The bottle that was originally held high was accidentally tilted, causing water to splash in all directions.

It just brings a sense of coolness.

Except for the unlucky Vinay.

So, that idiot Satania!

No matter how good-tempered Vinay is, even if she was showered several times at Izumi Masamune's place before, she would not have a good temper when facing Satania who showered her with water.

The truly vicious Vinay showed amazing deterrence.

Izumi Masamune, who was laughing at the farce, pulled Vinay, who was now a drowned demon, towards a bench nearby, and comforted: Okay, Satania didn't mean it. Look, you scared her. of.

He took Wei Nai to a small corner and sat there.

Masamune Izumi couldn't help laughing when he looked at Vinay who was now drowned.

You're still laughing.

It was uncomfortable to go there, but the man was still talking nonsense, which made Vinay even more annoyed.

No, I just think the way Vinay looks now is very interesting.

The so-called clothes will reveal the scenery inside when they are soaked with water. It is indeed very touching.

But if you wear that kind of small vest and underwear, your attractiveness will be reduced in an instant, making Izumi Masamune look very funny.

He's obviously a good-looking guy, but he has to wear something weird to make himself look ugly.

Aren't you the one who did it? Wei Nai felt that sooner or later she would develop a blind eye because of the man in front of her.

The last time a man played a prank and pulled out her underwear, saying that it would be convenient to play with when she got home later, Wei Nai learned from the experience and chose a vest with better protection.

Although it seems to be a little elementary school angry, it is better than safety.

Vinai, where has the sincerity between people gone? Izumi Masamune said that his heart was very painful and he needed to play with Vinai to recover.

Sincerity was eaten by dogs. He replied directly, but as soon as he finished speaking, the girl who felt that her words were inappropriate was already blushing.

I'm very angry! He pretended to be angry, which shocked Vinay. Let me feel Vinay's sincerity again.

While fighting, Izumi Masamune was already hugging Vinay tightly.

Do you really think that a little vest can stop a man's dream?

too naive.

When she heard the tearing sound inside, Wei Nai knew it was too late and could only let the man do what he did.

It was simply class at this time.

Sitting in the school courtyard, shaded by trees and grass, I wasn't afraid of anyone coming over.

Although she is wearing a small vest, the girl's hair is under the real help and control of Izumi Masamune, which is definitely a first-class development level.

After all, the simple man knew that this was the outside. After Vinay promised various tricks with a blushing face and almost collapsed, Izumi Masamune also temporarily let go of the girl who couldn't hold on anymore.

Masamune! Can we wait until we graduate from high school to meet our parents?

Shrinking in Izumi Masamune's arms, Vinay asked in a low voice, making Izumi Masamune look a little uncomfortable.

Ah, I found you.

With a silly, no, cheerful voice, Satania hurried over.

The girl's hand is still waving, this is a new dress.

What are you doing?

Vinay hurriedly separated from Izumi Masamune and looked at Satania carefully, fearing that this guy was up to something again.

Vinette, I bought you some clothes for joy when you go out to school. Satania put one hand on her hips and held the bag in the other, looking very proud.

Vinay had already planned to use magic power, but he didn't expect Satania to prepare these things.

For the first time, I felt that my friend was quite good. Huh? Did you buy them at a nearby specialty store? They are just right for me.

But where do you have the money to buy so many things? Wei Nai asked sternly.

Although Satania has a living expenses bonus as the most motivated demon, the clothes inside these clothes are very expensive just by looking at the brand.

Vinay is very worried that Satania has been deceived by some bad boys.

This situation is different from Izumi Masamune's happy play.

I gave it to you. Masamune Izumi took the bag casually. Realizing that the clothes that Satania had chosen were quite good, he gave the girl a thumbs up and said, Well done.

Vinay frowned slightly, looked at Izumi Masamune and said seriously: I will pay back the money.

...Vinay, you can't afford it with all the money you have, just sell yourself to me.

My friend, a little money is nothing at all. Please give me your praise and cheers. I will...ah, it hurts.

Smiling lightly, the very proud Satania was screaming in pain the next moment.

Looking at Wei Nai's ear, she was full of grievances.

I'll just change it.

Patting her heart, Satania spoke seriously.

Satania has money?

Vinay looked at Satania curiously.

Isn't it just that I'm going to do some intimate tasks with you Zhengzong? I'll give you money after you're done, just like Gabriel?

Satania's voice was clear and loud, full of energy, and the little tiger teeth at the corners of her mouth sparkled in the sun.

After getting rid of her stupidity, she is also a girl worth dating.


Vinay felt that magic power was beginning to gather in the palms next to her that were holding her.

Izumi Masamune couldn't laugh or cry.

Calm down, calm down, Vinay.

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