An ordinary female high school student.

His personality seems silly and very reckless.

But Harusaki Chiwa has a sensitive heart that is rare among others.

Faced with this one-sided relationship, he took good care of himself.

In the past few times, she has been able to have a pleasant conversation no matter what the topic is. Even her favorite kendo has helped her contact the well-known Sonoda Dojo.

It can be said that besides her childhood sweetheart Eita Kidou, she is the only boy who agrees with intimacy, and she is honest about her experience.

Of course, this is also because he did not realize that Izumi Masamune's true purpose was to be his lover.

After Harusaki Chiwa introduced his affairs, Izumi Masamune just listened with his ears pricked up.

However, the look in Harusaki Chiwa's eyes was extremely pitiful.

This is simply a person who is even more beautiful than Eiri. Eiri is good at all kinds of pear, but Harusaki Chikazu is a poor guy who can't even do this.

Okay, no need to say any more.

Just when Harusaki Chiwa was about to continue the bitter experience of her and Eita Kidou's sophomore year in high school, he decisively refused.

The impatient look made Harusaki Chiwa a little annoyed.

Honestly, I really don't understand why you like him.


It can be seen that Harusaki Chiwa's eyes are a little stunned.

Let's not talk about the indecision, rigidity, and chuunibyou. As you said, you have known each other for so long, almost two years in high school alone. But I really can't find anything. What do you want? Reasons to like him.”

Izumi Masamune really couldn't understand how he could make her fall in love with this kind of entanglement but it was as bland as water and there was no plot to promote it.

Ruita is just very busy on weekdays because he has to study hard and get into a good school.

Chiwa, who was very gentle a moment ago, is now a bit angry.

Contrary to her cute appearance, the girl's personality is easily excited, and when she is fierce, she seems to be able to kill with just her eyes.

So he is a scumbag. Ignoring Harusaki Chiwa's glare, Izumi Masamune's serious analyst said: Look, Kidou Eita actually understands very well that he knows his ordinary identity, so he needs to change through learning. Destiny, but while changing, he did not forget to find a few spare wheels for himself. How could you not know your feelings for such a long time?

Looking at Qianhe who turned pale, Izumi Masamune had no mercy.

He didn't give an answer. His ultimate goal is to keep you hanging until after college. Only then can he find a suitable one. Even after everyone disperses, he just needs to be more prudent and steady at the same time. It's not impossible to travel on three boats. Have you noticed? Every time when you want to leave, he will give you some hope just right. This is Eita Kidou.

Or why Izumi Masamune hates these so-called daily comic protagonists so much that they are not as interesting as Makoto.

It's really annoying to be indecisive and hang on to a high-quality girl.

Even if it is a Chihuahua, if you let it play for a period of time, it will show excellent growth.

Harusaki Chiwa's face was already a little cold.

At this moment, the man no longer concealed his gaze, which made the girl doubt Izumi Masamune's true purpose.

He placed his palm on the call bell next to it, ready to press it at any time.

Chiwa, how about this? Let's make a bet.

Izumi Masamune said, looking at the girl with eyes like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Just barely eaten it.

He was silent, staring at Izumi Masamune with sharp, knife-like eyes. The poor-looking girl had an unexpected charm.

Kido Eita has actually understood your thoughts, especially if the other party has the same purpose? Maybe you still feel a little strange, so let's put it another way, a green tea man walks around three girls, While achieving my dream, I still have three spare tires hanging behind me.”

Every word he said made Harusaki Chiwa's expression darker.

Why is the truth so annoying? Because the truth reveals the most ruthless reality.

Unable to bear it any longer, Harusaki Chiwa raised her hand: What bet do you want to make?

The voice was a little cold.

The figure is a bit pitiful.

It's been less than four minutes since he left now, and the girls around him are still there. Since you don't believe me, then take a gamble. Before you send him a message to come alone, for any reason, See if the other person can come to you regardless of other people's opinions, or if he simply continues to be that slow guy and ignores you. Anyway, don't you feel disgusted with these things?


Before Izumi Masamune finished talking about the bet, Chiwa nodded eagerly as if escaping.

The girl looked expectant and fearful.

Izumi Masamune smiled silently, took out his phone and sent the message.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Time that originally felt like it was flowing extremely quickly, turned out to be so slow in Chiwa's eyes.

Covering yourself with a white quilt, it seems that only in this way can you bring a little warmth to yourself.

The so-called love is actually not as sacred as you think sometimes. Do you know mandarin ducks? Because they often appear in pairs of one male and one female, accompanying each other, they are regarded by many people as It is a beautiful symbol of good luck and loyalty, which is enviable.”

The cool Harusaki Chiwa also raised her head at this moment, curious about what Izumi Masamune wanted to say.

However, it was actually discovered that after putting several pairs of mandarin ducks together to live together, at the end of the day, the partners around all the mandarin ducks had changed. The palm of his hand had already wrapped the girl's little hand, away from the other side of the bed Ringing the bell on his head: So, in fact, the so-called love in your eyes is just falling in love with someone you see. It's just because you thought it was the first time you met and the only choice around you was Eita Kidou. With that, In comparison, our Ji Tangjun is much smarter.

Then what? What does this mean?

With a low voice, Qianhe looked at Masamune in front of him.

It's not interesting. I just think, why doesn't Chiwa give me a chance? It's like, if it succeeds, there will be a chance for competition between the two parties.

Don't you think your current behavior is like what you call a mandarin duck? Falling in love with each other when you see them?

Chiwa retorted, but at this time, he realized that the distance between the two parties was extremely close, and he was suddenly hugged by Izumi Masamune.

So I never said that I like Chiwa. It was finally time to harvest. Looking at the pink-stained neck and the intoxicating fragrance, Izumi Masamune did not forget to appreciate the newly grown body. 0 fruit.

Men are never easily satisfied creatures.

As for Harusaki Chiwa, a guy who insists on the so-called childhood sweetheart love, he is even more enthusiastic and accustomed to pursuing the so-called spark of love through physical contact and collision.

Ice, sometimes it takes violence to break it.

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