Naoto (Masamune Izumi) and Sayuka (Mai Sakurajima) are hugging each other and kissing each other.

Even in this setting, many people are calling Sayuka Mistress, even if they know that Masamune Izumi and Mai Sakurajima are very close to each other, our Kasumi is so fat that he simply can't see or be bothered. Come and see the filming here.

As Sayuka who represents his own image, Xia Laofei, the creator of the novel, naturally deserves to give the other party the absolute dominant position.

It's the same in movies.

This is the last scene of the movie.

The three of them successfully held a school anniversary event together, and the relationship between the three was further stimulated, and friendship and love collided the night after they returned.

Naoto and Sayuka were together, and when they looked at each other and couldn't help themselves, Shinui came out and saw this scene.

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