Nine identical documents were handed to the girls in turn.

LOVE LIVE project? Radio drama, comics, books?

These are not too exaggerated.

Koizumi said weakly.

The more she pays attention to idol activities, the more she understands what they mean.

As for Nico Yazawa on the other side, she was so excited that she was glued to the contract.

It's not an exaggeration. Personally, I am very optimistic about this project and think it is very likely to be realized. I think it is very good and has the possibility of success.

Are these too big?

Maki looked at Izumi Masamune with some worry.

The workload of these things is overwhelming just by looking at them.

Of course, the specific content will not be completed by me alone. At most, I will find a few familiar writers to help you complete the corresponding novel parts. Turning back, it is a 346production An idol contract of the firm is signed, and with this, the established firm will pool all its resources to help you.

346production office?!!

Yazawa Nico felt that happiness came too suddenly.

Don't worry so much. I am the boss behind this firm. My character can still be trusted. I am very optimistic about her, and I also hope that I can use Muse to completely promote the project. Miao Sri Lanka’s success is the story of you realizing your dream together, and now I want to realize this dream of my own.”

Said very sincerely.

Regarding Izumi Masamune's identity, several girls did not have much reaction.

After all, she is just a young female student

It’s not just the dream of the LOVE LIVE project, but his 994 is also going to unfold like this.

Next March, Muse’s third grade group will graduate.

Except for Yazawa Nico, the other two people will obviously have their own arrangements.

To be precise, among the nine muses, it is estimated that only Nico Yazawa and Kayo Koizumi will continue to consider idol work.

Therefore, it is necessary for Izumi Masamune to prepare such a thing.

Not only a plan, but also a means to continue to maintain the muse.

Only when the muse is unified can it have sufficient value.

This contract is already in its entirety. You can take a good look at it. I have a relationship with the office. Even after you graduate, you can continue to debut as idols. Combine your original dreams with your future life. Being connected together and being able to continue to pursue and strive for our dreams, I think there is nothing that can make people happier than this.

Izumi Masamune was responsible for the specially prepared rendition contract for the muse.

Although there are many idol groups in the office, I also met a lot of them while spending time with Yazawa Sumi.

But Izumi Masamune found that no matter how interesting those combinations were.

No matter how moving the performance is, girls without muses can touch his heart.

Being the first to come into contact with a female idol group has a unique meaning for Masamune Izumi.

Otherwise, there would be no need for him to come over with great fanfare and personally hand over the contract to the girls.

Just like the New Generations group, the other party can be regarded as a different kind of heroine, but Izumi Masamune just asked Yazawa Yumei to contact her to increase the contract originally signed.

The meaning is different.

Izumi Masamune is still quite nostalgic to many extents.

He sat there leisurely, not angry at the way the girls looked through them carefully.

After all, they are just ordinary female high school students and have not yet entered the society.

Although there are a few girls who are poor students, most of them still have to go to college.

It can be said that this kind of contract signing will not happen in the next few years.

As a newcomer, when facing something for the first time, you feel inexplicably superior. It is normal to take it seriously.

Even the probing from Minami Kotori, who was closest to Izumi Masamune, did not change.

After all, it is the fault of a daughter not to teach her mother.

Poor Chairman Kazuko Minami was just hit hard by him, so his tolerance level is still very high.

There is actually nothing wrong with the content of the contract.

This was something he specifically asked Fujikura Yu to find several famous lawyers to carefully consider and study.

It is very consistent with the kind of contract signed by the current idols in District 11.

While fully squeezing the value of the girls and ensuring that the other party is like a monkey under the Wuzhi Mountain, they cannot be found out no matter what, the profit share is also given a lot.

Can I go home and take a look at these things?

Xingzong Rin raised his hand and said.

The environment in Hoshizora Rin's home is very ordinary, just a normal working class.

Most of the muses who originally participated were encouraged to join by their good friend Koizumi Kayo, and they joined as soon as they were invited.

You know, originally she wanted to join the track and field club.

Under normal circumstances, after the game is over, you will return to normal life.

At this moment, I have only roughly read the contents of the contract. If this is the case, even my future will be decided by the master, I can't help but feel a little hesitant.

I want to discuss it with my parents.

Me, me too.

After Hoshizora Rin raised his hand first, Koizumi Kayo was finally able to muster the courage and said to Izumi Masamune.

A girl who is shy by nature feels a little empty when faced with such a major life event.

I also think we should calm down and take a closer look before talking.

This was the second time Ayase Eri looked at the contract.

As the first girl among the muses to be wary of Izumi Masamune.

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