It was because she heard from her predecessors that the world is very dangerous. There are many magicians who deceive people in the hope of gaining the power of angels, there are terrifying evil dragons that eat angels, and the most terrifying thing is the giant monster that can make angels give birth to little angels. Gray wolf.

We prepared protective clothing like this just in case.

While the entire heaven is maintaining a conservative state, this set of protective clothing is imported protective clothing specially purchased by Taplis from the alien country.

Able to successfully survive in various harsh environments.

Because of the unreliable news, Taplis has been cautious since he came to the world.

Unexpectedly, just after walking a few steps, I met a human being who wanted to go to heaven.

For a moment, Taplis felt that he was extremely happy.

It turns out that everyone still has great faith in heaven.

Although he has not graduated yet, Taplis is also an angel.

So Taplis came over to greet him instinctively, and decided to try to bring him happiness just like those things he learned in school.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they first met, he had accidentally exposed his identity as an angel.

‘Wow, humans are so scary, they almost made me commit a crime. ’

At this moment, Taplis looked at Izumi Masamune with guarded eyes, as if he was looking at Original Sin.

Although he didn't have any mind-reading ability, Izumi Masamune was able to guess that he definitely didn't have any good thoughts after noticing the fearful look on this guy's face.

I want to leave her alone.

But he has confirmed it.

This guy was as good an angel as Gabriel, whom he had just met at that time, and not as sinister as Raphael.

It's Gabriel in factory settings + Satania in her current state.

If this kind of guy doesn't care, he may be deceived directly into nowhere.

So, why are you here? It should still be during school time.

Masamune Izumi looked at this guy curiously and probably understood that he was here to find Gabriel.

But if he said it directly, this guy would be more alert.

We have a holiday, so we came to play with my senior sister. By the way, why do you want to go to heaven?

He looked at Izumi Masamune cautiously, as if he were some kind of terrifying monster.

But he had already asked, so even with tears in his eyes, Taplis still had to finish the question.

Go to heaven? Is there any reason to go to heaven?

The inexplicable question made Taplis's eyes light up. What a perfect answer.

Yes, what reason do you need to go to heaven? Isn’t it just because the beauty of heaven makes people want to go there spontaneously?

Because there must be a lot of beautiful angels in heaven. It will be very interesting.

Izumi Masamune said seriously.

Densely covered with beautiful angels, it is truly an impeccable paradise.

Although Mingfeng is said to be simple and honest, as a man, the dark side in his heart will always make him want to dye that pure white with his own color.

In comparison, hell is just a bit worse.

While thinking in his heart, Izumi Masamune noticed Taplis's movements.


What are you doing as a guy?

Watching Taplis fiddle with his high-tech watch, and then enter some new species of SSS-level super dangerous monsters.

You guys are very rude.

A black line, Izumi Masamune said maliciously at this moment.

Well, don't eat me. I don't want the little angel yet. Don't eat me.

His little move was discovered by someone, and Taplis panicked for a moment.

Okay, stop making trouble.

Grabbing this guy and applying a little force, the protective clothing on him turned into powder, leaving him with only the casual clothes on the surface.

Just grab the guy in front of you and walk somewhere else.

In just this moment, countless passers-by began to gather around the scene.

If it weren't for Izumi Masamune's decent looks, he would probably be getting all kinds of bad comments at this moment.

Don't bully me, I'm very powerful. rua!

Taplis said in a panic, but his choked tone seemed to be frightened.

Gabriel, innocent Gabriel White, I know her.

Izumi Masamune sighed and took out his phone.

Inside, there are photos of Gabriel taking the C suit when he was with Kirino.

And compared to the white robes commonly used by angels, the C suit used at the summer comic show seems to be more in line with the gorgeous peripherals.

At the very least, it could be seen from Tapris' eyes that could almost be made of light bulbs at this moment.

Aha, it turns out you know Senior Gabriel, is she a magician in the world? No, I still need to check it carefully. Let me take a look at this photo.

Taplis smiled almost from ear to ear, looking at the various photos of Gabriel in front of him.


He knocked the guy hard and took the phone back.

If you scroll further down, you will find restricted photos of other girls.

Compared to Gabriel at the beginning, you are still a bit different.

Although he looks extremely kind and behaves exactly like the new Gabriel, he still has the attributes of an idiot in his tangerine look. It really makes Izumi Masamune powerless.

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