However, these emotions disappeared in the end, and she could only muffled and accepted the man's actions.


The cold water hit his face, causing Saki Kawasaki to wake up from his sleep.

Looking at the man holding him in the vagina.

After paying attention to the surroundings and finding that there was no one else, Kawasaki Saki breathed a sigh of relief.

How's it going? Don't you feel uncomfortable now? You can feel the heat emanating from it. Izumi Masamune smiled at the girl and said: I call this kind of thing self-destruction therapy. If you feel uncomfortable, then do something more serious. You will find that it is no problem to stay at the Izumi family, and you will understand when Saki attends a few big gatherings of the Izumi family in the future.

You're so bad. Izumi Saki, who felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest just now, could only let out a long sigh.

Izumi Masamune was a little helpless.

Why do these little girls feel inferior so easily? Shouldn't they be very proud and glorious to be able to satisfy him with such a beautiful body?

Do you think you can't do it? So, Kawasaki, if you have any ideas, come work for me and be my maid. Ah, although it's not very good, but in terms of funds, you can rest assured.

Masamune Izumi, who is a good person, looked at Saki Kawasaki, who had a completely different style from Thor's maid uniform, and felt that this guy was just right to be a maid.

Is this okay? I don't have any objection, but I only worked in a store before.

I will find another person to train you specifically, so don't worry. However, her training is very strict. I hope you can accept it.

Masamune Izumi thought of Yu Fujikura. The girl was usually obedient to him, but she was the real head maid in charge of all the maids in the Kondo family.

I will.

Some girls with low self-esteem are more willing to work hard.

But he didn't know what kind of special hell training he was about to face.

So Izumi-kun is going to start filming a movie recently? It's really surprising.

Nan Xiaotiao hugged Izumi Masamune's arm and was very happy about her boyfriend.

After all, our Kotori-chan has already become a big idol. Just to match you, Kotori-chan, I have to work hard.

Feeling the girl's gentleness and her body that was hard to get tired of no matter how much she played, Masamune Izumi successfully grabbed the target from the claw machine in front of him with one hand and handed it to the smiling girl in front of him.

There have been relatively few things recently.

The most troublesome rehearsal has just ended, and the shooting of another movie will start at the end of the month, finally giving Izumi Masamune some free time.

When people are idle, they naturally look for things to do. Izumi Masamune, who had nothing to do, just watched the time and pulled out the girls one by one.

After all, it occupies so much fertile soil, so it naturally needs to be carefully managed and irrigated more frequently.

Today, Saturday, a date with Emi Kato and Hiromi Kato had just ended in the morning. We had lunch at Sawamura's house at noon, and went to Suicun for a snack for mother and daughter.

At around two o'clock, two women, Machida Enzi and Kagurazaka Iris, came up to discuss the new book with Izumi Masamune and get the jingle.

At around four o'clock, I hurried over and started my date with Nan Xiaotiao.

Masamune, I'm going to get angry if you say that. Nan Xiaotiao, the idol who was teased by her boyfriend, pretended to be angry, but it showed off the girl's beauty and cuteness.

It attracted the attention of people who were not men on the street, and made the other party's female companion so angry that she pinched the other party's waist.

But not long after he got angry, he noticed Izumi Masamune, and then he turned into a boy and started to get angry.

It is conceivable that Izumi Masamune only needs to take the girls out for a few more days, and the breakup rate of couples in the entire eleventh district can rise by three hundred points.

Noticing this difference, Minami Kotori could only blush, put one hand around Izumi Masamune's arm, and held the doll given by the man in one hand, and walked towards the park and other secluded places.

The park in the afternoon is a rarely visited place with a rare green color in the steel and concrete forest.

It's a good place to get along.

The two parties have been getting along for a long time, and they are already an old husband and wife.

It is not uncommon for the three of them to have fun together with Honoka, Umi and Izumi Masamune.

But when the girl was getting along with Izumi Masamune, she was still as shy as when they first met.

A few jokes with strange content and a little bit of intimacy between them can make the girl moan from time to time.

Actually, everyone rarely gathers together these days.

Nestling in Izumi Masamune's arms, Minami Kotori suddenly said with regret.

Is someone causing trouble? Or is there something wrong with the office? Masamune Izumi's tone became serious.

Although a lot of things happened to the Muse combination, Izumi Masamune was still making steady progress, and he would not give face to anyone who dared to cause trouble.

No, the main reason is, well, Rin-chan and the others seem to have something going on at home, and it's hard for us to ask. They haven't shown up much in the recent training sessions.

Just now, Izumi Masamune looked like he was going to deal with the guy who wanted to take advantage of him, but now he looked a little embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, after working on it for a long time, the final reason was myself.

Although he was faced with extra beautiful girls behind him, he quickly forgot the anger he felt at that time.

After all, there are so many things to do, even if he is asked to do nothing for a day but just play with the girl, he will not be able to do it.

What do you think, Koizumi Kayo Hoshikora Rin actually doesn't have many characteristics. She just happened to be the canary in the muse that made Izumi Masamune a little interested. It was only because of her previous rejection that she had a certain degree. The thought of putting it away and making it a toy.

But he just mentioned it casually, and the other group of people who wanted to curry favor with Izumi Masamune would also try their best to do their best for him.

Rin Hoshizora and Hanayo Koizumi, who rejected his request to sign a contract at that time, were just ordinary working-class families and did not have strong backgrounds. I believe they have had a very difficult time in the past half month.

In an environment like District 11 where most families maintain the female head of the house and the male head of the house, and one person's job is basically fixed and it is difficult and rare to change jobs, the family's affairs depend on The man lives alone.

As a result, faced with the Kondo family's huge financial resources, the two poor girls' families were already suffering terribly.

Naturally, it is impossible to have any energy to join Muse.

While feeling the girl's warmth, he thought about the two unlucky men.

Izumi Masamune had no mercy. When the two girls refused, their fate was already sealed.

I can only look forward to keeping up with Izumi Masamune, and then suffer the fate of being called over for fun sometimes when I think about it.

In fact, if he hadn't just had some free time during this period, Izumi Masamune would probably have even eaten the mother-daughter rice bowl.

You haven't discussed this with your mother, right?

After being a little concerned about those two guys in my heart, and promising not to have any bad accidents because life was too difficult, Izumi Masamune stopped thinking about it, but looked at his arms and his breathing was already quickening... girl.

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