For a girl whose physical condition is not good enough, you can almost imagine what the ending will be like.

Otherwise, she would not go to Izumi Masamune specifically for help.

You must have used your blessing.

Raphael looked at Gabriel and wanted to say something more, but found that he couldn't say anything at all.

Angel's blessing.

And it was an ordinary girl, not a special individual like Izumi Masamune, nor was it related to Gabriel. It was just a girl who was injured because of her, Raphael, a Gabriel. Li has never even met a girl.

Gabriel used the angel's blessing in this way.

It changed the original fate of a girl.

This is wrong.

It has violated the most serious code of Angel Academy.

Even if you are number one, this is a rule that cannot be easily violated.

Then there's nothing I can do about it. After all, a girl is right there, and I can't just turn a blind eye like that. She's not a kitten or puppy. No, kittens and puppies can't be ignored like that. She's just an ordinary person. It’s just my blessing, don’t worry, it’s not like I haven’t done similar things before, so there’s no need to worry.”

Gabriel curled his lips, spread his hands and said helplessly.

In the past, I worked with Izumi Masamune and helped him wrap things up, soothing the moods of the runaway girls.


Raphael wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't.

I finally understood the difference between her and Gabriel. Perhaps only such an angel could have the highest-level accompanying artifact, the Doomsday Horn, just after his birth.

Okay, although calling this guy over will have no effect, he is a wealthy man. After the girl comes out later, let's take him to buy some things and visit him. I'll leave first.

Gabriel said aloud, whistling as if nothing had happened.


Izumi Masamune, who had been silent next to him, couldn't help but look at Raphael at this moment.

It's impossible to escape. All angels' spells are recorded.

The little angels who come to the world all have warning magic. As long as they use spells that exceed the prescribed limit and have a significant impact on the fate of ordinary people, they will be discovered.

Maybe a skilled little angel can escape this kind of magic, but it is definitely not something that Gabriel, who has become an inert angel and has a black aura, can do it.

All in all, Gabriel has been discovered.

But how to deal with it is hard to say.

Izumi Masamune hesitated.

This plot actually happened as he remembered it in the original storyline.

But it was autumn.

A blind girl did not see the oncoming car because she was using a guide stick.

Unexpectedly, we are here now.

No matter what the situation is, it is very strict.

Although fate has its own inertia, in this era of chaos, no one knows what will happen.

Okay, I understand, please stay here for a while.


Izumi Masamune comforted Raphael.


Don't look at me like this, Raphael, come here this time, aren't you the one who asked me to help? There's nothing wrong with that.

Saying this, Izumi Masamune turned around and left.

When they came to an empty place, they lowered their heads and saw Gabriel sitting on a chair in a daze on the other side, drinking coffee and looking at the sky.

Shaking his head, Izumi Masamune took out his cell phone without disturbing this guy who might really be starting to worry.


The number that represents Satan is actually a writing angel who likes to pretend to be the Grim Reaper.

The mobile phone number also likes to use a number that represents Satan.

Moxi Moxi, Izumi-kun, good evening.

From the other end, Gu Li's energetic voice came from inside.

The excitement can almost be transmitted through the mobile phone.

good evening.

He glanced strangely at the bright sunshine outside, and Izumi Masamune was curious about where this idiot was.

I'm in heaven. I've been caught recently starting to practice the 999-point code of the God of Love. Well, it's so troublesome. I already have Mai-chan to help share the tasks, but in the end I have to learn so much. This thing is really boring to death, Izumi-kun, I miss you so much.

Gu Li's pitiful voice came out.

It made Izumi Masamune a little embarrassed.

After all, the first time you make a phone call is when you have something to ask for.

I can't see you. I always feel like the best partner in my mind is missing. Wow, I'm going to die. How is Mai-chan doing in the human world? Have you successfully made a few interesting couples? of?

Izumi Masamune: ...

I haven't seen this guy for a long time, and Izumi Masamune felt that the guilt he had just felt disappeared at this moment.

This guy, this terrible guy, who is obviously an angel but likes to watch men fall in love, is barely better than that guy Ebina Hina.

It's really too bad.

Don't think about it. Idiot, Mai's mission has been completed very well.

I really can't complain about this guy.

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