Hello everyone, I have confirmed that I will be filming Kasumi Shiko-sensei’s movie, Love Metronome, and I have also specially invited Izumi Masamune to join the film.

As you can see, the above message started three days ago.

But now, three days later, the news above has simply exploded.

There are people who are looking forward to the return of Mai Sakurajima.

At the beginning of girls' popularity, no one could notice girls because of their puberty syndrome.

After being dormant for several years, it was revived again. It seems to be out of the human guilt that I can wake up after forgetting her. Coupled with its special nature and its own excellent packaging, Mai-chan's popularity has increased instead of falling. .

This news from three days ago has been popular for a long time now.

Love metronome? You can't really follow the above, right? There seems to be a kissing scene in it, hatchet!

It's so enviable. Mai-chan will definitely not be with that Izumi Masamune, definitely not! It's so annoying, I declare this guy to be my future assassin, no, envy list.

Ah, my goddess, why do you want to make this kind of movie? I don't want to see you fall in love.

Comments like this undoubtedly show the popularity represented by Mai-chan.

Izumi Masamune expressed his understanding for these guys' incompetent rage and the painful feeling towards his favorite actress.

After all, everyone can't help it when their screen goddess has a relationship with another man.

Let's sleep with Mai-chan tonight.

He won't rest until he's thoroughly exposed to Mai-chan.

Izumi Masamune made up his mind.

These ordinary people's wails, which are not even considered as a losing streak for Mai Sakurajima, are obviously not controlled or guided by anyone. After all, this is how to gain popularity.

Then these guys would curse and envy while obediently walking into the cinema, thereby making outstanding contributions to Mai-chan's box office, and finally allowing Mai-chan to have more money to raise her and Izumi Masamune's children. , selling props to the two of them.

After thinking about it, Izumi Masamune was a little excited.

It was all caused by these brainless nerds, making him become more and more unscrupulous.

Besides being envious of Mai-chan.

There is also other news.

The vast majority of them are facing Izumi Masamune.

After all, he can be regarded as a novelist with tens of millions of copies, and his isekai-style novels have successfully set off the isekai-style craze in the world's otaku culture.

Various novels such as this one all started a craze with Izumi Masamune.

In the entire light novel market, after Izumi Masamune acted like this, the Yamada Fairy Senjumura Masamune happily learned from Izumi Masamune and began to develop otherworld novels.

Learning in various senses, such as getting a personal experience from Izumi Masamune, what is the endless physical strength of a half-orc, and then fighting against Izumi Masamune with two dragon girls, and understanding when the pitiful physical strength is exhausted. The fear of the dragon girl, or watching Izumi Masamune remove restrictions and fully activate his charm, and experience what it means to be handsome as an elf.

Therefore, the novels written by the two teachers are very good.

Except that some of the illustrations are getting more and more sexy.

Under such circumstances, one can imagine the popularity of Izumi Masamune.

A bunch of people below started handing out blades.

One by one, they began to criticize, because Izumi Masamune had never written a novel since he first wrote a novel to take Liuli with him.

Currently, the manga and anime adaptation of the original book is happily underway, but there is still no news about the new work.

Perfect, the comments of handing out blades one by one made people reluctant to break the formation just by looking at them.

There are many people cheering for @Izumi Masamune to let him know that he should write novels properly.

In addition, there are also fans of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and the girl's strength cannot be underestimated.

At a time when the entire novel market was being ruthlessly slaughtered by Izumi Masamune, if it weren't for Kasumigaoka's masterpiece, the mutant campus super youth Haku Gaku Shura field romance novel that started the Holy War, struggling to support it, the entire novel market would have been by the alien world. The flow is unified.

From this, there are also many praises for teacher Xia Shizi.

Many of them are already cheering to watch the movie version of his masterpiece, Holy War.

Think there is hope in all this.

Because there was a picture in Sakurajima Mai’s message.

Kasumigaoka Shiu stood with her and Izumi Masamune.

However, it seemed that she was considering her own life and death, so Sakurajima covered Izumi Masamune's face with a cartoon picture.

Well, Izumi Masamune is a good-looking writer, not the type that makes people unable to resist pressing F.

I always feel like this looks more suspicious.

all in all.

All kinds of things undoubtedly completely aroused everyone's interest.

The novel is selling like hot cakes, and the colleague she is collaborating with is the talented female novelist Kasumi Shiko. She is changing careers by making a movie, and she is accompanied by the beautiful and popular idol who has been dormant for a long time.

Izumi Masamune's name is completely popular.

A complete mess.

So that's it.

Looking at the endless news that it was even about to reach 100,000+ comments, Izumi Masamune rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

No wonder, in the past few days, many girls have come to reply to me in a weird way.

The day before yesterday when we were dealing with the big and small evil dragons at Yui's house, Mrs. Yuigahama, the big evil dragon, was very dissatisfied, pouting her butt and saying that she was not as good as the young one when she was old.

Even Kirino, who usually works obediently as a model, blushed and said that she could also be an idol.

Even my original plan to study abroad in the Lighthouse Country in the fall was postponed for a while.

This is the reason for the good relationship.

Look, you and Teacher Kasumi Shiko have a good relationship, right?

After waiting for almost a while, Toyohama Kazuhana crawled over from the sofa and snatched the mobile phone from Izumi Masamune's hand.

It sticks softly to the man's body, and the golden hair brushes across his face. Together with the light fragrance, it is very comfortable.

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