Just when Yazawa Sumi felt bitter, feeling that her whole family had fallen into a big trap and was very confused, and she didn't know how to remind Yazawa Nico.

The scene in the car is moving towards infinite beauty.

Although she is a very serious girl on weekdays, her majesty and ability have become Yu Fujikura's greatest strength in commanding the other servants in the house. No one will question her.

But facing Izumi Masamune, the only master and man, the girl can give kind guidance, but she cannot do anything against her will.

Even for such ridiculous actions as this moment.

At this time, Fujikura Yu's clothes were in a mess in front of Izumi Masamune.

The man endured silently, his long dark blue hair flying back and forth in the narrow car.

With her no longer suppressed voice, Yazawa Yomi, who was driving in front, felt uncomfortable all over. He slowed down the car and drove slowly, even having to free one hand.

Since the luxury car I drive is very airtight, it can be said that no matter how loud the people in the car are, there will be no sound coming out, and the glass on the car is also one-way viewing glass, so At this time Fujikura Yucai will not have any worries.

Fujikura Yu's whole body looked like he had just run 800 meters, and his face was covered with big beads of sweat.

Young Master, do you like it this way? Ah!

Fujikura Yu spent a lot of effort to speak out his words, speaking intermittently.

Yes! Why is this time different from before?

Izumi Masamune couldn't help but stopped when he heard Fujikura Yu's words and asked curiously.

Does the young master like it?


Looking at the girl in front of him, Masamune Izumi spoke very seriously.

That's good. This is a guided exercise that I specialize in learning. If the young master has any women he likes, he can also use it to study hard.

With a proud smile, the girl said shakily.

When the car drove staggeringly in front of a building that soared into the sky.

Someone who had been waiting early came forward to help open the car door. A blushing Fujikura Yu was helped out of the car by Izumi Masamune.

Just standing on the ground, his legs softened and he almost fell to the ground. Izumi Masamune on the side grabbed Fujikura Yu.

Xiaoyu, why are you so careless? Be careful.

The evil smile made the maid, who had always been kind and generous, feel a little resentful at the moment.

It's not because of him that you are like this, so you should fully appreciate the fruits of your cultivation.

Later, she discovered that when she played with Izumi Masamune before, Izumi Masamune was already restrained enough.

As a result, if she let go a little now, she seemed to fall apart.

Let Yazawa Somi help Fujikura Yu, and Izumi Masamune walked forward alone.

The guard guarding the door had obviously received the news early and did not stop him in any way.

This is a very high level hospital.

Well, Nishikinoya's chain of clinics.

Nishikinoya himself is a very good person, but he has entered Fujikura Yu's sight early.

I caught a ride with the Kondo family and reached this level very quickly.

But these are nothing to Izumi Masamune.

As I walked into the house and reached the high level, I realized that there was a whole other world here.

But what made Izumi Masamune's eyes shine even more was the woman standing quietly in front of him.

Dressed in a white kimono, her tall figure held up the kimono perfectly, making her look elegant and dignified. Her well-shaped figure was perfectly presented, successfully attracting Izumi Masamune's attention.

When he first came to this world, Izumi Masamune often had the idea of ​​getting closer to this kind of plump wife, who often bought one and got one free.

After enough promiscuity, find an honest girl who will leave all purity to yourself to fulfill the responsibility of marrying a wife and having children.

It's not that ordinary girls are not good there.

In fact, it was the moment when it just arrived, when it didn't have such a powerful charm.

Including Natsukawa Ma Ryou Natsukawa Managa Kato Hiromi.

They are all leftover products from that time.

The foundation for the friendly relationship between Gabriel, Liuli, Vinay and Raphael has also been laid.

Even a certain idiot demon named Satania has some advantages from time to time.

And at the very beginning, it included his god-sister Sagiri.

When I suddenly lost all my relatives and only Izumi Masamune existed, I had feelings that far exceeded the taboos of family ties.

It's just that in the end these things were hidden under Sagiri's sadness and autism.

The reason why is not like that.

Just because those girls who simply regard love as everything and are willing to sacrifice everything for one love can sometimes easily go to the other extreme.

The knife that Natsukawa Masamune took out when he saw the scene between Izumi Masamune and Natsukawa Mana was really sharp and shone with a cold light.

Just lift it up and put it down.

Over and over again, Izumi Masamune could close his eyes and wait for death with peace of mind.

Waiting for the silly Guli to harvest his soul.

In contrast, these buy-one-get-one-free offers are different for Izumi Masamune and the wives who have their daughters as backup.

Each one is much better.

They have experienced a lot, seen a lot, and have a woman by their side who makes them grow up quickly.

Even after discovering that Masamune Izumi was struggling with himself, he was also having relationships with other women.

When you are angry, nothing too many things will happen.

Even after discovering that his daughter has a relationship with him, with helpless compromise and Izumi Masamune's slight strength, a better ending can be achieved.

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