The man's infatuation with him, and the communication process that seemed to go straight to the depths of his soul, made Yuuki Ringo feel that his heart was coming to life.

Even though I had been warning myself before that I was already a family with a daughter and a son and could not engage in other things, I still had some thoughts at this moment.

Okay, at worst, this is it. I will have a movie shooting soon, and then all my clothes will be designed by you, Ringo, okay?

Looking at Ringo Yuki who looked like a little girl at this moment, Masamune Izumi laughed in his heart, but he did not forget to comfort him.

Movie? Yours?

That's right. I just joined the filming of a movie recently. You don't need to know the specific content. Anyway, it's just this period of time. The filming will probably start.

Now, let me believe you.

Yuuki Ringo seemed to be reluctant to accept it, but similarly, when the two sides were in contact with each other at a negative distance, women could not deceive men either.

Feeling the feeling that came from him, Izumi Masamune became more and more satisfied.

I will definitely design it when the time comes. Clothes that can perfectly show your true handsomeness will definitely not let you down.

There has never been a moment when Yuki Ringo had such motivation.

Aren't you afraid that other little girls will be attracted to me? There are many beautiful girls there. Serious women are equally beautiful, and they are so beautiful that they want to be communicated with.

No way, I'll have my name tattooed on your clothes.

Jiao smiled, and the whole person was about to fall into Izumi Masamune.

The ringing of cell phones woke up Izumi Masamune and Yuki Ringo who were currently immersed in each other.

The two looked at each other, and the woman's palm picked up the clothes on the ground. It was her phone number. She was a little frightened and anxious. She wanted to be an ostrich, but she was already directly picked up by Izumi Masamune.


Rolling a glance at the man, Yuuki Ringo had returned to his normal appearance at this moment.


Yuuki Ringo's tone now changed back to the calm tone it had when they first met.

I'm fine, work is going well.

Yuki Ringo chatted with the voice on the other side, and the slightly tense atmosphere calmed down at this moment.

Ah...I haven't had much to do recently...Ah, be good, don't worry...I won't tire's okay, I'm fine.

The serious tone. If you just listen to the chat between Yuki Ringo and the other party, you will just think that this is a very serious content.

Who would have thought that at this moment, Yuki Ringo was still having close communication with Izumi Masamune.

Yuki Ringo chatted with Izumi Masamune from time to time, while his fingers idlely drew circles in front of him.

Be good, mommy loves you the most. Stay at home and everything will be fine.

Yuki Ringo said as he suddenly turned towards Izumi Masamune.

mua, mom loves you the most.

Izumi Masamune looked at Yuuki Ringo who was speaking to his daughter like this at this moment, and finally saw what it means that a mountain is higher than a mountain.

It seems that it was affected, and the war that had originally calmed down was ignited again.

Ah, it's nothing. I'm in a hurry, so I'll hang up first!

After hurriedly hanging up the phone, Yuuki Lin E looked angrily at the unsatisfied man, but when he met the man's smiling eyes, all the original anger dissipated at once.

You're a guy who will bully me.

As he said this, there was still a smile on his face.

You have a daughter?

Izumi Masamune sounded familiar to that name.

Well, Yuuki Mikan, although she will only be in third grade next year, she has always been very sensible and obedient.

Speaking of his daughter, Yuki Ringo couldn't help but feel happy on his face.

But the next moment, I couldn't help but frown.

Why does a man change when he mentions his daughter? She's only in the third grade, so that's too much.

No, I'm just happy to think that I have such a good daughter.

Putting away the surprise in his heart, Masamune Izumi comforted him with a smile.

Huh, I just talk nonsense.

Rolling his eyes at Izumi Masamune, Yuuki Ringo, who has always had the idea of ​​not entering your life, just hugged the man.

But he didn't notice the coldness flashing in Izumi Masamune's eyes at this moment.

Izumi Masamune never joked.

Okay, I get it.

A man is walking down the street.

Izumi Masamune just hung up the phone with Takatsuki Izumi and arranged for her to contact Fujikura Yu.

He originally thought that he was just a woman he met casually and could play with occasionally, but it turned out that he was surprised that he would have such a relationship.

No wonder why I felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when listening to Ringo Yuuki.

It took a long time.

It turns out to be here.

Izumi Masamune is actually very tolerant towards the male protagonists.

For example, Eita Kidou had already been robbed of spring, summer and winter by him, for example, Ahn Yirunya, whose original team had already fallen apart, for example, for example, for example, for example, Kousaka Kyosuke, who had no idea that his sister had been completely exposed, for example, at this moment, Hikigaya Hachiman, who has already established a romantic relationship with Totsuka Ayaka, and Kanda Sorata, who has not even started the plot.

Izumi Masamune still didn't use any special methods against these guys who were once male protagonists with him.

It is also a placement treatment for them.

Because these guys are actually indecisive losers.

However, some of the protagonists are different.

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