
Even two-dimensional wives are unrecognizable, so they have no right to call them wives!

Hi, hi, teacher, can you recognize me?

Another cute and energetic voice sounded.

The one with such vitality is naturally our lovely Yotsuba. Come on, I'll give you a new hairpin.

Although he had deliberately put away the original leaf hair ornaments, hoping to make Izumi Masamune confused, Izumi Masamune understood it at the first sight.

Then he helped the girl put on another hair ring.

Teacher Izumi, you just spoil them too much.

Nino's voice came, and in the distance, a girl came over.

There was uncontrollable affection in her eyes, but when facing the other two younger sisters, she suddenly turned into a calm and helpless big sister.

The ease of restraint is astonishing.

Okay, why are you coming over to play now?

Izumi Masamune took the takoyaki shared by May and asked curiously.

Sobu Taka was already about to explode, so why did these guys show up again?

Although Ichika Sanjiu has not appeared yet, according to the five sisters' daily habits, they have definitely arrived.

Because Issei wanted to see what it would be like as the school with the highest deviation in Chiba, Ichika, Miku and the others went to visit other places on campus.

The four-leaf little angel couldn't hide the secret at all, so he just revealed his sister.

In District 11, it seems to be influenced by the great will of another similar country, and it is also very focused on academic performance.

It’s not like in the West where people with good academic performance are laughed at as nerds.

If you can study well and even become a student at Dongda University, you will directly become the star of the ordinary fraternity party. It is not impossible for two people, or even three people or four people at night.

Masamune Izumi glanced at May in surprise.

This guy would actually be the most interested.

Could it be that he was deceived by Nino? After all, Nino, who holds the power of the Nakano family's kitchen, is the real boss behind the scenes of the Nakano family.

I just want to see what a school that can teach Yukinoshita-sensei and Izumi-sensei would look like.

Satsuki was stared at by Masamune Izumi, who seemed to be looking through his eyes. He blushed and lowered his head.

Girl, there's no need to be like this.

Through Nino's inferences, I probably understand what's going on with all the five Nakano sisters.

Well, that’s not right, at least I really don’t know a certain kilogram of Izumi Masamune.

Maybe the extra weight is actually a temporary gain because the girl eats often?

Looking at the three identical pretty faces, even though he was a little worried about the possible explosion, Izumi Masamune couldn't help but have his thoughts racing at the moment.

So, Mr. Izumi, can you take me to see the school?

Nino blushed and said to Izumi Masamune in a nonchalant tone.

Okay, but don't you wait for May first?

Izumi Masamune pointed to the other side. After hearing Izumi Masamune's words, May was speeding up to destroy the food.

He began to eat faster and faster.

Mayo-chan, I think you, eating food so fast like this will make me very unhappy. When I'm unhappy, my hands will shake uncomfortably. When I scoop out rice, I might I accidentally made it. Food is the only thing we can’t live up to, don’t you think that’s right?”

With a smile, he only said goodbye to Izumi Masamune, and stared at his sister with a stern and ferocious look, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Ah, teacher, I suddenly discovered that Sobu High has a lot of delicious food. It's almost as good as Totsuki Academy. I want to go shopping alone for a while.

May raised her hand very tactfully and said directly.

Then it's just me...

Yotsuba raised his hand and wanted to say something, but was stopped by May.

Just stay with me, Yotsuba. I'm afraid I'll get lost in Sobu High.

Stopping his sister who didn't know the seriousness of the problem, Issei winked at Nino.

The general meaning is that I have solved the problem for you. The food at night must not be bad.


Nodding with satisfaction, Erno turned around with a smile as bright as a flower.

so be it.

Izumi Masamune shrugged and didn't care.

A monk has water to drink.

This is the truth of the world.

It really deserves to be your school. Just walking on the road makes me feel that the atmosphere is different.

He hugged Izumi Masamune's arm happily, and his original title also changed.

The agreement between the two is that when they get along in private on weekdays, they can call each other more intimately.

Of course. After all, a large amount of money is invested in tuition fees every year. The greening in every place is very good. Life here is very good.

As Izumi Masamune explained, Nino's face turned slightly red.

Because at this moment, the two of them had arrived at a small flower garden.

There was no sign of anyone around the chair made of granite.

Yukoshita-san, what exactly do you like about Izumi Masamune?

On the other side, Yukino Masamune, who had been accidentally forgotten by Izumi and Izumi Masamune, took Sagiri and Hinata with them. At this moment, they also found a remote courtyard and sat down to rest.

Natsukawa Masuo, after communicating with Yukinoshita Yukino during this period, finally confirmed that the other party was a formidable enemy, and began to sound the clarion call for counterattack.

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