Taplis frowned slightly. As a little angel, she couldn't imagine how to survive in such a dark environment.

The first moment was suspicion.

He raised his palm, and a soft white light rose from the palm and came to the center of the room.

It can be seen that it is Gabriel who has just taken a bath at Izumi Masamune's request and looks brand new.

She has long shiny blond hair and freshly washed clothes that she wears to meet Izumi Masamune's gaming needs.

No matter how you look at it, he is a good angel who has just arrived.

But she hadn't yet been immersed in the joy of seeing the senior sister she longed for. She had already seen it. At this moment, Gabriel was exhausted from being played. He had no choice but to put his arms around Izumi Masamune's neck. They were hugging each other. Two people together.

In the game given by Fujikura Yu or Raphael, the short CG animation has long passed, everything is gray, and it has returned to the beginning of the game.

But on this side, CG animation in reality is not over yet.

After finally capturing a certain useless angel, Izumi Masamune felt that it was like a bottomless black hole, exerting an astonishing gravitational pull on him.

It's like I just got a new toy, and I don't want to let it go no matter what.

Just as he was thinking about taking Gabriel, who was sweating profusely at the moment, to a different place for a shower, Izumi Masamune heard the sound of the door lock opening.

Standing in front of the door was the idiot angel Taplis whom he had just met today.

The girl's expression at the moment was OVO, her eyes were full of confusion and confusion, as if she didn't know what to do.

After getting up, Rafael was also a little surprised. The girl obviously did not expect that she would disturb Izumi Masamune's good deeds today.

Fake, all of this is fake, it's impossible.

Taplis murmured to himself, as if he did not expect that such a thing would happen.

My kind, generous, gentle and considerate senior who declared that she wanted to bring happiness to the world and became the goal of countless little angels, why did she become like this?

Obviously at that time, I still said that this would bring happiness to the world.

Why do you just bring happiness to others like this?

This is wrong.

Although it is said that the intention is to bring happiness to others, it is not like this!

Tapliss even hoped that his senior, who was such a bad girl, could be better.

One step, two steps, Taplis's step backwards.

Shaking his head.

The white halo behind him has already appeared.

At this moment, it has actually begun to develop towards black color.

The girl's big eyes are full of confusion and entanglement about life at this moment.

This is the pain after disillusionment.

Izumi Masamune understood that it must be very difficult for his idol to do such a thing.

Senior, no, this is definitely not senior. This is a trick of the devil. Yes, it must be a trick of the devil. Didn't you see it today? There are still those demons. It must be these reasons that harmed senior.

Taplis clenched his fists and looked at the two of them nervously, with tears in his eyes.

However, in addition to being higher than Gabriel in terms of height and girth, Tapris's strength is still far behind. There is a huge gap between him and a top student like Gabriel.

Of course, Tapu-chan, these are all harmful to people.

Raphael, who was watching the show next to him, added with a smile.

But there was also a murderous look in his smiling eyes.

Although I have already thought about it, and even secretly promoted the scene between Gabriel and Izumi Masamune, but as expected, I will still be angry after seeing it.

The man in front of me is so terrifying that even the Demon Lord of Hell cannot compare to him. Any little angel that falls in love with him will inevitably encounter misfortune and bloodshed. There is a terrifying existence like a little angel.

Raphael looked at the situation in front of him and blinked at Izumi Masamune, with a smile flowing in his eyes.

As if to say, I didn't lie.

Yes, that's right, it was this big bad guy who did it.

Taplis was waving his little fist at this moment, and actually started to look like he was ready to take action.


Gabriel, who had been frightened by the sudden situation from the beginning, had been in a state of downtime, but at this moment he finally woke up.

He whimpered in pain, as if he was about to die.

Izumi Masamune had a headache.

According to the character of the useless angel, if he had been taken down this time and comforted properly, with money provided and games accompanying him, this guy would have surrendered obediently.

But now being suddenly seen like this, it was undoubtedly a complete blow to this guy.

After passing this village, there will be no more shops. This guy's resistance must be broken down.

Izumi Masamune looked at Raphael with a threatening look in his eyes.

Ah, no, I've been tricked too.

Rafael suddenly covered her heart and spoke sadly, leaving Tapris stunned.

Then he watched the girl throw off her silver leather shoes, and then jumped towards Izumi Masamune.


Mai, it's rare to see you so nervous.

After taking a shower, I walked out directly.

You can see the girl who is sitting in front of the mirror and still not pretending.

Naturally, I can no longer wear the original Minehara High School uniform at this moment. Instead, I wear a long skirt with a light yellow color. The curves are beyond expectation and the straight legs are wearing Izumi Masamune's favorite pantyhose.

Because Sayuka played by Mai Sakurajima was created by Shiu Kasumigaoka based on herself, the two sides are highly overlapping in many aspects.

There is no problem playing at this moment.

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