That's no pretense.

Chika Tachibana gave Izumi Masamune a gift, and the knives included were naturally opened.

As for whether this kind of thing is legal? For the Orange family, it's not a problem.

Even if Masamune Izumi wants a real gun, he still has the ability in this country with equally strict gun control.

Of course, with Izumi Masamune's current physical fitness, no matter whether it is a sharp blade or a gun, it is actually of no use.

His feet flew open, in a horse stance, and he held a knife in both hands to cut away.

Even Izumi Masamune, who had his knees slightly bent, looked even taller against his own height.

The blue and white armor on his body seemed to have a heavy sense of history at this moment.

Being able to be chosen by Tachibana Chika and let Izumi Masamune wear it is naturally impeccable.

At first glance, I was still a little surprised by the sudden appearance of Izumi Masamune.

Now that I really looked at it, I saw a difference.

His own masculine aura complements the armor on his body.

Especially when he is actually holding a knife at this moment.

Because of the momentum and experience accumulated from facing dragons, gods and other extraordinary creatures. Even though Izumi Masamune has not had any orthodox battles, he has cultivated that kind of aura and Yue Hungry.

This kind of scornful look at the world at this moment is something that Nakano Miku is hard to see in any armed drama or any popular male star nowadays.

Well, the aura can't compare, the height can't match, the clothes can't match, and even the handsomeness can't match.

Miyamoto Musashi's influence in District 11 is so great that there is a saying that Sanada's gun, Miyamoto's sword.

Facing Izumi Masamune, it was as if he had truly seen the legendary swordsman.

It was as if he had traveled through time and space, no, but he had truly met the warrior who suited his own wishes.

Teacher, you really should make a movie, just one with a samurai theme. It will definitely be a hit.

The palm of his hand subconsciously touched the armor, and the slight lines carried the weight of history, as well as the heat of the man's breath in front of him.

Sanjiu has always been a little worried, feeling that her sister Nino's previous love affair with Izumi Masamune happened too quickly, and her judgment based on appearance was too arbitrary.

But at this moment, she felt that she was about to be tricked.


Guest, please take pictures as soon as possible and don't disturb other people in the restaurant.

Thinking of the continuous reminders, the other girls in the class finally couldn't bear it anymore when they looked at Nakano Miku's ill-intentioned eyes that were almost overflowing with water.

It's just a visit from a foreign school, here to disturb others and 'seduce' their boyfriends.

Even the kindest Yui can't help but feel angry at this moment.

Ah, sorry.

Feeling extremely annoyed at her various rude behaviors since today, Sanjiu took out her cell phone and started taking pictures of Izumi Masamune.

Dozens of pictures, multiple angles.

As if with the idea of ​​taking enough pictures in one go, Sanjiu took pictures that almost filled up all the free memory on his phone, and then he took them back with satisfaction.

Thank you very much. Also, Mr. Izumi, about me.

It's soft and waxy, and it's obviously a cute lolita sound that only little girls of the right age can have.

Don't worry, I know that Sanjiu likes military commanders. This is our common secret.

Well, a shared secret!

The girl nodded happily and then left.

Walking alone in the noisy campus, probably due to all the previous events, the girl's energy was completely exhausted, and she became tired after walking for a long time.

I bought a bottle of soda and matcha water, sat on a long wooden chair, drank it, took out my phone, and looked at the photos inside.


With a satisfied smile, Sanjiu didn't notice the figure gradually approaching beside her.

Let me see, what is our classmate Sanjiu looking at?

A naughty voice full of pleasure.

Sanjiu was so frightened that her eyes were suddenly covered, and she jumped up.

Because what happened was so sudden, the girl almost fell to the ground without being able to stand still.

Well, it's nothing. I just walked around for a while. I found out that the drama performances I originally wanted to see are all scheduled for tomorrow. I'm a little disappointed.

He came over and pulled his sister up.

The two identical faces filled the passers-by with amazement.

Ichika, who had long been accustomed to this kind of gaze, did not change his expression at all, but continued to look at his sister.

This sister has been immersed in her own world since very early on, which makes her very worried about her sister who cannot understand.

It's you, you've finally come out, but you can't just sit down and be lazy. Everyone is here to experience the school culture festival held by Mr. Izumi and Mr. Yukinoshita in advance. What were you watching just now? So serious, I have been greeting you for a long time.

No, I have nothing to ask for. I just want to look at a photo.

The panicked girl stammered.

You can't let people know, otherwise it will spread throughout the entire sister group based on Ichika's character.

Huh? Which boy is the photo of? Sanjiu, your smile was so great just now.

Sitting carelessly next to Sanjiu, his arms held the girl's neck and pulled her closer to him. Ichika shook Sanjiu and asked curiously, his eyes full of inquiry.

That kind of bright smile while looking at the mobile phone, Ichika, who has been studying the love metronome to prepare for the shooting recently, understands it very well.

That's right, I'm definitely looking at the boy I like.

She was eager to give it a try, just waiting for Sanjiu to accidentally snatch her phone away and take a closer look to see who it was.

No, it's none of your business.

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