In the Muse group, Izumi Masamune has always been mainly targeting members of the second-year group. In the third-year group, due to Yazawa Nico's personality issues, there is not much communication between the two.

At this moment, after discovering that his sister had caused so much trouble to Izumi Masamune, he felt very guilty.

It's nothing. Fortunately, she is also very cute.

Izumi Masamune said with a smile.

It looks like Nico Yazawa just ran out.

It's rare that I don't try to dress like a so-called female idol like I did in the past, wearing a scarf, sunglasses, and thick clothes to act as a mobile heat source.

This simple light blue long sleeve looks like a normal girl's energy.


The phone numbers of Nico Yazawa and Yumi Yazawa exist.

As for why I didn't go to Yazawa Sumi just now, I naturally wanted to have a good chat with someone like Yazawa Nico who hadn't eaten anything yet.

If Yazawa Sumi came over, no one would want to see her today.

Hey, eldest brother and sister really know each other.

The little guy who just now thought he was scared was now blinking his eyes and looking at the two people interacting.

She always thought that Masamune Izumi was a fan of her sister.

Of course, otherwise do you think I am really a lolita? If it were any other disobedient little loli, I would have set her up and sold her at a good price.

Looking down at the guy who grabbed Yazawa Nico's arm, Izumi Masamune said.

Naughty children are very annoying.

Of course, those with status bonus are not naughty children, that is called naughty.

Izumi Masamune has always been very direct and realistic in his life.

Is the eldest brother sister Nicole's girlfriend?

The little guy was not afraid. Feeling Izumi Masamune's kindness, he asked curiously.

What nonsense are you talking about, you guy.

Nico Yazawa blushed and looked at her cheating sister, and pulled her in a panic to stop her. Then she glanced at Izumi Masamune with some embarrassment, looking very embarrassed.


He groaned, looking at his sister's appearance, Yazawa's eyes rolled back and forth, with a look of adultery.

Kokoro Yazawa, who has watched many romantic idol dramas, already has the answer in her mind.

Your sister and I have known each other for a long time, and we are considered fans of Muse. We have always supported Muse's work in the past.

Izumi Masamune explained.

Ha, I knew I couldn't guess wrong. Sister Nicole is the core C-position of Muse. She is a super idol with eight people as backup dancers, woo woo woo.

The little guy misunderstood his sister's mood. At this moment, he started to sell directly to his sister. However, just halfway through the sales pitch, Nico Yazawa stopped him from talking.

Nico Yazawa, who was originally calm, now looked very embarrassed. It could almost be said that all the embarrassment of a girl was revealed at this moment.

Normally, she would just brag in front of her sister to gain some face, but now she was exposed in front of a knowledgeable person like Izumi Masamune. For Yazawa Nico, it was simply a huge execution.

Nico Yazawa felt like she was going crazy.

At the same time, he looked at Izumi Masamune with pleading eyes.

This time it was really bad.

Nico Yazawa finally understood what it means that a lie often requires more lies to explain.

Of course it is. After all, your sister Nicole is a super popular idol in the future. She is a professional and awesome.

Looking at Yazawa Kokoro in front of him, Izumi Masamune did not reveal it, but comforted him from another angle.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that Nico Yazawa has become a professional idol.


The little guy looked at Nico Yazawa expectantly, but it made Masamune Izumi confused.

Didn't you tell your family about the signing?

He always thought that Nico Yazawa was the one everyone told.

I told my mother, as for everything else, this guy is too young and doesn't understand anything at all.

Nico Yazawa explained, which made Yazawa feel a little dissatisfied with being called too young.

Yes, yes, I'm not young. I just had a great date with my eldest brother.

Yazawa Kokoro looked at Izumi Masamune with bright eyes, showing what a child's view of good and evil is.

Izumi Masamune, who had just praised her, seemed to be developing into a super good person at this moment.

What, you girl, little brat.

Glancing at his sister who made him uneasy, Yazawa Nico knew that Izumi Masamune had Minami Kotori as his girlfriend. She said that she was a little brat, which fully showed her attitude towards her sister.


Yazawa heart puffed up her cheeks.

He looked at Nico Yazawa with evil intentions.

After chatting with Nico Yazawa for a few words, mainly after understanding the recent situation of Muse, Izumi Masamune decided to quit.

Big brother.

Yazawa Shin pulled the corner of Izumi Masamune's clothes, his eyes sparkling at a forty-five degree angle.

How about we play for a while longer.

So, where did you get so well-behaved? What will the other sister, Yazawa Shinai, who is known as the naughtiest, be like?

Thinking about it, Masamune Izumi looked at Nico Yazawa.

I don't have anything else to do. During idol activities, proper rest is also necessary.

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