The girl in a good mood arranged her clothes and came over. She used her little hands to hide her voice, and then quietly explained to Zhengzong as if she was telling a secret.


Hit the girl directly on the head.

Look at the bitter expression on his face.

Zhengzong was satisfied.

I'm telling you, it's all a joke, don't pay attention.

Said directly to the girl.

Sagiri just lived obediently, lived her daily life, and finally put on her wedding dress and married herself.

Although the world has those dark sides, it’s better not to let Sagiri know about it.

As for those female ghosts and the like, Zhengzong really doesn’t believe that there are so many of them in this world.

[Well, are you there? I have something to do with you]

Watching Sagiri go to the other room lively and energetic, Masamune turned on his phone and found out the contact information for this side.

At present, there are not many people with extraordinary power that can be contacted in this world, but a certain useless angel can still be considered.

Then, as expected, no one responded. Even when I called, I was ignored.

No answer?

With a black line on his head, Zhengzong stood up and opened his computer directly.

Open the game directly, Age of Legends.

A very ordinary 2D online game.

Zhengzong didn't think much of it, but in order to be able to contact a qualified thug, Zhengzong also spent a lot of money on it.

Nothing more needs to be done at this point.

Just open the game store.

Then he directly picked up the next-level product under the most expensive item gift package, and then directly sent it to an ID called Holy Angel Gabriel.

After doing these things, Zhengzong immediately closed the game.

The call was made again.

one two three.

Counting silently in my heart, within a few seconds, the phone on this side rang.

Hello, please press ** for memory erasure service, press ** for real-person transfer and companionship, press 3 for worship and payment, and press ※ for repeated calls.

On the other end, there was a smile, filled with brightness, as if the voice of redemption could be heard from the bottom of one's heart.

Black lines appeared on Zheng Zhong's forehead.

A set of Spring Festival sets, an annual membership card, and the rest depends on the work situation. Gabriel, that's what I'm asking for. If you still don't agree, I'll go find Raphael or Guli.

Directly clarify the situation at this moment.

Haha, you told me earlier, whatever you want to do, even if I lend you the horn for fun, it's no problem.

On the other end, the girl's bright voice sounded.

Even if they haven't met, you can still see a girl jumping up.

Gabriel, a former true angel.

When Zhengzong came to this world, he was helped by the other party.

Then he 'accidentally' discovered the other person's angel identity and became one of his friends.

Later, in this world, the other party was attracted by various games, and then degenerated into an abandoned house angel.

The two of them directly became enemies and cooperated with each other.

Zhengzong provides it with enough funds to make money.

Gabriel on this side is here to help Zhengzong handle some things.

Angels in this world are allowed to perform memory erasure magic in this world.

Its main customers are all kinds of cosmic beings, people from other worlds, etc.

It can allow these little angels who come to the human world to have a little extra money, reduce the cost of heaven, and also allow these angels to grow quickly.

And even if there are some things that do not comply with the angel's memory erasure regulations, as long as Zhengzong pays a little more and does not violate the few integrity left by a useless angel, then Gabriel will take up this job.

When Zhengzong first came to Fuzong, he was faced with some things that were about to overturn.

They all called Gabriel directly for help.

Therefore, the relationship between the two is very strong in a sense.

I have three things to ask you for. First, it is the room where you set up the spell for me. There shouldn't be any ghosts or monsters nearby, right?

Masamune asked again.

He probably knew what Sagiri was talking about about the guy who played the piano without any clothes on.

I know it's probably another 'acquaintance'.

But according to the current situation, if he doesn't want to be attacked by Sagiri's armored tank every day, he will inevitably go out to spend the night in the future.

Naturally, Sagiri was a little worried about Sagiri being alone at home.

Don't worry, you get what you pay for, absolutely no problem. Don't even think about monsters coming out within a hundred miles of Fangyuan.

The shaking sound of Jia Baili came directly from the side.

It seems that you can imagine the scene of Gabriel patting his own vagina, which is not much, and then trying to make you believe it.

Oh, that's who used the God Walk to come to my place. Only one fat person came, my fat angel.

Said to the other end with a smile.

This was the time when I invited book fans to play a late-night shoot-me-shoot game.

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