You really shouldn't play in bronze. Gabriel's expression softened and he decided that this man's death sentence could be postponed for a while longer.

It's just because there is only the lowest rank like Bronze.

Yao you.

Gabrielle was already looking at him with eager eyes at this moment, as if he would rush forward if he disagreed with her.

Okay, those losers really piss me off. Let's talk about other things. I got a new game, and it's super fun.

Gabriel's eyes flickered, and suddenly his anger disappeared, and he said to Izumi Masamune.


Izumi Masamune, who had just discovered the true identity of a certain guy, felt that what this guy was doing at the moment must have evil intentions.

I thought you wanted to do something when you called me here? It took me a long time to play games. I'll go back first.

Pretending to be impatient, Izumi Masamune wanted to leave, but he had already grabbed him by the corner of his clothes.

With a soft tone, sparkling eyes and dandruff, he is the rare super version of Gabriel.

There is definitely a mission. This guy who is already eating dirt must have a mission assigned.

Masamune Izumi is very clear.


This double transformation made Izumi Masamune feel hot in his heart.

Especially because when he was only wearing a loose coat at home, excluding the holy light that was of no use to him, he could see the girl's whiteness and dotted pink color, the dust-free and self-cleaning nature of the angel, No matter how sloppy life is, she can still maintain a cute and fragrant state. She is simply the most suitable race of otakus in the hearts of otakus.

Izumi Masamune's heart moved.

He can guess Fujikura Yu's purpose, which is basically to promote his relationship with Gabriel and others, so this game must be different.

Having carried out so many missions, following the principle of step-by-step, this time it is definitely time to reap the rewards.

The next task must be to get closer to both parties.

Perhaps, I can try out this useless angel today.

I can play games with you, but you have to take a shower and clean yourself first.

Masamune Izumi said he was very picky.

After finishing speaking, he didn’t forget to add: “I paid for the water bill.”

Okay. The useless angel ran over happily at this moment.

Covering his forehead helplessly, Izumi Masamune wanted to know how much money this guy paid to sell himself without restraint.

Although including his family price, it would be bad if it was less than 100,000 yuan.

Gabriel's shower speed was obviously fast enough to compare with boys.

Now that it's back, it's barely restored to its factory settings.

Considering the self-cleaning effect brought by the other party, Izumi Masamune no longer cares about it.

It's just a habit to keep her clean and white.

Sitting in front of the computer with Gabriel.

As the screen lights up, you quickly enter the game interface.

Knights and nuns.

As soon as he saw this name, Izumi Masamune was stunned.

After all, I have Sagiri and Ruri at home, and I know Eiri and other otaku girls around me, so Izumi Masamune has played a lot of games.

But there has never been a game with this name.

Was this specially modified when Fujikura Yufa Games came over? Lower this guy's guard?

With this thought in mind, he continued to look at Gabriel.

It briefly introduces the content of the game.

It is nothing more than controlling the characters to interact in various places. Every choice will affect the favorability and ultimately determine what the ending will be. This is often accompanied by some super sexy CG pictures or animations. Let you look forward to it.

Even those who have never played the game before can still get some scenes worth watching by clicking randomly. However, if you want to achieve the perfect ending, you must be an experienced player.

Gabriel and Gabriel sat down together and waited to enter the game interface.

Now, although we are playing together, but in this case, I still want you to control it. After all, if we play the game together, if we let me do it all, I will pass the level directly for you.

While thinking about it, Izumi Masamune adjusted the game quality to the highest level and turned on all animations. Then he invited Gabriel to come and play.

Is that so? Gabriel was stunned, thinking of Total War played by Izumi Masamune at that time, and felt that the man was right.

The mission this time, worth as much as one million, is to let both parties pass the game perfectly together. As long as it is completed, she can happily make money for a long time.

After hesitating for a moment, Gabriel took over the controller, and then habitually lay down on the cushion and pressed the game.

Izumi Masamune looked over. Except for the generally regretful position of the angel in front of him, lying on his back like this at this moment, he could clearly see the undulating buttocks lines.

Bai Nen's calves were swaying back and forth, and there was still the fragrance of the girl's hair just now.

Because she has long hair, Gabriel had already treated it to a semi-dry level. She was afraid that it would damage the hair if she dried it directly. Now when she put her hands on it, it was ice cold.

They say that serious men are good-looking, but Gabriel, who is playing games seriously at the moment, is also very interesting.

Look, you have to choose here first.

Masamune Izumi taught slowly. Gabriel had obviously never played this kind of text adventure game and was a little confused.

I'm so angry. If I meet a guy who talks to me like this, of course I'm going to blow him up!

Gabriel said angrily.

This was the first time Izumi Masamune discovered that this guy actually had the attributes of a straight woman.

Unsurprisingly, on the third day, the heroine was directly captured by a monster, and the game ended indescribably.

...Forget it, I'll teach you.

Izumi Masamune sighed, then grabbed Gabriel's palm with both hands and began to teach her how to control it.

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