Brother, I'm fine, I can go home!

Sagiri's energetic voice sounded outside.

Oh, brother, did I do something wrong?

Walking on the street in the evening, I said goodbye to Saki Kawasaki, who was carrying his sleeping sister on his back, and the three of them walked on the way home.

At this moment, Sagiri's little hands were tightly holding the hem of Izumi Masamune's clothes.

Sagiri, who was used to staying at Izumi's house, didn't even pay attention to knocking on the door just now, and just ran in.

But it ended up disturbing Izumi Masamune's good deeds (Sagiri's perspective)

You still know there is a problem. Next time, please restrain your arrogant personality.

He rubbed the little guy's face again and again.

You know what you should do now.

Looking at Sagiri's pitiful appearance, she had just had a pleasant conversation with Kawasaki Saki about her sister, which made the super girl-controller recognize Izumi Masamune so much that he was almost directly succeeded. At this moment, Izumi Masamune has transformed into a ruthless ghost. The eldest brother stared at Sagiri mercilessly.

Know it.

Poor Sagiri already knew how to extinguish the anger of her unscrupulous brother and bowed her head obediently.

The rare new map Classroom has not been unlocked successfully.

However, Izumi Masamune cannot be said to be regretful.

However, it was rare to catch this guy looking pitiful, which actually made Izumi Masamune temporarily let go of the pity in his heart.

Kawasaki Saki, as the first guy who was deceived by Yukinoshita Harano into following him, was actually the most severely affected. He had already determined it just now.

It is equivalent to meat that has already entered the stomach, so don't worry for a while.

On the contrary, he has more important things on this side.

The offensive Nino I met today really made Izumi Masamune extremely embarrassed. He felt that he had no power to parry.

During the performance tomorrow, the girls will basically gather together.

If Er Nai appears directly, use the opponent's mobility.

That's really going to explode.

At least, if there is a collision before the five sisters resolve it and let the girl admit it.

Izumi Masamune's original love story of a tutor and five sisters may turn into a Li Fan-style story of raising a child and his daughter.

I believe that by then the school news agency will be able to publish the headline directly.

During the cultural festival drama rehearsal, a real-life Shura scene was staged, and the famous scumbag Izumi Masamune was brutally dismembered.

Izumi Masamune felt a little dizzy when he thought about these things.

As for the fact that everything was caused by his own greed, Izumi Masamune had no consciousness at all.

It was all because the girl around him was so good that he couldn't control his heart, let alone his body.

Gently patting Sagiri's silver hair, the moonlight made the two figures look slim.


October 4th

Sunday, Sunday.

At this time, all colleges and universities are basically on holiday. Thanks to yesterday's success, more and more people came to Sobu High School today.

It can be said that the time this time was chosen very well.

Only Izumi Masamune really didn't know how to complain.

Did you know that this would bring him a lot of trouble?

There were so many people here yesterday, and today they started to do things like this.

But no matter how much I complain in my heart, what needs to be done still continues.


As soon as he entered, Izumi Masamune saw the girl blocking his door.

It's easy to identify. Although the pretty face and hair accessories may be a bit crazy for face-blind people, it has the rare and iconic white silk.

Nakano Nino.

This girl seems to behave more arrogantly on weekdays, but after the real start, she is full of decisiveness.

Izumi Masamune was stopped directly at the door.

White stockings, a sweet smile, and a charming face.

Although he was not wearing Sobu High school uniform, he became the center of everyone's attention.


After seeing Masamune Izumi, the girl immediately trotted directly to Masamune, and then hugged his arm very naturally.

As a lover, this is very natural.

Nakano Nino thought so, and then he did the same.

For a moment, Izumi Masamune seemed to hear the heartbreaking voices of countless boys who noticed the girl.

The girl's behavior also made many girls of Sobu High School look at Nakano Nino with surprise, and even filled with hatred.

It fully proves one point, that is, Izumi Masamune's reputation is spread by those poor men who can't find girlfriends.

Just look at the hostile looks of normal Sobu high school girls towards Nakano Nino, and you will know the high prestige of Masamune Izumi as a girl's friend.

Noticing the gazes of the people around him, Nino showed no fear at all. Instead, he even showed his smile to greet the gazes of others.

He grabbed Izumi Masamune's arm with increasing force.

The girl who is a huge woman in her own right has given full play to her terrifying advantage at this moment, wrapping Izumi Masamune's arm tightly.

There is no retreat on the battlefield of love.

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