‘Wait, it’s actually not too late. ’

Mr. Koizumi felt a slight movement in his heart. Although Toyohama and Hana were beautiful, his own daughter could not be ignored.

Especially the previous Muse group, which he considered to be a small group, was actually very popular.

My daughter is a little shy and can't let go, but maybe she will be more attractive to some boys if she looks like this?

When he thought of this, Mr. Koizumi was so excited that he could hardly contain himself.


Toyohama Kazuhana shuddered, looking at the contact between 'himself' and Izumi Masamune.

Waka, who was envious that her sister could still have a good chat with someone despite her appearance, suddenly noticed the unique gaze of the actor off the stage towards Izumi Masamune.

What on earth is this guy thinking?

I see.

Koizumi Hanayo looked at his excited father in front of him, feeling bitter in his heart.

Although I always thought that Masamune Izumi was not a good person and there must be no contact between the two parties, none of this could stop his father from thinking about him.

In addition to directly offering lunch boxes at the beginning, now he is even starting to hint at what he is going to do.

How could Koizumi Hanayo accept this kind of thing.

However, the girl knew very well that during this period of time, Huayang still had some understanding of the situation at home.

If he refused, his father would definitely feel very uncomfortable.

He silently made a call and tried to contact Izumi Masamune, but the other party did not reply.

Instead, he silently sent a text message and gave her an address.

It's not the location of Suimei Art High School.

The meaning revealed can be almost obvious.

Koizumi Hanayo lowered his head, feeling very uncomfortable. His face could be said to turn blue and white, a little angry and a little hesitant.

He silently edited the text message, which was prepared for his only trusted friend Xingzong Rin and his mother Koizumi Dieye.

It can be sent with just one click of a button. This is Koizumi Kayo's final preparation for himself.

So, everything was arranged, and Huayang walked over to the destination of the hotel unexpectedly.

What I saw was my friend Yazawa Nico’s mother, Yazawa Somi?

The other party looked at her with pity, then handed her a hairpin and asked her to enter a cubicle and stay there.

Koizumi Hanayang was a little strange. Just when she was already impatient, suddenly there was the sound of the door opening, followed by the laughter of men and women.

The man's voice was extremely familiar to Kayo Koizumi.

It was Izumi Masamune's voice.

Just the woman's voice made Koizumi Hanayo's body stiffen.

It was as if all the blood in his body had been drained out in an instant.

Is it really okay? I want to be a big star too?

Along with the sound of bags and other items falling, the woman's expectant voice came, and you could hear the undisguised joy inside.

Of course. When I transfer him abroad, one of you will develop at home and the other will develop abroad. Both of you will become famous model couples in the industry.

I hate it. I told you not to talk about husband and wife. It's very awkward.

Why are you so awkward? Don't you think it's great from the bottom of your heart, Mrs. Koizumi? Every time you say this, you don't seem to be dissatisfied.

You are such a loser.

Then what is a wife with a boy of the same age as her daughter?

Very inappropriate, almost disgusting dialogue.

If it were normal, Koizumi Hanayo would have been in a state of refusing to listen to purple sweet potato pudding, but now, she was numb and without any strength.

The mobile phone that was originally taken out and ready to send messages whenever there was a problem was now directly thrown to the ground, and he didn't care about these things.

Using his last bit of strength, Koizumi Hanayo stood up and quietly opened the door a little.

The man and woman stood together, looking perfectly matched as if they were a pair of beauties.

You are really annoying, and you will take advantage of this to bully me.

Koizumi Die Ye looked angrily at the man in front of her. He obviously took the initiative to take her, and then took various actions. There was only a wall between her and her husband, and she made phone calls in various ways to crush her self-esteem. Even after she was satisfied, she still Let yourself go.

It's interesting, it's interesting. Besides, when you take the initiative to call me for the first time, madam, you should do it yourself.

Izumi Masamune looked at the smiling woman in front of him, who seemed to be as energetic as ten years younger. While feeling satisfied in his heart, he also quietly looked at the slightly opened door on the other side.

I just wanted to give him the notice to make me happy. I had obviously stopped at that time, but who told you to come again?

Even though he said this, who can tell clearly what his real thoughts are?

The incompetent husband relies on his wife to talk things out. When the relationship of more than ten years is shaken, he unexpectedly discovers that he is more suitable with the boy in front of him.

Shaken by various factors, the revengeful Koizumi Dieye made a decision.

Then I found that I couldn't stop it anymore.

Isn't this just a way to show off your beauty, madam? You were really at a disadvantage if you didn't become an idol at that time. It's really hard to let go. How about we try another idol performance outfit?

Izumi Masamune leaned close to the woman's ear and whispered softly.

Are you coming again?

Koizumi Dieye was slightly dissatisfied, with the attitude of a little daughter.

But there is no sense of deliberately pretending to be young. On the contrary, it perfectly demonstrates one's own advantages.

He is a high-quality person himself. After being completely relaxed at Izumi Masamune's house for a period of time, he looks good no matter what.

I have a lot of gorgeous idol clothes. You can come and take a look.

Izumi Masamune is eager to try it.

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