The so-called survival of the fittest through natural selection is actually a process that forces species to evolve.

From my original routine of running, showering, brushing teeth, pull-ups, and sit-ups every day in the morning and evening, I now have a bald head to show that I have become stronger.

Under the influence of attractive and attractive girls from the outside, Izumi Masamune quickly got used to the crazy life of barely sleeping.

If a harem king is to be born on earth in the future, Izumi Masamune feels that he will be the one who can survive until the end.

I didn't even sleep last night.

In the middle of the night, I ran home alone, woke up my sister Sagiri, pushed her to brush her teeth and wash her face, and then headed towards Sobu High.

Izumi Masamune, who has successfully eliminated all nine hours of sleep every day, is still full of energy at this moment.

Good morning, Masamune-kun.

It was like a killer who had already been crouching in the grass waiting for him.

Xia Chuan jumped out in a hurry.

Today's Natsukawa Masuo is the energetic girl-type Natsukawa Masuo.

The girl is still trying to figure out what kind of person Izumi Masamune likes.

Masamune-kun, do you have time this afternoon? I found a very delicious restaurant.

Nuo Nuo lingered for a long time, opening and closing her mouth. It wasn't until the third time that she plucked up the courage to speak out.

Putting his palms on his skirt to cover it, lowering his head slightly, with red cheeks, Natsukawa Masamune invited him to Izumi Masamune.

In Natsukawa Masaru's little notebook, he has already recorded various necessary methods for conquering Izumi Masamune.

The first one is that you need to show appropriate initiative.

Especially for those guys who have a lot of girls around them, if such people don't take the initiative themselves, it is estimated that it will be difficult to remember them after being left alone for several months.

The second one is to show the innocence of a girl. For a guy who has never been without a woman around him, an innocent girl will always make people happy. Even if it is a man who loves to be promiscuous, he will have all kinds of experience when playing. All women are willing to accept anyone who comes, pursuing comfort and enjoyment. When they finally get married, they will like to marry a pure girl. This is the reason.

The third one is that there must be a lot of interaction, love is made, and feelings can only come from more contact.

The competition pressure is relatively high during lunch time, and you may be exposed to the eyes of your love rival as early as possible.

So dinner is best.

Adjusting his non-existent glasses, Natsukawa Zhenliang lowered his head, a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes.

In the world of love, survival of the fittest.

Women who don't know how to update their love knowledge early will eventually become losers.

Pure body or appearance is very important, and having a beautiful sister, sister, and mother by your side cannot be ignored, but that is definitely not the decisive factor.

Handsome men are only worthy of strong men.

This time, Natsukawa Zhenliang, who has absolute knowledge, won the long-distance love race.

Would you like to go to the restaurant this afternoon?

Outside, the candlelight dinner in the restaurant was hesitant and hinted, but it was not necessarily a pleasant evening.

All sorts of thoughts suddenly popped up in Izumi Masamune's mind.

Natsukawa Masuo's mobility is very good.

This is the most suitable method to deal with the former Izumi Masamune.

Unfortunately, looking at it now, this process is too slow.

Maryang-chan, don't you know how to cook?

Izumi Masamune asked the girl with a questioning tone.

Of course I will! How could it not be!

Zhen Sheng said.

As a daughter who is good at disguising, her father and others made her into a marriage and opened the door to a higher level.

Naturally, he has mastered some of this basic personality bonus skill.

That's great. What I'm looking forward to more is food cooked by you, Zhenliang. Let's make an appointment. I prefer to eat your food, Zhenliang.

Izumi Masamune said directly.

At home, you and I in the kitchen are simply and unpretentiously involved in the cooking process, and there will definitely be a happy time of applause.

Masamune Izumi said he prefers days like this.

It’s been a long time since I played with Natsukawa Ma Ryo.

Thinking of the closeness and comfort of his sister Manana in the yard of Masamune's house last time, Izumi Masamune also looked forward to Natsukawa Masamune more and more.

After all, my body was not as invincible as it is now.

It takes wolfberry and red dates soaked in warm water to support the daily playing and clapping activities.

Before the two sisters had time to properly practice their sisterhood skills, Izumi Masamune started preparing for Sobu High School.

At that time, I really burned the midnight oil for a while.

At that time, Gabriel's integrity had not been completely lost, so he was not given any lucky charms.

Gu Li is not too familiar with it yet.

In other words, Izumi Masamune didn't have any trump cards at the time and didn't dare to provoke Gu Li. After all, being put on small shoes by a god from biblical mythology might expose the identity of the time traveler, but it would be super troublesome.

The only villain he could rely on was a super profiteer.

Taking advantage of her status as a heavenly lady, she offered a super high price.

As a result, due to various things, I was not able to play well with the Xia Chuan sisters.

Now it seems that it is really nostalgic.

After all, it was still a daily time-travel game with a normal difficulty level.

It wasn't until the body changed that the difficulty suddenly dropped sharply, as if a modifier was turned on.

I can no longer appreciate the sense of accomplishment that emerged after a difficult start.

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