The Izumi family, which originally enjoyed tranquility, is now moving in another direction.

Because there were so many of them, they began to form small groups based on their respective bloodlines and distance relationships.

Completely in line with the laws of social development, they started to cling to each other.

The rejection just now of Megumi Kamino, a guy who doesn't know the heights of the world, is actually a manifestation.

Now there are very obvious signs in front of Izumi Masamune.

For example, on this side was Kangna, who was nestling in her arms and staring at her small round legs while eating, as well as Alkoa and Thor on the opposite side.

The three dragon ladies are in a group.

With an aura that is completely different from human beings, and a size that completely crushes other girls except for Kangna who is holding him back, this is the most powerful and terrifying little gang at present.

Then on the other side, there are two combinations, the Gogenge family and the Yukinoshita family, based on their blood relationship.

There are three sisters in Wu Geng's family, but Zhuxi is still too young to be able to fight for the time being.

Mrs. Wu Geng was just an ordinary middle-aged woman and did not join the battlefield.

Therefore, it can be said that Wu Gengjia, which has the most competitive potential, still has a lot of room for development.

Then the three of them sat together, the Yukinoshita mother and daughter, who showed a different etiquette and elegant way of eating than the other girls in the family.

Except at the very beginning, Yukinoshita Harano and Yukinoshita's wife, who were very tired because they had just been brought back by Izumi Masamune, had not eaten for a long time, and they showed a special look.

But for now, it seems that Mrs. Yukinoshita and Yukinoshita Harano have not told Yukinoshita Yukino about their relationship with Izumi Masamune, so the three Yukinoshita family members have not yet managed to get together and become one. Grip.

This time he was also called over.

In addition, there are two sisters, Mai Sakurajima and Toyohama Kazuhana.

However, Toyohama Waka is still in a state of vigilance towards Izumi Masamune, and only Mai is fighting alone.

So it can be said that it is slightly better.

The rest are the girls who have successfully gathered together due to each other's karma.

For example, Nanami is temporarily living in the Yamada Fairy's house, and Amelia is a good friend of the Yamada Fairy.

The three of them formed a team for a while.

The only one is the cute little Sagiri.

Because we currently have the best position and advantage.

It should obviously be the most advantageous position.

However, due to a series of foolish operations, he has not yet found a teammate, and is still squandering his huge advantage.


Masamune Izumi was eating and looked at the girls working in groups on the big table in his home.

There was sudden silence.

The gathering of this small team really put a lot of pressure on him.

It seems that it has developed in an uncontrollable direction.

It's like an emperor, facing the development of a small team under him that has begun to go crazy, and each combination already feels out of control.

It’s not that I’m physically out of my depth.

In fact, seeing so many beautiful girls, Izumi Masamune was in a very good mood.

Look at the beautiful scene of colorful flowers.

They are all their own women.

But this kind of atmosphere is not enough.

Small teams are formed one by one, which makes it convenient for Izumi Masamune to play, but at the same time, there are many problems.

For example, the rejection of other teams leads to difficulties in further integration.

And because the butt determines the head, several small teams unite with each other, and there may be rejection of new people who join.

What Megumi Kamino did just now was a performance.

Azong, something is pushing against me.

Kang Na, who was holding the fried shrimp in her little hand, and didn't even need to peel it off, was just eating it with a crunch, and suddenly said.


Feeling the pairs of beautiful eyes staring at him at the same time.

Each one of them looked at me with anger, resentment, or shame and annoyance.

Probably, probably.

Izumi Masamune, whose goal was to be the Lord of the Crystal Palace, suddenly felt that he was not very suitable.

The second class in the afternoon is the time for the cultural festival.

With Ma Ryo's classmate volunteering to come out, Izumi Masamune had time to come to the school gate of Otonogizaka alone.

Because of his special characteristics, Izumi Masamune, whose identity has been notified for a long time, easily walked into Otonogizaka Girls' School, which is the paradise in the minds of countless boys.

Compared with when so many people were watching and chasing me when I first came in, things are much better now, and many girls even say hello to Izumi Masamune.

With Muse's victory, Otonogizaka subsequently announced that he would stop abolishing the school.

Although there is no direct connection between the two.

It's more because of the power of the magical Mr. Money, but that won't be the case for these little girls.

All they know is that the muse here has won the grand prize and successfully saved Otonogizaka, and that there is also a unique vision, which has opened a green channel for the girls of the muse to practice, including asking for leave, and many girls have become muses. Chairman Izumi of the Tenth Miracle Man.

So everyone who saw him greeted him with a smile.

They were all looks of admiration and admiration. Occasionally, some people had wrong expressions, and they all looked like deers bumping into each other. I hope to exchange mobile phone numbers with them.

Izumi Masamune was deeply moved by the fact that his family was divided at the moment and he was endlessly busy with various things.

It's really comfortable here.

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