But there are people around me who have been at the top of their game from the very beginning.

With Kokoro Yazawa on one side and Masamune Izumi on the other, Nico Fukasawa, who was dazed in a daze, was pulled in like this.

Then the man and sister in front of him helped him choose clothes.

Including Yazawa Shin, Izumi Masamune will naturally not ignore it.

I chose another dress for the girl.

Under the pure white tone is the pattern inlaid with gold. A few simple strokes make it appear to be the most gorgeous.

On Yazawa Nico's side, Izumi Masamune prepared a dark blue floral chiffon dress for her, and also prepared a pair of shoes for the girl.

Yazawa Nico took over the clothes at this moment, and as for the price, she no longer had the intention to ask.

Anyway, she couldn't afford it even if it was sold.

He stared blankly at the sign in front of him.

Nico Yazawa lowered her head and changed her clothes.

Gently brushing the gorgeous fabric on it, she couldn't tell what kind of mood she was feeling.


Nico Yazawa put her hands behind her back and tried to pull up the zipper of her clothes.

The result was that it seemed to be stuck.

Xin-chan, come here and help me.

Nico Yazawa shouted outside the house.

I hope my sister can go in.

Brother, brother.

Yazawa Shin pulled Izumi Masamune's arm, her big eyes full of hints at the moment.

Tsk, today’s children.

One by one, they tempted him to become evil.

What do you mean, little one?

Izumi·pure, kind·authentic.

Said he didn't understand.

Opportunity, this is a critical moment. In comics, it is the best opportunity to enhance the relationship between the male and female protagonists. You missed it like this?

He looked at Izumi Masamune with hatred.

Yazawa Shin had a sophisticated look on her face.

Yes, yes, thank you to our heart-chan.

After smiling, Izumi Masamune walked in.

In the room, Nico Yazawa was facing the door at the moment, with her original twin ponytails on her bare back and her jade arms, her slightly clumsy movements had a different flavor.

Pull it for me.


I remembered Izumi Masamune's voice and quietly approached Yazawa Nico.

After hurriedly changing into clothes, Shin Yazawa, who was originally very cute, now transformed into a super charming little lolita with pink makeup and jade, staring at the door of Nico Yazawa's side of the room with her big eyes blinking.

The girl who is as big as a kid seems to have the idea not to disturb her sister's happy daily life.

Just like this, they quietly guarded the door and waited for the two people to come out after finishing their whispers between lovers.

Then I held my chin with my palm and waited for a long time.

Wow, the bride is finally willing to see her sister.

After a long time, Nico Yazawa, who finally came out, was startled by her younger sister who raised her head and looked expectantly, and encountered the strongest crowd in history.

He looked at his sister with a red face.

I don't know if he was scared or what.

Sister, why didn't you change into that dress?

Yazawa Shin, who was almost bored to death by waiting, looked at his sister in confusion.

It does look very beautiful, as if the whole person has a completely new look, and the original twin ponytails have been let down at this moment, full of a different feeling.

It's just that the clothes on his body are still the same, so he can't help but ask doubtfully.

I've already bought it and packed it up immediately.

Izumi Masamune, who came out from behind with satisfaction, picked up the bag in his hand and explained to Yazawa Kokoro.

But why not just put it on? It must look good.

Yazawa Shin lowered his head and looked at his clothes and how he was dressed at the moment.

Although he is very sensible on weekdays, he does not cause any trouble to his mother.

But sure enough, I still like to wear new clothes.

Yazawa Kokoro was still looking forward to how charming her sister would be.

Stop making trouble.

Sitting on a chair and resting, Yazawa Nico grabbed her sister who was about to rummage through the bag for clothes.

His red face was almost bleeding.

Don't worry, it's just that your sister accidentally soiled her clothes and she doesn't want to be laughed at. When your sister goes back and washes the clothes, she will put them on for you to see.

Helping Nico Yazawa, who was currently 'weak', to pull away her naughty sister, Izumi Masamune comforted her.

Nico Yazawa, who was originally in a calm mood, couldn't help but roll her eyes at Izumi Masamune. Who stained it? Tell me clearly, otherwise you won't wear it?

Even Nico Yazawa, who had just become soft-hearted because of the man's actions, couldn't help but feel a little angry at this moment.

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