A black line appeared on Mai Sakurajima's forehead. She looked at her sister, but finally she didn't want to remind her.

Morikawa Yuki looked at the leaving figure of Koizumi Dieye, and lowered her head strangely.

I have been in contact with several starring girls in the crew. Now I even meet such aunties, but they don't look for me?

She couldn't tell whether she was happy or confused.

When he came to the room, Masamune Izumi found a chair and sat down.

Indicated that Koizumi Dieye could sit down.

The woman was a little reserved. She put her hands in front of her body and hid her face. She was shy and charming. She had age-specific charm and youthful shyness. Just for a moment, Izumi Masamune seemed to have something in his heart. It's burning.

The two chatted for a while, and the topic was very casual.

From Koizumi Kayo's performance during this period, because of his father's work, he began to actively engage in some independent advertising as one of the muses.

It tells the past experience of Koizumi Toyo. She originally had a beautiful dream of standing on the stage as a female idol. However, due to Mr. Koizumi's inexplicable prohibition on love, she could only cancel it and become a housewife.

Now, her husband's career has been going through a series of difficulties. As a has-been middle-aged idol, he was barely getting by in an office and was suddenly fired. However, he couldn't save the dignity to start a small business and had to find connections. The result was not good. It's easy to spend all your money just to be able to come to the studio to film and compete in things like that.

I finally found a job, but was suddenly fired by Kawabata Shiro.

Now the family's funds are already in trouble. This is the twists and turns that will happen if there is a problem at home with only the husband working outside.

If this continues, Koizumi Kayo will not even be able to pay for next year's tuition.

As a famous girls' high school, although it once faced the fate of abolishing the school, the tuition fees at Otonogizaka are not low at all.

Koizumi Toye had no other choice, and finally found Izumi Masamune, the actual person in charge of her husband's crew. During this period, Izumi Masamune's privileges were obvious to everyone.

Finally, Koizumi Dieye said to Izumi Masamune with tears in her eyes: Masamune, aunt, I am also very strong. I am not asking for a rich life, but now I have reached this point, and that person is not willing to do a good job. I have a normal job, but now I really don’t have the face to see anyone.”

The begging beauty/*person/*fu.

I have to admit that this property is really awesome.

Especially when his true feelings were revealed at this moment, Masamune Izumi sighed secretly in his heart.

The women who went there on the 11th were already very famous in their previous lives. It was not the fame brought about by teachers, but many of them stayed at home obediently and took care of their husbands and children, which perfectly satisfied the psychology of many men.

But there are also many problems, that is, if a man cannot do well outside, he will also receive hostility and cold faces from his wife, so many office workers would rather hang out outside even if the time comes. Enough time passed before going home.

There are really only a few people like Koizumi Dieye who, when her husband fails to live up to expectations and loses face, does not complain much but takes the initiative to help her husband behind his back to plead for mercy.

It really belongs to the type that men like most.

Under his unique gaze, Koizumi Dieye's pale face turned crimson*/red, and she became at a loss.

As long as I can continue to work in the crew, I don't ask for anything more.

He muttered to himself, full of helplessness.

After laughing, Masamune Izumi patted the woman on the shoulder and said jokingly: Don't call yourself an aunt. A beautiful person like you is definitely qualified to be a movie star even if you continue to be an idol.

Koizumi Dieye's face turned even redder. She felt that it was wrong to be patted on the shoulder by a man, so she could only whisper softly: I'm really sorry, as long as my guy can continue to work here, I'm disturbing your rest, Izumi. Do you think there is any way? Or just any small job.

These things are not a problem. Don't worry. Come on, sit down first. Standing is so tiring. Yesterday I was only focused on checking on Mai's condition, but I never noticed that Mr. Koizumi suddenly had an accident.

Koizumi Dieye smiled, rolled up her hair at the temples, and began to introduce her situation.

It turns out that there were many colleagues around her who were involved in Mai's sudden fainting yesterday.

In the end, Kawabata Shiro caught Mr. Koizumi and thought that he did not pay enough attention to Sakurajima Mai's situation at that time, so he kicked him out of the crew.

In the end, when Mr. Koizumi begged, he said that he had no choice but to discuss it with the real person in charge.

I secretly praise Kawabata Shiro from the bottom of my heart. This is just a shameless producer style, which is very troublesome for others, but for Izumi Masamune, it is the best bitch.

It's not like he can't help him survive the calamity of death if he has the skills. How strong is the God of Death, a primary school student? Can it be better than the fact that he, the God of Death, is someone he knows?

Izumi Masamune was thinking in his heart, pretending to listen attentively, but he had already taken the opportunity to sit closer to Koizumi Dieye.

Hands *to each other*, the other side is also loving, feeling the difference.

Although the distance between the two people felt a little too close, the demanding Koizumi Toye couldn't show his disgust too obviously, so as not to offend Izumi Masamune.

After Koizumi Dieye finished introducing yesterday's situation, Izumi Masamune nodded.

Logically speaking, there is no problem with things like this. Mai was just feeling unwell yesterday. The key now is that Mr. Shiro Kawabata did something because of his authority at the time. If he takes it back now, what will happen to him? Reputation also has an impact, so it is difficult to arrange, but... Izumi Masamune stared at Koizumi Dieye's pretty face and smiled proudly, and said: It depends on man-made things, just like the plot with Hana, as long as we discuss it carefully, We can still add some new characters.”

Koizumi Dieye looked at the man expectantly, something was wrong, but she could only plead: I have already said it to the person at home. With your status in the crew, it must be possible.

I can't do whatever I want.

Masamune Izumi shrugged and smiled.

Izumi Masamune came to the woman: I have been living in the crew. Sometimes, although I can force myself through directly, the impact of this is very bad. It will also bring bad habits to other people, such as going through the back door. Many people are not happy with this.

Being treated like this by a boy as old as her daughter, Koizumi Dieye felt something racing in her heart, and she begged in a low voice: Izumi-kun, I know it's not easy for you, but there is really nothing we can do here. If you can help I, myself, and Hua Yang will be very grateful.

Don't mention Huayang. I get angry when I mention her. I had clearly asked her to sign the contract properly at that time. If she had signed it at that time, you would have no problem even if you continue to have no job now.

I'm really sorry about this. I will never be able to finish your love for us in my lifetime.

Koizumi Dieye kept bending down to apologize, but suddenly a terrible suspicion came to his mind.

Let Koizumi Dieye feel like falling into an ice cave at this moment.

There's no need to apologize like this. If you can't finish it in a lifetime, then just repay it in a lifetime.

Izumi Masamune shook his head. As he said this, his hand gently came to Koizumi Dieye's waist.

As expected, he wanted to be an idol in the past, and he is still in good shape even now. She was just a little nervous. Izumi Masamune clearly felt her whole body tense up, but he didn't dare to move for a while.

Koizumi Die stood up with a red face. She had always gone to school and graduated peacefully and then stayed at home as her husband and goddaughter. She had never experienced any darkness. She was facing a qu/*ru that she had never experienced before. I was so angry that I exhaled urgently.

The man's playful and appreciative gaze made his face turn red, and there were faint tears in his eyes, indicating that he was angry.

Izumi-kun. You've gone too far!

Izumi Masamune's expression remained unchanged, no matter if it was too much, the world was never fair.

Shi Shiran looked at the woman and lowered his hands.

Don't you understand the cruelty of this world? I've made it clear since Huayang rejected me. I won't end it until she crawls over in tears and becomes my obedient pet. I'll tell you the truth. Tell me, all the things that happened to your family suddenly were all arranged by me. Your parents’ pensions were suddenly unable to be withdrawn. Isn’t it very hard? It’s unbelievable that your husband, who was still able to make a living, suddenly became a disabled person?

She said calmly, even after letting go, the woman who still didn't leave had made it clear.

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