Hey, Xiaoxue, you're back. It was Masamune-kun who asked me to make cookies just now.

Yuigahama Yui praised Masamune's behavior with a guilty smile.

Well, it's not bad,

As a result, Yukinoshita Yukino on this side also glanced at Masamune with a guilty conscience.

The girl was in the bathroom just now, but she was still chanting Zheng Zong's name in her heart and completed the melting of Yuki Onna.

The two fell into silence for a moment.

I just feel that there seems to be an invisible barrier in the original relationship.

Zheng Zong, who was watching from the side, almost laughed out loud.

Diaphragm is not scary.

Zhengzong was soon asked to help the two of them resolve the matter.

It's no problem for two people to be honest with each other.

Zhengzong, who has already made a plan to reform the service department, has made a decision in his heart.

Seeing Yuigahama Yui finish making cookies, Masamune was also satisfied, and then he resigned and returned home.

As soon as he entered, Zhengzong was shocked to see a figure wearing pink pajamas rushing towards him.

It looked full of excitement.

Brother. Wow wow wow.

The girl's direct performance made her extremely shocked.


The Sagiri brand missile tank rushed over directly.

The terrifying impact made Zhengzong groan.

The whole person couldn't help but take half a step back.


Sagiri should get some exercise.

Then there is the fact that Yukinoshita is really flat.

Sagiri's potential should be even stronger than Yuigahama Yui's in the future.

Zhengzong made a judgment in his heart.

Holding this fleshy guy, feeling the touch on his body.

In a short period of time, Zhengzong has reached three conclusions.

After this guy had a breakthrough change because of his relationship with Zhengzong.

I am even too lazy to even walk on weekdays.

On weekdays, when you are with Zhengzong, you have to be held by him.

Zhengzong didn't refuse a certain guy's laziness. Instead, he let him do some exercises together to get dehydrated.

Unfortunately, the effect seems not obvious.

Masamune, who caught the Sagiri chariot, was thinking in his heart.

Is Zhengzong back? Come in quickly, I haven't seen you for half a month, I almost don't recognize him.

Another woman walked out of the room.

Wearing dark professional clothes and short black hair, no matter where you look from, she is a very neat and tidy woman.


After appeasing Izumi Sagiri, who was hostile to Izumi Kyoka, Masamune looked over.

Izumi Kyoka, my aunt.

He is also the nominal guardian of the Izumi siblings.

However, with the arrival of Masamune later, he directly negotiated with Izumi Kyoka.

Finally gained the right to live independently.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to live with Sagiri. Of course, including the close relationship with Sagiri at this moment would not be possible either.

In the past, Sagiri would have stuttered when she spoke, and she had to hold a microphone, otherwise she couldn't hear clearly.

As for coming out, don't even think about it.

But now, with the authentic Play anytime, anywhere, girls who can express their moods to their heart's content are finally completely free.

There is quite an idea that every room is like a home.

Otherwise, I don’t know when I will be able to wander around the room like this now, and then wait for a tank attack for myself?

Don't even think about it.

Well, don't forget, we agreed that we can come and see you brothers and sisters once every half month. You did a good job, Izumi Masamune, I will come back just once, and you will stay home once at night.

Izumi Kyoka's face turned a little dark, and she was about to say something, but was interrupted.

Brother Zhengzong, you are back.

As if hearing the sound, two voices also sounded, and they hurriedly ran out of the room with a smile on their face.

Those were two guys who were slightly younger than Sagiri.

One of them has two long braids, and the other has a toilet seat hairstyle.

They all look full of energy.

They are Wu Geng Liuli's two younger sisters.

Gogeng Hinata and Gogenda Nozomi.

These two little guys were leading their somewhat coy sister out.

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