Obviously, if you turn off the light and close your eyes, you will see nothing more than a puddle of beauty, and the kind that is stunted and not as good as Mai, but the girl is not willing, and Izumi Masamune couldn't catch the opportunity for a while.

Such a tsundere character seems to be difficult to get in touch with, but the turret that can be easily played is temporarily unavailable. Izumi Masamune is still a little regretful.


After coughing, Izumi Masamune walked over.

Are you sure you want to shoot? You don't need to find a stand-in?

Izumi Masamune was a little confused.

Literary, martial, and naked*/substitution.

There are a lot of these things.

Kawabata Shiro did not dare to refuse any request from Izumi Masamune.

No need! I will definitely work hard and never lose.

Sipping Chun, Toyohama Kazuhana glanced at Sakurajima Mai and spoke very firmly.

Jean Izumi Masamune also sighed.

The two sisters obviously like each other, but Toyohama and Hana's pursuit of Mai Sakurajima has never changed.

I won’t say anything more, anyway, Izumi Masamune’s physical fitness can guarantee that everything will be fine.

After all the excess vehicles had been cleared, shooting began.

The overall improvement of the body makes this slope chase particularly smooth.

Coincidentally, Izumi Masamune caught Toyohama Waka at the last moment.

Ah, you, I, don't, need, want...

While everyone was excited, adjusting their cameras, and preparing to take pictures at any time, they were startled by Feng Bin and Hua's strange reading.

Okay, no...

Stop! Miss Toyohama, please stay relaxed and try again.

The ramp chase, which was originally the most worrying potential problem, was no problem at all.

It happened that here, when Fengbin and Hua were talking, various problems had already arisen.

Obviously, as an idol, Kazuka should be able to have a sufficient mentality, but for some reason, after the real start, Toyohama Kazuka was nervous and kept reading her lines.

If it weren't for the relationship, the plot itself like Toyohama Kazuka is not very important, and the actors who were temporarily inserted into the show would have been kicked out of the crew by now.

Okay, Mr. Director, I'll take Wahua to calm down first, or we can shoot other plots first, and put this part of the road chase later.

A woman ran over from outside and grabbed Toyohama and Hana, who were nervous at the moment.

Izumi Masamune recognized this guy.

She is the mother and manager of Toyohama Waka. She is also well-rounded and good at doing things on weekdays. She also has a very good attitude towards Izumi Masamune.

Along with Iso Kaizo, we discussed the next arrangements of the crew.

Izumi Masamune, who had taken a break for a while, came out

After Toyohama and Hana missed their scenes, they continued as normal.

It's a pity that I don't know why, but it seems to be because of the flower.

The rest of the filming was not very good.

Koizumi-san! Pay attention to me and show the aura that a teacher should have! Do you understand aura?!

In the classroom scene, Iso Kaizo went into battle in person, shouting angrily with a loudspeaker.

Izumi Masamune, who was sitting in the so-called protagonist seat, could see the middle-aged man in front of him who kept lowering his head and apologizing, almost burying his whole body on the ground. He was a rare supporting role as a homeroom teacher.

A young actor like this in the crew, who is neither serious nor serious, may get kicked out of the crew at any time if he gets into trouble several times in succession.

Seeing the twists and turns, Masamune Izumi was not in a hurry. After all, everyone became more skilled as the filming progressed.

During the lunch break, we all sat together and ate lunch, nothing special happened.

I just accidentally discovered that there were people visiting the class.

The scolded head teacher unexpectedly had many people surrounding him.

Kawabata Shiro gave full play to his dog-leg nature and said to Izumi Masamune: Koizumi-san is actually a relatively famous idol, but he seems to have offended noble people recently, so something happened and he can only take on some small jobs. Come and do it, we also take a fancy to each other’s popularity.”

Mr. Izumi, the next scene is between you and Miss Morikawa Yuki. I wonder how you see it?

I have already noticed the relationship between Izumi Masamune and several female protagonists in the crew, so Kawabata Shiro is very good at life.

Just look at the arrangements yourself.

Eating the bento absentmindedly, Izumi Masamune's expression suddenly changed and he looked at the girl carrying the bento next to the man named Koizumi.

Is that so?

I said, why does it sound so familiar?

Izumi Masamune let out a long sigh.


Izumi Masamune, who accidentally discovered what had happened, walked up and greeted the man who was wiping his sweat and happy with the result of the woman in front of him.

Huh? Mr. Izumi.

He stood up in surprise. Mr. Koizumi put the lunch box aside, not knowing where to put his hands.

Although they pay attention to seniority and seniority, they also pay more attention to the wolf nature of the weak and the strong.

Izumi Masamune's natural position in the crew's pocket and the smoothness he has shown during filming in the past few days are undoubtedly very respectable.

Not paying attention to the man's joy, Izumi Masamune looked at the woman in front of him.

He looks like he is in his thirties, has a noble temperament, and is fiddling with his clothes with slender hands, as if he doesn't know how to speak.

The facial features look quite clear, and the bangs on the forehead are combed to the right, which is different from Koizumi Kayo's hairstyle.

A normal white dress conceals her slim figure.

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