Okay, stop making trouble and go in first.

Emmm, but that girl does have a unique temperament, I didn't expect it.

Thinking of what happened just now.

Although Erkoa didn't know the cause and effect of the incident, he could roughly guess some things.

The surprised eyes seemed to be telling Erkoya's surprise about Izumi Masamune's actions.

Am I such a beast in your eyes?

Looking at the woman with a black line, Izumi Masamune asked.

Isn't it? Mother and daughter all have your aura. Indeed, such a combination is very attractive to men.

Erkoya smiled as her fingers tapped on the man's heart.

Push him away with great perseverance and let him go to greet other girls.

This guy's appearance here is specifically attacking Yukino all the time.

Before pushing it away, he pinched Wenruan and looked at the confused Erkoya, Izumi Masamune added.

No, actually the older one is more attractive to me.

Sagiri was currently carrying her small schoolbag and jumping towards home.

Although when she first came out to school, Sagiri still showed some resistance.

Because of his parents' tragic accident in the past, he developed a resistance to the outside world.

But with the help of Izumi Masamune's fitness therapy, the girl finally successfully got rid of the shadow in her heart.

After staying in school for two days, Sagiri's mood gradually improved.

This kind of life is what she likes. She goes to school, listens to classes, and then when she goes home, she can see her favorite brother and eat special food prepared by different big sisters.

So delicious.

Very quickly, Sagiri realized one of the essences of human beings, the fragrance.

Everything is perfect, except for this familiar guy next to me.

The cold eyes full of disgust are so fierce.

What on earth was he thinking at that time, that he would actually consider a guy like Teru as a new ally to replace Hinata?

My name is Kamino Megumi, and I am Izumi Sagiri's classmate.

Purple hair bundles tied the long brown hair into a ponytail.

There was a little blush on her cute face, with a smile, her eyes narrowed, her mouth slightly opened, and her little hands held her schoolbag in front of her.

Full of the unique energy of female junior high school students.

The girl was not tall. She raised her head and introduced Masamune Izumi with an energetic smile.

Helping the younger sister who had already happily run to his lap to take her schoolbag, Izumi Masamune, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at the guy who came home with Sagiri.

After such a long time, suddenly Sagiri’s classmate came to visit.

Izumi Masamune has a kind of surprise when his autistic daughter is visited by a friend, and he also has a kind of surprise when his wife's beautiful best friend comes to visit.

Anyway, there are all kinds of strange emotions mixed together.

Sagiri's classmate?

Yes, I'm the monitor, huh.

Responding energetically, Kamino Megumi took a step forward, stood on tiptoes, and found that he was still far behind. Then he regretfully continued to look at Izumi Masamune.

Speaking of which, big brother, are you Izumi's brother?


But you two are not related by blood, so it really doesn't matter if you live with your sister alone.

He put his finger on his lips as if thinking, then raised his head and asked curiously.


Sagiri grabbed Izumi Masamune's pants, and her little hands couldn't help but strain at this moment.

Staring at this woman with murderous intent.

I thought you were just acquainted with me, but now you raise this question, it's super annoying.

Ignoring Sagiri, who was already a little angry at the moment, Izumi Masamune looked at this guy with a strong sense of déjà vu.

It feels so familiar, this look.

Kind of like Ishiroha.

By the way, the one who once played a natural character.

The completely unlovable Hikigaya Komachi, the degraded Haruno, the disguised Jo Kagami, and the super-enhanced Sagami.

Such a type.

Um, Kamino-san.

Just call me Ah Hui. I also want to have a good relationship with my eldest brother, so please just teach me my name Hui.

His eyes blinked, and he opened the distance slightly just right. He made a fist with his little hand and put it next to his mouth, looking shy but expectant.

It really makes people unable to think of disgust at all.

Next to her, Sagiri's eyes widened, her cheeks bulging.

This guy is so scary.

Then, if there's nothing else to do, just come here first.

Said to Kamino Megumi.

Today is a special dinner at home.

Including Yukinoshita's family, there were already a lot of people.

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