Because in the photo, it was a girl holding a mobile phone and taking pictures of herself.

There was no cover on Ichika's body, but she was not exposed either.

Because at this moment the girl directly raised a finger, and from this special angle, all three important places of her body were covered.

It’s the legendary ‘one finger covering three points’!

Ichika-chan, are you so good at playing?

Izumi Masamune let out a long sigh in his heart.

As expected, she is an actor and a natural model.

Izumi Masamune silently saved the photo.

Put it under the folder of the Nakano family gathering.

In the photo, the girl's excellent figure is fully demonstrated.

When taking photos, her eyes seemed to be wide open because of shyness. The girl who originally looked neutral because of her hairstyle became unexpectedly cute and charming at this moment.

Fair and slender skin, big eyes that seemed to be able to speak, with mixed emotions of panic and shyness.

The calculation successfully covered the key points, but just like Rome was not built in a day. Although there is no joy at the top, the scenery set off by the journey is also very good, showing that the five Nakano sisters are generally at a very pleasant altitude.

Looking to the other side, the moving arc helped the girl complete such a difficult action.

Even among Izumi Masamune's group of girls, there are only a few who can do such a thing.

Not only is Ichika's beautiful short pink hair now, but the girl's neck is also pink at the moment.

Even through the photo, it seems that you can feel the girl's mood at the moment.

That's the emotion called shyness.

I had never noticed before that Ichika is so photogenic. Next time I want to let Ichika try on a maid outfit or a Kaiyue Hung sweater, it will definitely be very good.

Moreover, this idiot would actually post something like this. If it had been a worse person, he would have been able to start an even worse plot now.

Izumi Masamune was complaining about Ichika in his heart, but his mood was getting better.

I began to think about what kind of clothes I could put on the girl that would make her look better.

[The photo is great. 】

After confirming that it was Ichika with short hair, Izumi Masamune silently replied.

Seeing the news that had come out, the girl closed the phone and hurriedly huddled under the quilt.

As if the white paper was dyed red by red ink, the temperature of magma seemed to be gathering on the body at this moment.

But his body became more and more curled up into a ball.

‘It’s so embarrassing. ’

In his mind, Ichika only had this thought.

After successfully adding a perfect collection to his mobile phone, Izumi Masamune fell into silence at the moment when he looked at the guy who was already trying to express his threat by firing a gun at the sky.

Ichika, doesn't he know how uncomfortable it is to send such photos to a mentally healthy male high school student at night?

Izumi Masamune felt a little uncomfortable.

Checking the time, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

In the game, Ruri Eiri and others are still in the happy third row. Thor has gone back to find Xiaolin, Mai has gone to perform her mission, and the other girls have also been hit for a day and have not come back yet. .

So are you going to eat Elkoya again today?

Thoughts floated in my mind.

Although the soft Erkoa is very comfortable, it is just like eating too much fat will always make people feel tired.

In the past few days, when Thor and Eluma came over, Izumi Masamune was feeling a little dizzy.

Brother, brother, come here quickly.

On some walls, there was the sound of wall knocking.

A message from Sagiri, whose floor talk has successfully evolved into wall talk.

Hearing this, Izumi Masamune was stunned for a moment, and then walked over. Zhengchou didn't have much fun tonight. It would be good to have a poor man to detoxify him.

As soon as she walked in, Sagiri looked like a kitten that hadn't seen its owner for several days. He immediately jumped into Izumi Masamune's arms.

As for why cats are used to describe it, it is of course because of Yukino Nya and the result of Izumi Masamune's love for the house and Kara.

Sagiri is just in time. We haven't communicated and exchanged feelings for a long time.

Holding Sagiri in his arms with a smile, the two fell directly on the bed together.

No, we still have Sister Kawasaki today, Sister Kawasaki.

Sagiri called Izumi Masamune pitifully and pointed to the opposite side of her house.


Didn't Hinata and I accidentally interrupt yesterday? It's a pity for Kawasaki-san.

The serious explanation made Izumi Masamune a little touched. A girl who can take the initiative to pimp her brother is a happy girl.

Hehe, by then Sister Kawasaki will definitely be moved to model for me.

Sagiri, who was serious just a second ago, is now laughing again.


Hit this idiot right on the head to calm her down.

Let me tell you again, no sister in the family is allowed to be a source.


A person is staying quietly in the living room.

Coming to a strange place and a boy's home, although she had been encouraged by Sagiri, it was still a bit too exciting for Saki Kawasaki.

Even now, Kawasaki Saki's mood has not really calmed down.

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